Euevzzks qf Cuc2¢mbe¢·s and Ralafed Plzmfs. 27
MS genera. This same description and similar figures are given
all in Glover’s report for 1855, still without assigning a technical l
_ name. In the Report of the United States Department of Ag-
md riculture for 1876 other figures are given that might easily l
'i¤` represent a distinct species, and the author says by way of d€· -
1dY scription : " Their habits are much the same as the rest of
b a the Aphzaes, and their colors vary fro111 green to a decided l
im` y€llO\V, Striped with black on the upper side ofthe tl10f?1X.
A more full description of them may be found in the Patent
Otiice Agricultural Report for rS55." 'With this brief notice
Sect is given the name .*1,/>hz`sg0s.g1y5z'z` for the first time. .
Ons It the basis of a. species name niust be "(t) an itleI1tiii€llDl€
vets PUlJliSll€Cl description, 0r (2) a recognizable publislleil ilgl11'€
the OY plate, or   the original type specimen or speCi1llellS 21l>$0·
t as lliiely identified as the type or types," then it is to be StlppO5€d _
5OW_ that Mr. Pergande had before him Glover’s types, for the €l€· _
scription and hgures published by Glover are not a safe basis y
tton for deciding that the Ajnhfs mczuzzcyis of Forbes is th-e A. glos-
ept- .9/_;§z`z` of Glover. Certainly the melon aphis is not striped with
cu- black,. as Glover represents the cotton aphis in l1is latest de- ,
t ac- Scription and rigures.
Er Of TM`?/,g*‘/cssjb2‘x1z (from melon).—Body oval i11 general shape, _ -
’t be Widest near the middle of the abdomen. Length about 0.06
was inch, greatest width about 0.025 incli.MAiitenn& eleiitleriiitap- .
S€?t' ering, about 0.0+ inch long. A short tubercle on each side of
mm` the body above the first pair of legs. Several smaller tubercles
they are ranged on each side of the abdomen and a rather large one is i
dfll situated behind the honey tube. Honey tubes of medium length, l
The rather stout, thickest at base, slightly contracting outwards to
ilidef the fiared tip, which does not surpass the tip of the abdomen.
’r CV` Color green, varying to greenish black. Feet (also tips of
’P€“S tibire) and honey tubes black.
them i’iQ.7Zg`(’l{ fizrm (from melon).—More slender than the wing-
UOUS less form. Length of body about 0.06 inch. Greatest diame-
QE ter of abdomen about 0.02 inch. Antennae 0.05 incl1 long.
Wirigs about 0.08 inch long. Tubercles along sides of body