Eyzemics tf CZl[Z¢77Zb€7'S and Rc/alcd P/anis. 31
ar. ·one finds a few eggs ou, the upper sides of leaves. When en-
le gaged in placing the eggs tl1e bugs are so sly that the task is I
es likely to be accomplished before the mischief is detected, and
sh by the time the plants begin to wilt badly, examination gen- A
en erally shows the presence of both eggs and young. Much of
ia the egg-laying is done during ]uly. My earliest date of ob-
serving eggs is july 5. I have others collected july 21, and _
1r- still others that were taken from leaves August 28, though
tre part of these are only empty shells, the younghaving escaped.
all The egg measures o.o6 inch in length, byo.o4 inch in diam-
by eter and is about o o5 inch deep, being thus somewhat flat-
rm tened. It is, as commonly see11, oval in general shape being
ge thickest at the middle, the two ends alike, and blu11tly
:es pointed. Each egg is firmly secured to the leaf by a glue se-
l1e creted by the mother. The stirface is smooth and shining, the V
ad, color varying from white, when fresh-laid, to deep bronzy ,
ie- brown when old. The fully matured egg is of a bright rust . I
ap color (ferruginous) before the developing young within 1
is begins to darken the color. A large oval cap or lid separates
he near one end of each egg at the time of hatching and is pushed
Ch off by the escaping young.
,b- Y0mz_.g·—(ny111pl1).—The young leave the eggs soon after ,
gay these are laid, and have been found by me on July 5 when the i
he first eggs were observed. They hatch at intervals during a I
les period of at least two months, for I have found them with the
eggs during August, and in O11€ case a lot of young were col- i
ies lected by an assistant September I5 that ranged in size from
ley o.2o inch to 0.48 inch, being thus in some cases but recently  
ily hatched and in others fully two—thirds grown. Unhatched '
by eggs have been collected on August 28, so; that it is safe to ,
ge- say that the young come from the eggs in this region at any
ten time from July 1 to September 1.
__ Wlieti just hatched the squash bug is very different in shape
,gi€ and color from the adult. The head, antennae, beak, legs, and
De- the region of the back at the bases of the legs are of a pinkish
»¤°» or reddish cast, and change by the second day to black. The
mis rest of the body is pale green, minutely dusted with black,
oth The thorax is now rather slender, the greatest diameter being