Read This.

(Formerly The Idea).
PublUhed every Thursday throughout tho College year by the student body
of the State University of Kentucky, for the benefit of tho students, alumni and faculty of tho Institution.

The winners of the oratorical contests conducted by
the Patterson and Union literary societies are given
medals in appreciation of their victories and as mementos of important events in their lives. The winner
of the championship of the school in oratory and the
representative of the University of Kentucky in the
State contests receives the satisfaction of having won.
Everyone will admit that this is not altogether as it
should be. Certainly there should be some recognition
of the fact and some honor paid to the young man who
is supreme among the students in public speaking.
Will not the faculty make some provision for this?
Some alumnus could endow a prize of this kind at no
great expense. Will not some one give this matter
M. J. R.

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL is tho official newspaper of the University.
of furnishing to its subscribers all the college news
of Kentucky, together with a digest of items of Interest concerning the universities of other States and Canada.

It li Issued with tho view

Entered at Lexington Postoffico as second-clas-

mail matter.

Dart N. Peak
Assistant Editor
Managing Editor
Miss Anita Crabbo
"Squirrel Food"
William Shlnnlck
MIm Rebecca Smith
MoClarty Harbison
AthleUc Editor
Exchange Editor
J. R. Marsh
Locals and Law Julia Vnnnrsdnlo. . . .Homo Economics
J. T. Qooch
Harry Melton
Mechanical Herbert Graham
S. J. Caudill
Miss Elsie Heller
Education Miss Anna L. Whitworth. . . .Sororities
O. D. Nance, Jr
Putt. Hall
Agrlculturo Eliza Piggott

W. T. Cottlngham
H. J. Evans
Miss Mildred Taylor.

Estill Woods

J. Harris


of long green ho rovived sufficiently to go on with tho misery.
Tho wedding wns a great bucccss,
aside from tho fact that somebody forgot to bring tho ring, tho smnll crowd
present, tho punk music, tho'
pair, tho bad cold tho minister
hnd and tho general lack of Interest.
Small details such as tho poor appear
nnco of tho bridegroom nml the lack
of pulchrltudo in tho brldo nro nlwnys
overlooked at weddings."

The Kentucky Kernel

Also at Kentucky.

Watching their steps with clumsy
Some reeling youths dnnco by;
And flound'ring round tho floor do

M. C. Finney

Business Manager

Whilo twanging "uks" do cry.

Credits Where Credits Are Due.





with fearful

The Kernel wishes to bring to the attention of the
faculty the matter of giving credits toward graduation
Thero seems to bo a row;
For ov'ry now and then resounds,
for participation in University activities not connected
"Get off my feet, you cow."
with class work. In particular, we believe that college
The Kentucky Colonel Says:
soda jerker.
dramatics and literary society work should be encourNo, suh, I am not for Statewide proon The plaster drops from off the walls
aged in this manner. At present the rewards accruing hibition. I live in a dry county now "The bride entered the churchvery The floor creaks and groans,
the arm of her father, who was
to students taking part in work in the Dramatic Club and that's bad enough. I shall most ill at ease but apparently determined 3ut still thoy Bhout their signal calls
and the literary societies, while sufficient to compensate certainly oppose any law that will to see the thing through to the bitter In bawling raucous tones.
in a way for time and labor expended, are by no means make a man travel more than two hun- end. Miss Jones was about the most
a sufficient acknowledgement by the University of the dred miles for a drink of whiskey, unhandsome bride that ever wore Then suddenly tho meaning clears
cheesecloth draped over lier head, and "Practicing for the Prom"
debt it owes to these students. The Kernel believes that suh.
the smile she wore on her face was And when tho timo to dance
the faculty, if the matter is brought to its attention,
nervy They'll act without a qualm.
enough to frighten anybody less
This Glad Leap Year.
will see the wisdom of assisting these activities to be- "Don't ever propose in the dark,"
than Smith. However, it is reported
come the forces they should be. More than one memSaid dainty Maymle Chiep,
that he owed old man Jones about They have their signals learned
ber of the teaching corps has already expressed his ap- "Your motto should be 'safety first' two hundred dollars and that the only
way he could get even was to marry Each man will do his best
So look before you leap."
proval of the giving of credits for such work, and there
his daughter. Therefore, he marched And ev'ry one will do his part
is a possibility that they may be awarded next year.
up and took liis medicine like a man. To swipe feed for the rest.
Useless Acts.
The Stroller play is now a thing of the past. The
(Colo.) Silver and Gold.
Buying a new pocketbook for the The bridegroom and the best man,
organization is to be commended on the excellent play races,
Arthur Brown, slippered shamefacedgraduates
According to reports,
and the
spirit displayed by the actors
ly down the side aisle and finally
although Smith of the University of Pennsylvania are
A Cheerful Correction.
reached the altar,
and the other members of the club in putting it on. The
An article appearing in The Times stumbled over a ridge in the carpet actively engaged in the present Eurostage manager is authority for the statement that not
pean war. Silver and Gold.
less than seventy hours were spent by the cast in actual some two or three weeks since to the and said 'damn' quite audibly. The
effect that a man and his wife coming city's most persistent soloist, Miss
rehearsal, and that the outside study put on their parts from the
Only five institutions whose attendto town both got
Whistler, sang in her accusby the players would bring the total amount of time drunk and that the man lost his wife tomed screechy way throughout the ance is over 600 do not admit wospent by them to fully the amount expended in a two-ho- in the time of it and was here next performance, to the great annoyance men. These universities are Harvard,
class throughout an entire year's work. Surely it morning in a futile effort to find her, of the best man. Miss Whistler sings Princeton, Dartmouth, Gerard and
is not too much to ask that these students be given a was in error in saying the husband on the slightest provocation and it is Georgia. Silver and Gold.
credit or half a credit, if that is too much for the was drunk. We havenot from the man said of her that if she could get to the The first college paper in America
drunk neither trenches she could force the soldiers
himself that he was
same work that brings two credits in class work. Aside drinking and moreover that he doesn't to die with a smile on their faces was started by Daniel Webster at
from athletic contests, perhaps nothing gives to the drink at all, otherwise he says the after they had heard one warble.
Dartmouth in 1800. It was called tho
University so much favorable advertising as the annual story was true. Jackson Times.
"Arriving at tho altar, which, by the Gazette. Miami Student.
way, was adorned with four decrepit
play, and it is just as true that this play is one of the big
Women who are out for baseball at
The city editor of a dally newspaper palms and a dollar and a half's worth
college events of the year. At present all the rewards
the University of California will bepease, the
once upon a
the Strollers receive are a modicum of short-live- d
glory to a wedding, time sent a him reporter of sweet tho minister, whole bunchO.was gin their spring practice this week.
to write met by
and the consciousness of work well done.
a good story on the affair. The cub Loud, who had been selected probably Miami Student.
But it is the literary, societies that need help most. had been educated in a school of jour- because he has the saddest face in the
The Dramatic Club takes the students' time only for a nalism and knew that a good reporter world. When he reached the fatal
Roy "Brown is one of tho most
is always truthful; hence he turned words that made the pair eternally
part of the year, and the organization is flourishing
bound until divorce and alimony, if prominent men in our fraternity."
both financially and in reputation. The same cannot be in the following snappy story:
Jones "But ho never did anything
"One of tho sickliest affairs ever there be such, shall separate them,
said of the literary societies. With no funds except the pulled off in our fair city was the Sarah shouted, 'I will,' so loudly that around school."
dues assessed against the individual members, and little wedding last evening of Joe Smith and Smith was startled. However, after Roy "No, but he always pays his
or no encouragement from the faculty or the student Sarah Jones, which was solemnized tho best man had slipped him a small dues." Illinois Siren.
body in general, there is little to attract students to at the Fifth Avenue church. The conthese societies. True, those who win medals and repre- tracting parties are
in tho
sent the University in debates and oratorical contests city, especially in social circles. Mr.
are the recipients of praise and get their reward. But Smith is reputed to bo one of the best
the rank and file who attend the weekly meetings and
in the State and Miss
never appear before the public receive nothing but the Jones is known far and wide as tho
Have you seen those swell Engbenefit of their experience. The literary societies, in the stupidest and most impossible belle
lish Last Shoes we are showing
Kernel's judgment, should not only be given credits, but In the older set. Both have beon unthis season? They are sure beauties; made in mahogany calf and
if possible an appropriation should be made from the successful In their efforts to get into
gun metal calf. They fit like a
funds of the University toward maintaining them at a matrimony heretofore, but the match
glove and stand the knocks. They
high standard.
are Just the Shoe for tie Dressy
Is regarded as eminently satisfactory
Young Fellow. Prices,
The Kernel believes that the students who do things to tho general public. After a wedand 5.00 the pair.
are the ones who should be recognized and assisted and ding trip of two days Mr. and Mrs.
we doubt if any member of the faculty would oppose Smith will return to town and will bo
The Special Shoe Co.
the giving of these credits. However, if there is any ob- at the homo of tho bride's father, who
20 West Main Street,
jection to the program suggested in this editorial, the will furnish them free board. Mr.
Lexington, Kentucky.
editor is at all times ready to give space to a discussion Smith will then return to Robinson's
Gy Hanks, Manager.
drug store, where he is a prosperous
of the matter.

self-sacrifici- ng



"cut-off- "



