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I ~—-——· — - ~ —   -»-· ti- _i:l; -· · 5;;:;;
1. Fare - well, my dear breth-ren, the time is at hand That we must be part - ed from this so - cial band; QE;
_., _ _ -..... A11 A
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————-\;. —————- "  _-   = · - »· J;--I-r;¤i  r  
2. Fare - well, faith - ful sol-cliers, you’1l soon be dis - charged, The war will be end - ed, your boun - ty eu · largcd,  
J B b
__. il . I tl.:
· “ - _, - , f’= 1 . ·_ `" , Bah:
· — ——,, · ¤  ’ F=? - =     in
.._ —  _ E- __ ¤$ ~ · - · ~ gn,.
8. Furo - well, young-er breth-ren, just list - ed ihr war, Sore tri · als a - wait you, but Je - sus is near; goin
_ _ _. H .._- ._. .... 5 ;>_ I 2 1}:;;
‘ ‘-‘ --` - ie-; E’;&rL v-e-W   ` · `—¤_ "i` “`”
1;-· - -  - ` is-- °·
  · ié ——— C22:
- ‘-" ` · """* ' ' Clmr
Our sev’ - ral en - gage—ments now call us a - way, Our part - ing is need - ful, and wé must o - bey.  
-1;*- - --‘-- L- -§‘_;- I — - E- `§',§*?’
§s~; E-s-e--t -‘-¤iT“--‘ s 2 rs- ; .M~t.-¤- e v- s. s gyfis
  " - - l--F-ii -1- Q- . - _ - · - - ‘ "‘*i
‘- - . - ‘   - -‘, - - _ up —· · e 822;
With shout-mg and sing · ing, though Jor - dan may roar, lou’1l en - ter fnir Ca - naan, and rest on tho shore. Chu,
—  . Ch 'S
. _ 5 _ _____ .   __ ____ 1 2 Clliiis
• I U ‘
·‘Tb-·-__- P- f- _ I - 9-:9   . -— - - - Skit?
-Z[}Zl... -- .- - I ____ __ ¤ %__ r Come
' -]:1 ._.. .._.  -- .._. ~ g¤m<
Al-though you must tra - vel the dark wil - der - ness, Your Cap - tain’s be - — fore you, he’ll lead you to peace. , Cgiiii
5 Farewell, trembling moumers, with sud broken hearts, 5. Farewell, careless sinners, for you I must moum, 6. Farewell, my dear brethren, farewell all around, I Gone
0 humn to Jesus, and choose thc good part! To think of your danger, ifstill unc0ncern’d; Perhaps we’1l not meet till tho last trump shall sound  · §°"d`
' Ref; futlofnompnsslnn, and mighty to save, I rend of the judgment, where all must appear, To uiect you in glory I give you my hand, s  
{Qi umn up extended, your souls toireueive. How will you stand trembling with torincnting funr! Our Saviour to praise in zi uuro soeinl hand  ` gm},
· , Jonv