1 A
a _ A. O¤rm:nL1o¤ .................. 299 Good old Way ............. 156 King or Poms .,...... . ..... 6 New Topm .................. M': r Hose ofsharnn ......... N200 1'Mn wcrld 1.1 mt my , 
. A.n`h:nm¤ ............. Pngc..11G Cookhnm ................... .. 8 Gospel Tidiugs .,.. ........ 273 Kingwood ................... 98 New Jerusalem ........... 125 Royal Proclamation ..... .146 homo . ..................... 293 {
· Album .......... . .........   23 Crcsq of Christ. ............ 35 Gospel Trumpet .......... 271 Knoxville . .................. 1-10 Ni¤eLy·third I’sn.lm.... .. 7 Tbcruy Desert ............. 83
· Allis weU ................... 306 Crucxtlxicn ........ . ......... 25 Greenfield ................... 121 Niuuty·fifth Psalm .....   Z! S. Thou nrt passing :uvay..32¤¤¤¤f¤r¤¤¤r¤¤·258 ·r¤-mlner ..................... vg
Amity ,.,..................... 311 Davis .......................... 15   H- Mander _______A_______________ 128 Ocean ......................... 180 Sni¤t’¤ Delight .....·....·. 104 T,-"emng Pijgyjm ________ 3;;;
_ An Address for ull ........ 99 Dnvidls Lnmentatiou ..... 213 Hail Columbia .....,....., 141 mm-, ______ _ ____________________ 149 O como, como Away ...... 144 Sslem,C.1\I .................. 12 Transport __________ _ ________ 152 `
_ ~ Antioch ...,........... . ....... 318 Duyspring .... .. ............. 315 Iiullclujuh .................. 139 Lenox ,,,...,,..,.............. 77 Odv 011 S<=l¤¤¤¤ -··········· 210 Salem, LM ···-···-·······-·· 63 Tribulation .................. 119 .
_ ,1,11..;.17.., ..................... zas Delight ....................... 102 Ilallelujah, C.l\1 ............ 107 Liberty .,.,.,...,.............. as Oh! turn. Sinner ·--·--·-- 263 S=**¤***¤¤ ····--·-----···~···- 84 Truo rmppxnm .......... 127 ‘
, Q Aylesbury ................... 281 Delight .. ....·................ 167 Happiness .....,.........,.,,. 38 Lgudnu _____________ _ __________ mg Old Hundred ...... . ......... 22 Smmnnthrn .................. 322 Tmmpug _____________________ 5-, `
_ ; Azmon ....,................... 181 Derrick . ..................... 199 xmumr ...................... 4 Lisbon ,..,.,,.,............... 154 Olive Shudo ·---------·---·-- 330 $**¤*i¤** --···--·-·---········· *2** TurL1e Dove .......,.......... 43 L
g Detroit ........................ 40 nappy Land ................ ss Liverpool ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 Olney ......................... 61 Snluwtion -·-··---...--...-. 143
B- • Devotion ..................... 13 Ilurwoll ,.......,..........,.. 192 mm, pgygmu _______________ 255 Ormuville ..,..... . ........... 10 Schcucvtndy .............. AJT8 U_ 3
  mm or Bethlehem ....... 78 Disciple ...................... 123 Heavenly Amour ......... 93 Long sought Home ....... 302 Ou J¤¤*`¤¤Y U¤¤¤¤ ··-·-· 327 S°l****‘*‘**°¤ --····-··········· 30 *·
§ Babel Streams .............. 52 D1$1·I`8SS ...... .. ............ ... 22 Heavenly March .......... 253 Long Time Agp _,,__,,,____ 313 P. Sh¤*"‘¤» ········-··· ~ ·····-··-· 12* Unlfm -············· · ········- · 39 ;
= Babylonian Captivity...1iM Dove 0fPence ............. .. 89 llmveuly Vision .......... 206 Lguigigug _____,,,,__ _ __,___,, 62 Pacoleb .............. ......... ....... 106 Sl10I*b¤1'd ·~··-···--··--·--··-· 235 UPVJU ····-··················-· 153 ,
3 Ballaerum. .................... 267 Drummond .................. 196 Hebron ........................ 288 Luther ________________________ 159 Pnrdouing Love .....,,.,... 268 Slwpl1¤rd’s Star. ........... 310 Uxbridgu ..................... 173 .
` I Ballstmvn .................... 162 Dublin .............._.......... 13 Hebrew Children , ........ 266 PurL1ngl·`rieuds ............ 35 $l\§¤'b¤1’¤6 -·······---·--····· 280 ` ` _
V Q Behold the Lumb 01'G0d..320 Dudley .............. . ..... ....250 1lick’s Farewell ..... . ...... 19 M· Parting Iluud ......... . ..... 113 Shlflalld -··--··-···-·-······· 286 V-
` Bcnevvnto ................... 317 Duke Street ................. 291 lloly Mauna ........ . ...... 103 Martial Trumpet _,______,_ (3] Pnstorul Elegy ............. 1-17 S}l\'¤*‘;S£1”•¢€1i ---···-··-······ 280 yamou ________________________ 34 -
Bound for Cnnann ....... 193 Duu1np‘s Creek ............ 276 llupn .......................... 272 hlgrygvillg ,,,,,.,...,...,,,., 6 Puuiteufs Prayer ......... 290 $*¤¢9*”*'·.V ········ _ ···-···-····· 101
Bower of Prayer .......... 70 Hopewell ..................... 326 Mm, ......................   24 Pilgrim ·-·-···- . --..·......... 150 S1**§!***S Cl**i¤****¤ ···-····- YM w_
numb ........................ 39 E- Ilumble 1·u¤m>¤c ......... 172 mm-.¤0¤ ..,...,,,.,,,.,,_,, 4 1·i1gri·¤·s Song ............. 106 S¤¤_¤q1 Hand -·-··-···-.·-·--·· 112
Bruce; Address ............ 132 Easter Anthem ............ 190 lluntiugton ................. 169 Mgmyq, pm, ______,_,,_____ 304 Pilgx-1m*s Farewell ....... 158 S0l}¤¤t¤d¤ ·-··-·· · -·---·-·-·- 69 Warrenton ......... , ....—.... 04
C » Eden uf Love ............... sos I ;.;mm, ...........,..,....,.. 07 1·i1g¤·1¤»·¤ mr ............... 138 ggiwdc ggwl ···--·--······· igg gv-1;*¤z*¤¤ ·-···-·-··-···--- M7
· Jadom .... 7 ..................... 177 · Middiebur .................. 17 l’iSz=*11 ··-······---·-···---··--- 80 ”*”" ° “"** ·········· *’**‘* ******** ·-·-···-······ ····2S¥
Canon ......................... 19 Elthum .......... . ............ 307 Idumen ...7 .................. 31 Mgdnighggry ,__,_,,__,_,_,_ 32 1·1o1wunt 11111 ............... 66 $¤lvw¤_Th<>¤1;h¢ ···-··-·-- 29 WM·=lmm¤’¤ Coll .......... 65
Captain mud ............... so Elysian ....................... 100 Imuuura ..................... 134 Millodgnvilla ......,,........ soo Plenary ....................... 262 $*****;*******15 New ········ ~·--25* WM i*¢1>¤r¤¤¢¤*¤ ··----··- 94
cxmnegwwn ................ 23 may ......................... 2ss 1m¤¤m·¤ new ............... 34 nmumaum ,_..,_.,,,_,,,,, 7;, 1·m·r¤g¤1 ..................... 287 S1>¤r¤t¤¤1 S=¤i1¤r ---·-···-·-- 41 \*j¤··w*·-k -.·.................. 2u1
Cheerful. ..................... 91 Emu ........................... 181 lmmensity .................. 319 giinism-*5 FMBWB11 _,_,,,, 14 Portuguese Hymn ....... 136 $DP**::¤¢ ····-···-~··--···-··-- 284 \1¤¤·jy |’llx:r‘im’¤ Conso-
China .......................... 276 Evening Shade ........ . .... 46 Indian Convert ............. 133 Mission _____,,_, , __,____,_____, 96 Precious Bible ............. 311 $'»1*¤V·**¤ ··—··············-·-·· 274 l1*¥1·‘¤ ----·----····...r 1 .... 298
Christian, orCarusvi11o. 26 Exhilaration ................ 54 I¤dinu‘s 1·`¤rewe11 ......... 25 Missionary Fnmweu _,,,__ 3R Primrose ..................... 3 SKB? 1*1 the }‘Y***jt -········· 10 “j·¢bF§~‘¤' ····-···-····........ . 10
Christian Song ............ 129 Exultutlon .................. 88 1udi¤.n’s Petition .......... 260 Missionary Hymn _,,_,,,__ 111 Promiaod Land ............ 51 S¤**` pf C*>l¤¤1b*¤ ········· '-ZOO “_H¤‘\>l¤J; S¤"i0\11' .......... 7
ghmmm Coumcts _______ 131 _ Ingemmgou __________ __i_v__3g.; Missimmry Song __________ my pmspect _____________________ Q2 Stonnrngtun .................. 279 \\_¤l<·h ................... . ..,. 109
, Christkm Prospect ··______ 3% F. I¤¤,,l.mguti(,n ________ __:_;249 Missiomuyrs Amen _______ 290 pmgpmg of Heaven _ _____ 24 Supplrcntlon ........ _ ......... 6 \\_•el1s .......................... 278
Christian Soldier, C. M., 45 Fulrtield ............ . ......... 48 In that morning ........ ...19-1 Miggissippi ,.,....,,,..,.,... 148 Peterborough ................ 183 S¤*Y¤*`***l-W OY Ch*‘*5l~ ··--·· 85 “*’1*·**“ ·--··--······--···-·· ·--W3 {
_ Christian Soldier ........, 95 Fuitllful Soldier .·...·. . .··· 122 l¤Vl\:1(l0¤ . ........... . ...... 2 Montgomery ,..,............ 170 B. Sumum ··; ··················· §1 wcslcy ····· ··-······-· -·-·-··· U4 ;
_  Chrlstinu \\'a,rthre ..... .. 37 Family Bible. ....... ·· ...... 20 IDVHSUOD DEW ·-».·..··.. .303 Mount Zion,. .............. 175 Rapture ............ .L ....... 333 §“`°“'· A(H{°u°¤; ··*········ 2**9 “_hE’“ I nm Gong ··-··---· 305 1
_ Christinrfs Farewell ...... 334 Farewell ................ .-.... 81 Invocation ..... . ............ 72 Mommy _____________________ 4.4, Renaming G,-me __________ 56 bwcct pxlvimg lwd¤·r·¤...2**0 A \\_1utcstown ....... , ....... .11;::. ~
C1u·isti1m’s Hope ......   74 1·`nrcwcll Anthem ......... 214 Iouia ...... Q ................... 165 Morning stm- ________ , ,_____ 115 };€dempg;0n__ _______________ {gg §Wev¤ ll¤\¤‘¤¤<*¤y ············ 69 \\_]ll<·u;;l¤by .. ........... ....m7
‘ Claremont , ..... .. ...... . .... 183 Ycmala C0¤V1c£.··. ...... ..160 ISlBB of U18 South ....·..· . 86 Morning Trumpet . ....... 195 Remember me ............. 324 S“`°°’· H°‘“'°" ·'‘··•*•'‘··‘· 312 “_¥l""" ·············· ··-···•--IM
Columbus .............. . ..... 55 Fidurla ............. . .......... 92 ' Morning Worship ......... 285 Rcpcutuuce ......... . ........ 161 Swcct l}‘“Y'° ················ 251 “_!"dh"Lm ······-············· ‘¥$
com a1mlt;x.sta7w·‘1thmo.105 Florida ........................ 120 J· 1•.10um¤ra¤g vang ....... .. 87 lleposo ........................ 15P $“‘¤** *0*******0 -·—·-·· ··?··*55 “,******* · ··············-·--·~· 293
com yo Damn ...... zs4,as1 mm 0fGl¤ry ............ szs Jefferson ..................... 42 1\1u7.u».1 Love ............... as Rengmuou ................. zu Fmt *’¤·¤v¤¤* --·-· · ·-··· *¢*Z **_·>··¤*···*s·¤ *··>v¤~-· - -·--- 2¤¤
Communion _____________,,_ 10 1"runch Broad ......... . ..... 265 Jerusalem .................... 11 Rgswrution ................ . 5 Sweet mw"5 ··············· 1**1* “,"°*u‘“'d ······-·· 1 - -··· UU
V (jgmpmiuey ________,_,_   13 Funeral Anthem ..... 4...187 Jord:1n‘¤ Shore ............. 318 N- Rhode Isluud ............... 145 “ "*"'°“'°*' ·····   ·•~ ····- W7
Coniideuca ................... 55 l·'uu¢-ral Thought .`..... ...257 Joy to the world ..r...... 281 Nashville _____ _ _________ v___g71 mpycy ________________________ 2;,2 T. Y .
Concord ...................... 321 ·l¤bll<‘¤ ······-···-··-·--·--·-· 118 Never purt nguln. ......... 198 Roxzlnustcr .............. . ..... 270 '1`undvr Cnrc, or Sous0InLiou.. ................ 17 Garden ll; mu ............. 90 Newburgh ................... 29li Rockingimux ................ 169 * '|`hu good uh! \\‘:1y ......... 1515 1 . ,
Consolation new .......... :38 uuorgin, ..... Z ................. 7 2 K· r New Your ............. . ...., 3351 1lu·kiu;zhum .......1........ 300 I '1`hu Naerrow \\`uy .4....,... 2811 * Ze , J
· Cclntmnmd Soldier ......... 314 Ghuagmv ....... .. ............. 295 Kambln ..... . ................ 154 New lluvcn ........ . ........ 15111 Rook of .1;5··s ............... 275 ’ '1'hc Iluvk ..................... 120 Zion ......... . . . .. ......... 273
j J0nvorl.cdT11icf ............ U Uood 1‘11y¤1uiun ............ 49 liedmn .............. . ......... 11 I New Urlouus ............... . 70 llumish 1.udy ............... bz T11o·'1'ruu1peI,eu·¤ ...... ,...301 1 Ziuu’a1.ig1xt ............,... 270 /
~ ‘ 1