Aubry at daylight, 411; account of by Chase; origin of name of; members of band of; George H. Hoyt in command of, 412; headquarters of, 417.

Eeed, -:   Quantrill passed

night in house of; wholesale liquor dealer, 128.

Eeedmiller, A.: killed in Lawrenre Massacre, 387.

Eeel, Jerry: started to warn Lawrence; injured by fall of horse; may not have started until after Massacre, 331.

Eeid, Captain John W.: sacked Osawatomie; had been a brave soldier in Doniphan's Expedition, 290.

Eemington, Major J. B.: went with author to visit patrons of Quantrill's school, 87.

Eemington, Mrs J. B.: accompanied her husband and the author to visit the patrons of Quantrill's school, 87.

Reminiscences of Quantrill's Raid: referred to, 335.

Benick, Chat: went to Kentucky with Quantrill, 457; death of, 461.

Revolver, the: an account of, 320.

Beynolds, Lieutenant -: sent

in pursuit of Quantrill, 255.

Beynolds, Dr. Charles: Winchel as "Aunt Betsy" saved by, 374.

Beynolds, Samuel: killed in Lawrence Massacre, 387.

Beynolds, Governor Thomas C.: wrote a terrible arraignment of conduct of Price Baid, 218; article published in Texas papers; Missouri looted and despoiled by Price, 219; compliments to Quantrill in Price's letter to, 437.

Bhodes,    '   -: brutally murdered

by Missourians for saying indiscriminate murder was not war, 214.

Bice, Charles: one of the squatter court to settle account between Beeson and Torrey, 67.

Bidenour & Baker: powder-house of at Lawrence broken into by Quantrill, 126.

Eidlon, Lieut. J. M.: statement about Terrill in National Tribune, 470.

Eiggs, Charles P.: killed in Lawrence Massacre, 386.

Eiggs, Judge Samuel A.: knew Quantrill as Charley Hart; prosecuted him for burglary, larceny and arson under that name, 110; prosecuted Quantrill for his crimes at Lawrence, 126; escape of, 360; portrait of; saved by courage of his wife, 366.

Eiggs, Mrs Samuel A.: courage of; saved life of husband, 360; desperate encounter of with guerrillas, 366.

Eiley, William: attempt of border-ruffians at Lawrence to kidnap, 106.

Boach, -: killed in Lawrence

Massacre, 387. Roberts, Belle: went to school to

Quantrill, 87. Boberts, Eliza: went to school to

Quantrill, 87. Boberts, Flora: went to school to

Quantrill, 87. Boberts, Judge Thomas: statement

of   about   Quantrill's school;

Quantrill boarded at house of,

87; released Quantrill on writ of

habeas corpus, 190. Boberts, Thomas F.: went to school

to Quantrill, 87. Boberts, Eoxey Troxel:  went to

school to Quantrill, 87; described