Research Results in Brief B|¤·=k R¤SP*>¤¤v V¤··<=*·<==S _ »
(Cmitimierl from Page 7) In the second producing year at Lexington and I ~
. . . . Eden Shale, Bristol continued to be the highest pro- ·
homcmakers to buy a specific food item during the  
. . . . ducer, followed by New Logan and Cumberland. ,.
month before the interview. This was revealed in a ¢· 
study of factors affecting decision making by over i
. . . . . .   —
6,000 consumer—fam11;es 1n 110 urban areas in SIX POULTRY SCIENCE E
.south;·rn states. (Kentucky workers compiled the data.) —` .2
This influence increased as the level of the home- EH t f F_b _ All h L _ D_ t  
» · · - GC I €I' II1 — G `f""
makers education rose, as per capita mcome rose to 0 mcs ying Ie S ,
$3,000, an;l as the homemakeris age increased up to I¤¢l¤d1¤s gmmld dats UP td a level Of 30 1)€m€m s-_" ¤
(i() for the white and up to 50 for the Negro home- had a S¤¤¤¤1a¤¤e adam fm agg 1>1`0d¤<>¤0¤ for hens E
makers. (Cooperative with Agncultural Economics.) laamvmg a com Soybean Od meal basal dma- Addition
of 60 Jercent oats however, adversel affected ro- .
> P
  duction and feed conversion. When equivalent fiber —
. A
ll()liTl(»Ul~TUP¤E levels from cottonseed hulls were added to the basal l"
  diet both egg production and feed conversion were ·
P0f¤$$'¤m N·*r¤t¤ as T¤m¤*¤ F€"I"I'Z€" adversely affected. An effort to improve a low-protein
Potassium nitrate gave significant increases in both diet by lowering the energy content was not suc- Us
early and total ields of tomatoes over ammonium ni- cessful. ,
· . . . f` .
trate and potassium sulfate. In some cases the yields
were better when a complete fertilizer was used at the   `sss
» . . . . r ~
start, followed by potassium nitrate applications. RURAL SOCIOLOGK 1. ·
Ss"°wb°"Y v°"°sY Tests Adoption of New Ideas by Formers J
Of the 13 varieties pf strawberries thpt fruited lat In Vvashingtou County, the higher the fm_mP]_»S Gdu_ A ,;  .
l·"X"'fd"l‘ alld Edcll is mic “‘l1‘)§°0» gjlxl am was iw cation, socio-economic status, scale of farming and I
ml) ywldf" uf l1°“"‘a“"‘ am 1¤¤¤·¤¤·*¤~ at Ef Cn participation in formal social organizations, and the l ` =
Sllflld more favorable his attitude towards scientific farm- .».
ing—the greater is his inclination to contact institu-
·. V pw   ~    ,..-:   ··»»»»»==» ·   -i‘··=   --.-  . ti011€1liZ€€l fiU`m mfOUT1at1(m media (agYiC1dtm`al agad
 _-:>r..l`:.~; ,_ ·. ;:&>;—·#·`*   I   ig;   ;_ _ ` ",_,    I _ · . ' `
· " . » _ -?’   `”   t   _»   ··“=‘   ·- i_ I; _____ cies). Once he learns of a new idea 1n this manner,  
  .... i .....·.. ‘   »—---   ,.,_ . _,,_    ""**!§Q ··___   ,____, _ y e  . . . . . . .
.» 1 · ~   .,A. ; ¤j -.»·  ;_   ,.·   ·=_-5   ··__ g   ·,.· the probability he will use it IS directly related to lns
" '     *-92* .»·.= `   `t.`‘‘  Y *3. ‘·‘·`.   i'‘   — — . . . . * ‘
  pg scale of tanning operations and how favorable lns attr- "" 
. ;`      w e               , . .
“s¤ =;x”      .;;_ · ’· gg;-c-.     , tude is towards new farmmg ideas. ag.
¤ - L   ifri   e. .  * *¤·ft7i’;;` , ,J ”  ,i’§ ` ,   _5_f ~    _ , _ _ _ _
1     i     ,;  ; s  .. =.  — ,_i    The l1lgl1€l` the farmers scale of operations and his V;
· r    4 -_ ·_-» " ;5,'i_T#   r  ,‘j:j’  m _~"~;_‘Q·;    ‘` 2   . . Q . - . . . " ~ .
" >·    .  ‘- fggv  {L  f j ug" `·  `  __ participation m formal social O1`g21l1lZ9.t1011S—t11€ more
‘ _    YV.?-¤"Y ·  - 5*    extensive his contact with mass farm information M
-· *R.I`·` 5 ii}- ° Y ~l       ` ~  ~  "  `— i·’*·’; · · ·
   ,  {   it __ij‘;?$"'s¢~~..—,—·4°?,¥.· ."_, w;    . media (newspapers, magazines, radio). Those who L
sf ~. _j- Q »;  —  git     _ ~  —_*~,K ·`~' _, ! jr`;    ."  pj  _ e »_ _ _
 gpg, —  ~e_,j    - ·¤•» f    ,= have had more than an eighth grade education and
°  ·E·.¢f'*  `. ;  ii ' :      _ ·_    who have high levels of formal social organization par- Ga
 .’-¥`  ~   nf; A T2 1    Lee- *~Ji . . . . . .
 #.—¢¥;` eagéa·»z-;..g    if `· ..,  qs —     ~%2~¤<§\;‘iKa t1Cl)tlt1()11 are l1101'€ likely to try new ideas famed ,—
1 . , ,
Black and red raspberry planting at Eden Shale Farm. tl11'0U§§l1 1112138 U1€d1a·
Kentnuky Agrieultnnal 1*]xperinn·nt Station 'T V 
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