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k The Games People Play
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l I Tournament wins highlight I _
I men s volleyball season. I I
T Volleyball (`ltib President InvitationalTournament. held an- I i *’°`\_ ,
1 , . . . . . ___ _ V .
r ShonLtbbyantieipated a bttsyyear nttally at Vanderbilt University. »{_· ki »
. lor the club. Gaining recognition The Cats won the chatnpionship V T V. 
l helped the e|ub`s ambition ol` over Florida State University to   s    i _
‘ eventually going varsity. clatm their lirst victory. " . · _t_    j_ , ·°*·‘~ , =
. , . __, . . . _;§:  . ‘ , _ I
The club plaved in the Cardt— The win was big and is a   V I -. .
nal (`rttsh against the University great momentum-butlder lor the   ·` _ ‘
ol` Louisville alter the women`s spring season." Libby said.     I
· · I · · - · '~Y§'··€-Z   y Q ~I ·,» It : I
varsitymatchagainstthe(.ard1nals The club raised most ol its    ... ·= ·e»  - I
at Nlemorial Coliseum in isovem- own lttnds. while the university IV `s'; i I q Il€,V " ° E
I It   "  I*°‘$; 
. ber. matched all lttnds tip to f>l.(I()(). " »—    ’-’  is  ¤ I. {
"Ihis was the lirst time we Io raise money. the club spon- .  Vw, é _   { V  _ "  I.
. . I "   ’ I~ > :4 e  i. -·;.·I   ' I of
ula red lI ol L and we ex vected to sored a lall tournament and >lav— r   ’‘’‘    ge e;. I
I > I I ~     are      
win." Libby said. ".¤\nd we did." ers refereed intramttral volleyball   ` ii’· Q _I   »· ·
"llopelttlly we showed the matches at UK. y,      .., ~»~»—»g
neo ile on cant ins that there is a "Vollevball isbooming in the {     .     ,
I I I . e   I V .    
men s volleyball team on cam- United States tight HOW. uml OUT     » ffi 1  ‘ ‘``' I?   · "
pus." Libby said. program has the potential l`or a I I T"?     II  V  -II$ °  
The (`rush was an exhibition varsitv sport." senior John Cox   . ' W      I `iiii . “
. . , , . ' if Ia ` X ,. ».;,_ {
, Iortheinen sprogram. lheactttal said. ,4;..,,,*   I -   _vA_g V
season did not begin ttntil spring. I "¤ V *
I The teatn traveled to Tennes- ’*W-om i
‘ see Nov. 7-*) lor the Nashville .$`1~rgr/¤_vI)¢*:iv¢·:·Iimwri    
TJ. ll/leagher serves the ball to Morehead State Unlversitys team during the UK I * .t.,. W  
. Fall lnvltatlonal Tournament. which was he/d ln the Seaton Center. .e_ I`I“"°“‘~·» tem
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The Cool Cats hockey team continued
to have a very successful year. not i
y only on the road. but at home in the    
I l cxlngton /ceCenteras well. Theteam K r   ‘ _ V M  
advanced to the Southern Collegiate __. ,_ _..._ rr T  ~‘;§’°   sh     ¢-_-·   _ ` I
l locltny/lssocratron Playoffs and suc- t   \>.,V     II * I Q
cosslully defended lts championship A L" , ·s ! ; I * . i
bydo/catlng George /vlasonUn/versity I y   °`I , V  @92%  @" , y
rn the linal round 9-3. Ul< also captured }_{¤ _ V         V, V  
l/to Cltfl l/Vtillacc Cup lor the bestteam ‘       t. . Vl [G7 `:  IrII‘ - ? \{¢ <..  I    I
. ,` ‘ ‘ ‘ ·. ' gw   ·t~ ‘, I my . ; ` `
in llit.·lo.’1gttc. Sophomore Chad Goo-   A  I1: VA;   ‘ Inggyzri · c   V  
por toolt tho Torn Bebee Cup for the .·    I  _ ,-‘‘ ¥     ·       .
lt.uiotrt·'s most valuable player. The j II   ` ‘ _ , G. I EI,¤." " I    
ltnun trndt-·d the season with a 23-7-1     A I . ’ Wqf I     V ` I
rI.·cord cy.,  V;     I ·  
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220 Sports
* A 62