xt73n58cjs3f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73n58cjs3f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 2002 2002 2002-12-03 2020 true xt73n58cjs3f section xt73n58cjs3f UK men's basketball team loses key player for five weeksl PAGE 6




Three questions
about this bad movie:
Why? Why? Why?

| PAGE 3


December 3. 2002

Celebrating 31 years of independence

http: www.kykernel.com





J0illl room mm srm

Jerry Price, president of the Non-haditlonal Student Organization, takes out a book in his 9 IJII. decision and’ information sciences class.
Price and other non-traditional students say they face struggles at UK.

Back to the classroom: Non-traditional students face stereotypes,
difficulties navigating college system, say UK could do more to help

By Joon-kyeong Lee

Madelyn C. Twyman once
brought her daughter to class with a
cast on her arm after her daughter
broke it. The 10-year girl thought it
was pretty neat. “But she thought the
best part was going for lunch with
mom afterward,” said Twyman, a
part-time accounting senior.

Non-traditional students often
stand out from the crowd because
they frequently juggle full-time jobs,
financing, family and academic re-
sponsibilities, and that might mean
having to take a daughter or son to
class, as Twyman did.

Margie Cherry, a social work
graduate student, struggles to make
time to hang out with her son.

Picking between diapers and
books is always a problem, she said.

“As a non-traditional student, I
face many challenges that traditional
stugents don‘t comprehend," Cherry
sai .

David Carroll, a communica-
tions senior, who has done a class
project on perceptions of non-tradi-

tional students at UK, said one of the
most difficult tasks is class-related.

“When a non-traditional student
is thrown into the ,mix (of the class)
that upsets thegexpectations, and
things aren’t as nibe and neat,” he

Carroll said he‘s been stereo-

“Instructors often respond with
surprise when I make a comment
that the teacher didn’t expect to
come from a 3030mething white guy
-— I am expected to have a white
conservative view on the world,” he

“It makes it very interesting
sometimes, other times frustrating,"
he said.

Nationwide, more non-tradition-
al students are attending colleges or
universities. According to the US.
Department of Education’s analysis
released in August 2002, 73 percent of
all US. undergraduates in 1999-2000
were in some way non-traditional.
The figure was calculated by consid-
eration of job, part-time enrollment,
age and parenting status.

UK doesn’t exactly reflect the
trend, though. Last year, 32 percent
of the total enrollment was age 25 or
older and 19 percent were part-time
status, according to UK’s statistics. If
Lexington Community College is in-
cluded, the proportions increase.

Compared with 10 years ago.
these figures are slightly lower. In
1992, 57 percent of the UK students
were non-traditional students. That
number includes part-time students.

Non-traditional students aren’t
the minority. Yet their special needs
and issues are often overlooked when
UK budgets student services, stu-
dents say.

Older students need flexibility in
course scheduling, including evening
and weekend courses or correspon-
dence courses, said Cecile McKinney,
the UK Evening and Weekend Col-
lege coordinator.

Coping with foreign language
course requirements is also a diffi-
culty that older students often talk
about, McKinney said.

“Because they had been out of
school for a long time, they are usual-
ly unable to draw from any previous
foreign language background," she

See STUDENT on 2


UK makes deal
with Northwest

Cheaper flights: Faculty and staff get 5 percent off

By Rebecca Neal

An agreement reached between Northwest Airlines and
UK will give UK faculty and staff members a 5 percent dis—
count on business travel.

Marc Mathews, senior associate controller, said the dis-
count should help UK reduce its travel expenses.

“Last year we had a total travel cost in excess of $10 mil-
lion," he said.

The discounted flights must be booked through a desig-

nated travel agency, Mathews said:
AAA Travel. Avant Travel or Com-
monwealth Travel. Mathews said
other travel agencies will be desig~
nated as employees request it.

Bradley Canon, a political sci-
ence professor. said a discount
would help stretch his travel dollars.

He said his department gives him
travel money. but he went over by
about $300 last academic year.

“We get a certain amount of
travel money, and if you exceed it,
then you have to pay the difference,"

Canon said.

Canon said that discounts with
more airlines would be useful.

“I almost never go where North—
west goes.“ he said.

Mathews said UK also has
arrangements with ATA Connection
for employees personal and business travel. He said the dis-
counts range from 5 percent to 15 percent.

Mathews said the discount can be obtained by calling
ATA. When asked about a “star profile" code, faculty should
say “University of Kentucky“ for the discount, he said.

Jack Blanton. the senior vice-president for administra-
tion. said the flight discounts is the beginning of a travel
management plan that UK is developing.

“We‘ve had other discounts for lodging and car rental.
but this is a first for airlines," Blanton said.

Mathews said UK is looking at other travel plans.

“We're trying to model our plan after corporate travel.
like IBM," Mathews said.

Another professor said he wasn't sure that the discount—
ed tickets would be cheaper than his current arrangement.

“Hotwirecom has beaten any price I’ve found, so I‘d
have to compare this new discount with it,“ said Harald
Hoebusch, an assistant German professor.

Hoebusch said he thinks the online discount sites are
easier than going through a travel agency for the discount.

“I haven‘t booked through a travel agency in a long
time." he said.


Speaker to share
anti-abortion views

By Abby Heath

Kristen Vance said she sacrificed everything in her pur-
suit of true love and happiness. including her unborn child.
She thought she was doing what was best for her: now she
says she made a selfish choice, and it was a mistake.

Tonight at the Wesley Foundation, Vance will be shar-
ing her experiences with the UK community.

“I want to speak publicly so that hopefully others will
see the trap that I fell into and decide to go down a differ-
ent path in their lives. always seeking the truth in every-
thing before making a decision that will affect the rest of
their lives." she said. “I want others to avoid the heart-
break that I have endured and still endure because I
learned the truth after it was too late,"

Jessica Burke, the co-president of UK Students for Life.
the sponsor of the visit. said she hopes Vance‘s testimony
brings the debate over abortion

Court will hear college affirmative action case r

. . . . back into people‘s minds and makes
At stake: Justices wrll consuder how much weight,

people realize that a woman carries

experience—where you live. creasing. proof that race

it any, universities can assign to an applicants race


Supreme Court agreed Mon-
day to decide if minorities
can be given a boost to get
into universities, a subject
still heatedly contested a
quartercentury after the jus-
tices first addressed affirma-
tive action in college admis-

The court will tell uni-
versities how much weight.
if any. they may assign to an
applicant‘s race.

At stake are race-con-
scious admissions policies at
many public and private col-
leges, law schools and med-
ical schools.

The only time the
Supreme Court considered a
college race case, the justices
issued a split 1978 ruling that
banned racial quotas but

gave states little other direc-

Both sides of the affir-
mative action debate wanted
the court to try again.

Justices will consider
whether some white appli-
cants to the University of
Michigan and its law school
were rejected unconstitu-
tionally because of their
race, under the Constitu-
tion's guarantee of equal
protection for all under the

Michigan President
Mary Sue Coleman said the
outcome "will have a pro-
found impact on our nation‘s
higher education system and
on our race relations broadly.
Now is not the time to turn
back the clock."

“The color of your skin
determines so many impor~
tant things about your life

where you go to work and
with whom you work. Race
still matters in our society.
The ideal of colorblindness
does not mean we can or
should be blind to that reali-
ty," she said.

Opponents contend that
race-conscious policies hurt
white college applicants by
giving slots to less-qualified
minority prospects.

“They‘re also unfair to
minorities who are stigma-
tized and held to a demean‘
ingly lower standard," said
Curt Levey. a lawyer with the
Washington-based Center for
Individual Rights. which is
representing white students
in the challenge.

Levey said black enroll-
ment initially fell when race
considerations were aban-
doned in public colleges in
California, Florida, Texas
and Washington state. But he
said the numbers are in-

does not have to be a factor
in admissions in the rest of
the country

The Supreme Court an;
nounced separately Monday
that it would resurrect an-
other controversial issue:
whether states can punish
homosexuals for having sex.

The court ruled in 1986
that consenting adults have
no constitutional right to pri-
vate homosexual sex. Jus-
tices will reconsider that in
an appeal filed by two men
prosecuted under a Texas
law that makes it a crime to
engage in same-sex inter~

The court will hear argu
ments in the cases next year.
and its decisions will be
made public before July. just
as some justices may be con-
templating announcing re.
tirements from the court.

See COURT on 2


a baby. not a non-human fetus.

“Kristen was invited to speak
because she. better than any of us.
can explain what effect an abortion
has on a woman because she has
had one she has experienced it.“

Burke said.

Vance said abortion is a pivotal
issue. and she hopes to encourage
people to learn more about it.

”I hope that people will see how I stubbornly lived a
lie because I refused to see the truth. and I hope that they
will not make the same mistakes," she said.

In order to reach a wide audience. Vance shares her
experiences with college. youth and church groups. Vance
regularly teaches buzz groups at Fellowship of Christian
Athletes youth and leadership conventions.

Vance said she has found meaning in sharing her ex-

“Even though I sometimes face opposition. it is always
a positive experience to share the truth." she said.

Vance said she encourages people who are pro-choice,
undecided. considering abortion. or those who have had
an abortion to hear her speak.

“My story will be one of healing and hope and a chal-
lenge to indifference, so I would especially encourage
those to attend who think abortion has nothing to do with
them." Vance said.


The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky,







Continued from page 1

Only two of the justices
who considered the 1978 at
tirniative action case still sit
on the court Chief Justice
William H. Rehnquist and
Justice John Paul Stevens.
Rehnquist. 78. is considered
the most likely retirement
prospect. He was not at the
court Monday because of leg

"This issue is not going
to go away. no matter what."
said Theodore Shaw. counsel
for the NAACP Legal lie»
tense Fund. part of a consor
tiuin of groups that urged
the court to review the affirr
mative action cases.

A divided appeals court
upheld the law schools ad
mission practices lil May.
saying the (‘onstitution al
lows colleges and graduate
schools to seek "a meaning
fiil number" of minority stu
dents. so long as the school
‘lVOltlS a fixed quota system.

The 6th I'S (‘iiiiiit
(‘oiirt ot \ppi l s in ( lllt in
nati has not title (1 in a tom
panion case addressing
Michigan‘s undergraduate
policy. Justices took the mi

2 I” torsoiiY DECEMBER 3 2002 | itEtiructtv gum

usual step of taking the case
anyway. Without awaiting a

The last college affirma
tive action case at the high
court involved Allan Bakke.
a white man rejected for ad-
mission to a (‘aliiornia ined-
ical school while minorities
with lower test scores got iii
through a special program.

The court on a 5-4 vote
outlawed racial quotas. Jus~
tice Lewis F Powell wrote sep
arately that schools could still
consider race. so long as they
did not use quotas. Courts
around the country have set
contradictory rules. based in
pan on Powell's opinion.

“Matty questions cry out
for clarification." lawyers for
white law school applicant
Barbara (‘yrutter told justices
in a tiling.

About 13 percent of the
first year Michigan law stu-
dents belong to racial or eth-
nic minorities.

The Supreme (‘ourt was
told that without diversity
considerations. the number of
minorities III a freshman
class could plunge to fewer
than i percent. ()verall. more
than 13 percent of Michigan’s
$9.0m students are black. His-
panic or American Indian.

The cases are (lrutter v.
Bollinger. 02-241. and (‘yratz v.
liollingei‘. 02610,



Inspections continue

Iraqis look on as the vehicles of U.N. weapons inspectors leave
atter a visit to an alcohol factory in Khan Bani Sa'ad. 30 kilome-
ters (20 miles) northeast of Baghdad on Monday. A team said to
be from the U.N. nuclear regulatory agency visited three alcoholic
beverage plants on Baghdad's outskirts.







Continued from page I




Jerry Price, president at the Non-Traditional Student Organiza-
tion, looks over work with Stephanie Estes. a fellow non-tradi-
tional student, in their decision and information sciences class.



“I spent extra money getting a tutor for a required
Spanish class." said Jerry Price. the president of the UK
Non-Traditional Student Organization. Like the math tu-
toring program sponsored by the math department. a sim-
ilar system for required foreign languages is needed. he

Affordable childcare. convenient academic advising
atid equitable transfer of credit are more issues the tini-
versity should address. Price said. “We need a leg-up. Even
the Donovan Program for senior citizens is supported by
the university for academic and age diversity." Price said.

"My husband and I have made the sacrifice to live on
one income. so I could finish my education. We can barely
afford diapers. let alone childcare.“ said finance senior
Stephanie Estes. a mother of two children under two years

“When classes are not scheduled conveniently for peo-
ple like me. it makes it difficult to fit in the classes I need
to graduate." she said.

To work with these issues and help each other, non-
traditional students have gathered under the Non-Tradi-
tional Student Organization. Established in October 2001.
so far. it‘s a "selfhelp group" receiving little funds or aid
from the school. The group is working with several chan—
nels to increase interest through scholarships and ser-
vices for adult students.

The members‘ regular activities include picnics and
discussion meetings. The next meeting is scheduled Dec.
it: at .3 pin. Though the title is non-traditional students.
Price said the organization is open to all members of the
IYK and I.(‘(‘ community

"No discrimination of any kind allowed." he said.







Selected reports from the UK police trout
Nov. 25. 2002 to Nov. 29, 2002







Nov. 25: Theft from 343 Martin Luther King
Blvd. reported at7 2.2 a. m. two watches and two
rings stolen from basement mens dressing





Nov. 25: Theft from Redmons reported at 2:58
pm. ID. and license stolen.





Nov. 25: Suspicious person reported at 3:36 pm,
female panhandling.




Nov. 26: Theft from 465 Rose St. reported at 6:29
am. unknown persons broke into vending




Nov. 26: Criminal mischief at 850 Rose St.
reported at 7:33 am.. car keyed last Friday in
parking garage.



Nov. 26: Suspicious person at Taylor Education
Building reported at 2:56 pm, male harassing
persons in building.





Nov. 27: Burglary at 725 Rose St. reported at 2:23
am. lockers broken into.





Nov. 27: Criminal mischief at 1400 Nicholasville
Road reported at 9:37 am. damage to vehicle.



Nov. 27: Disorder at 300 Alumni Drive Apts. 228—
242 reported at 1:31 pm.



Nov. 27: Trespassing at Scott Street Building
reported at 3:47 pm. older woman panhandling



Nov. 28: Criminal mischief at 329 Columbia
Terrace reported at 9:56 am, someone threw
bottle through living room window.



Nov. 29: Theft at 700 Woodland Ave. Apts. D2-
D227 reported at 1:12 pm. keys stolen.




Source: UK Police Loo at www.uky.edu/Police and police



Compiled by staff writer Emily Haoedorn






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It was fall semester 1993 and I was a freshman who had big hopes of
becoming an artist and living the "American Dream."
constantly looking for fulfillment in whoever I was dating at the time.
I believed that I would be content and happy ifonly I had that special
someone to share my life with. l sacrificed everything in my pursuit
of "true love" and "happiness" including my child. I believed that my
baby was not yet a person because I had been constantly fed that lie
through high school. I wanted to believe that my baby was more like
an animal going through evolutionary changes. I wanted to believe
that he couldn't feel anything. and I wanted to believe that he wasjust
a blob oftissue. My heart was telling me that all of those things were
lics but I wanted to believe them because I had reached the height of
selfishness by making my own priorities more important than human
life. It was only after my abortion that I found out the truth. For years
after that I suffered the impact ofthc choice I had made as I became
more aware ofjust how human my baby was.
contentment and happiness that I was looking for in my career or in
another person but I did find True Joy and True Love in the saving
grace ochsus Christ. (‘omc hear the whole story on Tuesday night!


9:00 pm. Tuesday December 3rd
Wesley Foundation (508 Columbia Avenue)

I was

I never found the





Sarah Zopfi
Scene Editor

Phone: 257-1915 I E-mall: pettyglrilBOhotmall.com











Towering heights: Film
takes various sports
above usual expectations


Last summer. we had
XXX. about an extreme
sports artist who captures
his elaborate stunts on video-
tape. then tangles with East-
ern European terrorists.

Now. we have Extreme
Ops. about a whole posse of
extreme sports artists who
capture their elaborate
stunts on videotape. then
tangle with Eastern Euro-
pean terrorists.

But the movie should
have been called YYY u as
in. why was it made? Why
would any actor want to ap-
pear in it? And why would
anyone want to see it?

The impossible plot and
laugh—out-loud dialogue
would have been tolerable if
the tricks were impressive.
But the blue—screen effects
look fake. and it‘s obvious
where the actors end and the
stuntpeople begin; so Ex—
treme Ops isn't even enjoy-
able as a guilty pleasure.

The climactic stunt —— a
group of skiers anti snow
boarders try to outrun an
avalanche , has been done
better twice already this year
in the new James Bond
movie Die Another Day.


The naturally visual sub-
ject matter was far more en-
grossing in a 1999 IMAX doc-
umentary that followed the
real athletes titled, appropri-
ately enough, Extreme.

Here, we're stuck with
prissy producer Jeffrey (Ru-
pert Graves), gonzo camera-
man Will (Devon Sawa), and
intrepid director Ian (Rufus
Sewell), who are shooting
footage for a digital video
camera commercial.

In front of the camera
are punk rocker Kittie (Jana
Pallaske. a Fairuza Balk
look-alike), idiot daredevil
Silo (Joe Absolom), and
Chloe (Bridgette Wilson-
Sampras). an uptight gold
medal-winning downhill ski-
er who’s only included for


celebrity face time.

While exploring the
freezing mountainous ter-
rain -— which looks neither
freezing nor mountainous -
Will accidentally shoots
video of Pavle (Klaus Low-
itsch), a Serbian war crimi-
nal who faked his own death.

Pavle is hiding out with
his saucy. fur-clad girlfriend.
Yana (Liliana Komorowska.
who‘s married to the direc-
tor, Christian Duguay), and
his blindly loyal son. Slavko
(David Scheller). And be-
cause it's a small world up
there. Pavle hears about the
videotape and assumes that
Will must be a CIA agents.

He and his garden-vari-
ety thugs hop in their heli—
copter and try to blow away



Sports enthusiasts
take their love for
thrills to the limit
in the film
Extreme Ops.
Highlighting snow
skiing. snow
boarding and many
other sports,
Extreme Ops
promises intense



the snowboarders so that
their dastardly plan for
world destruction, or some-
thing. is not exposed.

But there‘s still time for
high-altitude hijinks. involv-
ing Chloe and Kittie in a
beer-soaked hot-tub romp.

More baffling than what
the terrorists are after is
why these actors said yes to
this project.

Sewell is a classically
trained British stage actor
who's played Macbeth on
London's West End. Graves
became a heartthrob in the
mid- ‘805 when he co-starred
in the Merchant-Ivory film A
Room With a View. And Wil~
son-Sampras ,_. wife of ten-
nis star Pete — couldn't pos—
sibly need to work this badly.













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'UK Students for Ufa, 9:00pm, Wesley Foundation

'Alpha Kappa Psi Meeting, 7 30pm, 8&5. Rm 148

'Anlma, 7:000m. Student Center, Rm. 119

'Alpha Phi Omaga Pledge Mootlng, 7'00pm, Student Center,
Rm, 359

'UK Lambda. 7:30pm, UK Student Center, Rm. 231

'TNT Worship Service. 7‘30pm, 429 Columbia Ave

'uvandar Sociaty Meeting, 6,00pm, Student Center, Rm, 106
‘Convarsatlonal English Class. 5 300m, Baptist Student Unron
'Graan Thumb Environmental Club Meeting, 7-00pm Student Center, Rm. 106
'Loftist Student Union Maoting, 8 000m, Student Center Rm 228

’Pro-Llfo Spaakar on PAS, 9'00pm, Wesley Foundation Rm Basement


'L.E.A.P, 10:00»10:508m Frame Hall

'Math Tutoring. 6.00-10:00pm, Commons Rm 307

'Mlth Tutoring, 6'00 10‘00pm, Holmes Hall Lobby

“Physics Tutoring 211/213. 700 9 009m, Commons Rm 307


“UK Iasltatball Gama vs. High Point. 8:00pm, Lexington, Ky
'Womon's Rugby Practice. 4:45 7 00pm, Rugby Pitch

'UK ShaoIIn-Do Karate Club 5 6 30pm Alult‘lll Gym Ltrii
’Taa Kwon Do practice, 6.30 8:000m, Aiumm Gym Lott

' “The am of Life Challenge"

" Alpha Kappa Psi Damit Ceremony 7 30pm, Bark Rm 148


'Pro—Physicai Therapy Sfudanr Association, is 30
7 30pm, W T Voting LIaval Tutoring h 00 t4 00pm t rrrw- u' ~, ram .itl'
’Advancod Japanese Tutoring H ()0 9 HOUH‘ thl.’ u . i'lt‘l 1 rrw ; w (nut rm trust
for the room

'Math Tutoring, 100 5 Oorm~ Math 9mm.” v hm w om
'Mlth Tutoring, 6 00 10 00pm HHIHNE’) Hi1" ert>lry
'Physics Tutoring 211/213, 7 00 O (Jot-m Hir’rrrrn, Hun tilt): ~.

'Franch Tutoring, 2 00 4 OODWVKo‘i‘l'lt‘.iittfH.i1‘twirl,»


‘Woman's Rugby Practice, A if) ‘ 00pm R‘itzhy P It it

'Equastrian Taarn, 8 000m no Ninth St mm;


'Sigma Alpha Epsilon/Alpha Delta Pi~Christmss Party

' "The Gift of Lifa Challenge"


'Art at Lunch, 12 30pm UK Art Museum tum

'UK Lab Band and Jazz Ensemble Concert, 7.10pm ‘5 . uu-i w» l r-- it“
'Franch Film Sarias. 7 000m Vou'm Llii'tily Aurt rim

Weds 4

arm ,

’7 wiswmw' Bil 111 "(1

Irv inn.


'Prr Physician Assistant Studios Student

Association, 5'30pm, Health Smences Learnrnq Center RM


'Insthlrta of ROIIgion: History of Tho Church of Jesus

Child 0' WOMOV Slim, I? 00 I? 500m UK Medrt Bl

Building 3'" Floor

’Owotlons I Lunch, 1? 009m, 429 Columhra Aw $1 00

“Frost-man Focus. 7:30pm, Baptist Student Union

'Convorsatlonai English Class. 7 30pm Baptist autumn timtm

'Iynsrgy. 8:009m, CSF Building

'Arnnaaty lntarnational Mutiny, 7 00pm Stirrle'vt Certe: Rm 228
’Iaolnnlng and lntarrnodiats Japan-so Tutoring x no 9 00mm Vr ungt

check the circulation desk tor the mom

'Fronch “norlng.3’00~4'00rrm Keenelanrt Hail [hill-y

'm Tmorfng. 12’0075'000m. Math Resource Center 06.1 Clas4”:an u; 1 mt -,

‘Mouday Open Moon, 100 3 oonm mt Av! Mncn u» rw.

min l My





1‘51“}; ,: 2

Will Messer, Dialogue editor

Josh Sullivan, asst. Dialogue editor
Tracy Kershaw, editor in chief
Travis Hubbard, SportsDain editor


Amanda Hardaway, cartoonist
Therese Bratten, cartoonist
John Wampler, photographer
Wes Blevins, columnist








aqua m luewu»
