for example, the Soviet Union on   Q
Czechoslovakia in 1968 and   m
. Afghanistan in 1979, or when the  
leaders take strong ideological stances.   E
i "Ronald Reagan’s use of language in   G
his ‘Evil Empire’ speech was clearly  
inflammatory. The choice of modifiers   m
I was not designed to calm nerves,"  
, Nelson said,   m
5 G Although there might seem to bc   S
indications that the problem of  
  [  r {    MV ry   Q5 j r ¤   y:;.;e;;  =·v. ;.j_;;·j,:I,     €OITlI’Dul1lC2l[iO¥l is WOI`SCTliUg, l\ffV€ €V€l` b€€“· MAUY   I
, Vg; · VV   a- _VVy_. ¤"    ,-r-·  r   X V the d€nOtan0nV OI. dicnnnary meaning universities around the   are IIQVVV   <
V  i _  V ,,,,;,,5,4VV VV,  V_       of words, but in their connotations, the TCCCli’1fig, OH 3 Cléllly basis, the Soviet S if
F     i         V fr` meanings suggested by or associated €V€mV¤§ ¤V€W5 QV0§¥`¤m lfmlya OU V   L
i   » ____ __ ,  l,  V       ·V·r· é Vt   with the WOrdS_ ==EV€n when the satellite dish. ”1 he long—range prognosis   6
{   V VV   W      dcnotatinn Of a Word is tdgnttcal is that the two sides will have a greater  
    ff"' VV r ‘ ‘"   ‘t’-   - - zi  A (‘unemployment` is when people are }’“dCY$**“{d_‘“g Ol thm lcfms th°Y usc   <
A nil .... .   `trai,   .    .“ out of work), the Superpowers accusc rn the pohtrcal nrenn," Nelson  
`     V , ,_     , V ; p K., each other of failing to take into €Omm€m€d- V V _ i 
Y  _i;_.¥l U · " `’//   .c_7   '   consideration the needs of the workers. He l`¤OP€$ that lhls PVOJCCI Wrll lwd [O
    ttiv     ~             And connotation can be manipulated 3 Stronger €O¤€OVd€m€€ bclwccn {llc
    .VV 2 “ ' r   _   .   AVVV ~     ng   V for political purposes regardless of SUP€VPOW€Y$· R€S9afCh has bccn
i         *t          ._Ay r-i:. . t ...t Z d€nOt&tjOn_" completed on 35 of the tif) terms
l   A ,i=ltt `   ,       t-t V   Cormotation especially breaks down Selected by the U.S. information
{   ; E     V   V   r_-_ V   when sides begin to cite examples. ·’$§€¤CY» find 20 have bw'] Wm *0
t .: ..·ri...:       ‘  V  V ' ·      ,» V ~  "G€nOCjd€_" Where dogs it Exist, diplomatic posts in booklet form.
    ..l.    V T      1 under what conditions? When has it USOOILM Nelson $€*Y$· "nll 40 CSSZIYS
l   V    Y Occutygd? The U_S_ and U_$_$,_R_ will be available in thousands ofcopics,
1   :_   WOl1lCl agree about genocide during the l"1&HdCCiVOut or mailed out all over the
I   »...:. ,»,¤t ..       _, Nazi period, but there is noV agreement world.
  i _  ·:¥f" at Y ‘·   ‘ about other U'l$[aUC€$ In which _  Wor/gr ix l/tc {l.\`.¥l·.\`[(l77f cr/{for of ()rf;w.i·qy, {4
  tif (2 if   I   A ,i thousands of people WCYC systematically [)ll[7flfCHtlAO7I Of [/IC   ]eCX(’0T(`/I I"(}Il7l([(I[l~(}l1.
i t  VV_V         A   V killed. In discussing Idi Amin’s reign in
      V A   \   Uganda, for example, the U.S. refers
      V t A · .»-· to the deaths of hundreds of thousands
of Ugandans as genocide; the U.S.S.R.
t         does not use the term to refer to these
l . • same deaths. The Soviets, on the other
l     ls hand, characterize as genocidal those
  • • South African policies that have led to
~       the killing of thousands of blacks; the
  . Reagan Administration does not see it
A To acknowledge differ- me war  
t • · • “The lack of agreement about  
1   In   ls   meanings is sometimes quite · at
L purposeful. To acknowledge differences · -.
      arg in meaning is to acknowledge that there
are two valid interpretations," Nelson
two valid interpretations. t>¤i¤¤<¢d Our-
  Problems of communication are not
  just a function of language use, but a _; _ _:_ _,,_ 5 ·._;¢ <_· __;.j,;  
‘ function of entrenched mistrust. The   jg, ‘· _   1-fl`   .___{g
i conceptualization oflanguage is merely T"` __   L r   "‘   T    
l symptomatic of underlying differences,   T .   ",Q_Z; _`ft_    
1 and its use is modified according to the _   i- ji “j,        
{ exigencies of events. {_ A V     ~i     ·:_€`t,
Nelson adds that the gulf of   YL t H   JL?  >'.k.,"a I ifi
understanding widens when the
l Superpowers take hard—line positions,
l l UK