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Honorory Degree Recipients  
Another festive graduation day has Patterson, born in New York to a  
come and gone. May 8 marked the family well known in Kentucky for its 4** _Y— ~   - ·
12lst UK graduation with over 1,765 distinguished record of public service, .  i\   ,  
members of the August and December was taught as a child that those with the     ga i
’87 class receiving degrees, and 2,864 opportunity should contribute to soci-   A i /   ¢‘ AA;
degree candidates for the May ’88 class. ety. She is best known in Kentucky for   ' `- Ag   it    t,      _
It is traditional that UK, by bestow- her active support of the Frontier Nurs- ..=’’        V.   ·»_  1 i  
ing honorary degrees at commence- ing Service; support coveringaspan of   · ,      "
ment, recognize the contributions of 60 years. In 1928, she served as the first A_  in    »
talented and generous people who have girl courier for the Frontier Nursing   A    - ' {ZA
contributed to the well being of Ken- Service. The organization, based in   2  __V_5_   Z
tucky citizens lor many years. Hyden was founded by her cousin, is   ii ,
This year”s honorees include Mary Mary Breckenridge three years earlier.   _  
Marvin Breckinridge Patterson, rcceiv- A Vassar graduate, she later returned ’ '·t·   i A;  
ing the l)octor of Letters; _]oseph A. to Kentucky to film The Forgotten Fran-  if I .
Boyd, the Doctor of Science; and Rob- tier, riding over 600 miles on horseback »    
ert I). Bell, the Doctor of Laws. to film the FNS handling childbirth and Jmeph BOW, ,,,6A ,49 A A
A _ other medical emergencies. She has
V   l g served on the FNS Board of Governors Boyd ’¢1-6, ’49 has enjoyed success in
.·   since 1955 and as chairman from three distinct and demanding fields,
Q 4 AA A i 1960-1975. each marked by achievement. He has
":.   M A '» She was also cited for her distin- been an educator, a scientist, and is
>_A   _   _ ' guished career as a published writer and now the president of Harris Corpora- `
·, \ V Q photographer, and as a CBS broadcast- tion, a manufacturer of communication A
, A . , ~ _ _»· `* er giving first hand reports on the Ger- and information processing equipment
A .— man invasion of Europe when the new for a world-wide information technolo-
`_   medium of radio was changing how gy market.  
A ” » — Americans viewed international events. Becoming a full professor of engi- l
On several occasions she was among the neering at the University of Michigan ‘
last to be evacuated from an occupied in 1958, he changed careers to become
country. the director of the University’s Institute ‘
, After her marriage to a diplomat, of Science and Technology. In 1962
  I" i Patterson gave up her career to devote Boyd joined Radiation, Inc., a Florida
_"‘_*·A her energies to supplementing her hus- aerospace communications firm. After a
Presitlent Roselle & Mory Breckinridge Potterson bzmdis Wmk and Was i¤S¥FUm€¤¥3l in merger with Harris Intertype Company
changing the perceived role ofa Foreign of Cleveland, the company became the
Service wife. Harris Corporation.
A fellow of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers, he is a vice  
president and director of the Machinery i
and Allied Products Institute, and a di-  
rector of the Southeast Banking Corpo- lA
ration in Miami, Fla. He is a member `
of the President’s Export Council which
works toward improving international
. trade, and the Florida Council of 100
Uk D