l which promotes social and economic an executive assistant to management.  pg;    . ‘ é { idt
’ growth in the state. He is on the board He became vice president for state rela-     J
of Microelectronics and Computer tions and was an administrative vice *5     ·»i` si
Technology Corporation in Austin, president, responsible for federal and ’%,     g  M i 
Texas and served recently as interim state government relations, public af-   ;' ;;._ _§ ~-’    `
chiefexecutive. fairs, and public and media relations.    V  I  "    V * e
He received one of the first annual He also served as chairman of the board    ,4;  V i _ A .
Kentucky Advocates Outstanding of trustees of the Ashland Oil Founda- ;   "" F    ,  ,2;*, "  is § ,
Alumnus ofKentucky Award, the OAK tion, Inc. Bell elected early retirement t V   \‘-*=;  “  
Award, in 1987. in 1986. ,,’     i l t ` 
Boyd has taken a special interest in He is chairman of Kentucky Advo- gl
i UK. He is a UK Fellow, a Distin- cates for Higher Education, Inc., sits on   V 
guished Alumnus of the College of En- the board of directors of the Governor’s if  
gineering and, recently, through the Scholars Program and Leadership Ken-   , J
i Harris Corporation, made a gift to the tucky. He is a member of the Prichard `
_ College of Engineering of an entire Committee for Educational Excellence,
computer system. the Executive Committee of thc UK
` Development Council and is a UK
Fellow. He is a former member of the
2:   Kentucky Council on Higher Educa-
, i  I V   tion and of the Kentucky Tomorrow
»  .i     {T?  Commission.
`  V:’   f i    For his work, Bell has received an
y  5 2   y honorary Doctorate of Law from East- I I
.  .·“'i     A ern Kentucky University and a Distin-  ,,1 ,
, 4  ‘   1 guished Service Award from Kentucky   V V ,__ _
l   '  t 5 State University as well.      Q  
l     A   ”  
~ i  Groduote Beginnings
Robert D. Bell '49
Bell V1-9 has distinguished himself in
service to the business world, and for
nearly SO years, to the Commonwealth
of Kentucky, including serving
l, the administration of five Kentucky
i governors.
l His business career has included posi-
l_ tions with Ernst & Whinney where he
` served as regional manager of manage-
ment consulting services responsible for
consulting service to state and local gov-
ernments through the Midwest and
Southwestern states. He later joined
Ashland Oil, Inc., where he began as
3 UK