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jxtligl THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
Extension Division
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,%,,1 Fundamentals of Live-Stock Judging
A Study of Types and Breeds
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Lexington, Ky.
February, 1921 V _
Ihtltlishett in t··»nm·t·tit»n with the :1grit·iiltui·zil extension work carried
on hy eou;¤¢·i·;itit»ii of the i,‘·»lli·;.rt~ t»t` ;\§l'iL`l1i[\ll`€'. 1`iiiversity of Keittucky,
with the l'. S. Iieinxirtiiiviit ot` Agriuiilttirm-, mid distriliuted in fiirilterntice
of the work wovitletl for in the Act of Cmigiwss of May S, 1914.