
following slate of officers of the Board: Mr. William B. Sturgill,
Chairman, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Vice-Chairman, and Mrs. Betty Carol
Clark, Secretary, and moved that the nominations be received. His
motion was seconded by Mr. Frank Ramsey and, there being no nomina-
tions from the floor, the slate as presented by the nominating
committee was accepted by acclamation.

     Mr. Ramsey then placed in nomination the names of Mr. Sturgill,
Mr. Clay, Mr. Griffin, Mr. Black, and Mr. Homer Ramsey as members
of the Executive Committee, with Mr. Sturgill as Chairman. There
being no nominations from the floor, on motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the Executive Committee nominations were accepted by

     D. Committees Arpointed

    Mr. Sturgill announced the
for 1978-79:


Albert G. Clay, Chairman
George Griffin
L. D. Gorman
Thomas B. Kessinger
William B. Sturgill

Student Code

George Griffin, Chairman
Betty Carol Clark
John R. Gaines
Eugene Tichenor
Sally Hermansdorfer
Constance P. Wilson

Hearing Committee

following committee appointments


George Griffin, Chairman
Albert G. Clay
William B. Sturgill
Thomas B. Kessinger
Jack Blanton

Medical Center

William R. Black, Chairman
Frank Ramsey
David A. Hull
Zirl Palmer
John R. Woodyard
Albert B. Chandler
Sally Hermansdorfer

William R. Black, Chairman
Homer W. Ramsey
Michael Adelstein
Betty Carol Clark
Thomas B. Kessinger

     E.  President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

     After reviewing a few of the items in his monthly report to the
Trustees, copies of which were distributed to members of the Board,
President Singletary recommended that the report be accepted and
filed. Without objection, it was so ordered by the Chairman.

     F. Recommendafions of the President (PR 2)

     President Singletary, after noting that the appointments
and/or other staff changes recommended in Part I of PR 2 were routine