Page' Two


Club. Mrs. Wilson was Olline go to the University of Kentucky. I
Cruickslunk Ml. They arc living at am bringing my students to the Uni103 Central Parkway
mailing address versity soon on a tour of inspection.
"I shall be in Georgetown next year
box 636, Schenectady, N. Y.
"Although a graduate of George- as superintendent of schools. It octown college, and have only done work curs to me that it would be a good
Editor 'AUmbrI Seerttary
Idea to have alumni visit the school
in education in tne Lfivtvcrs.ty, i:
and as I
' grand to feel that one has two college and address the graduates
Too often when our
t net contrast.
Kentucky and as I feel expect to have an outside speaker ad
duty we have mothers in
friends have done their
that each institution does a work dits dress the student body once a week I
spoken no word of praise. Alto we
tinctivcly its own. I can render alle should like to make use of the Alumn.
have offered no censure ef those who giancc
Somerset, April 13. Postponed
to both with no sense of d'sloy Association in this work." J- - W.
failed to do their duty.
from regular meeting. Address
alty. I am proud to be numbered Lancaster, Princ'pal, Bourbon County
"Kentucky'' has a fine record. All
by Dr. Funkhouser.
among the alumni of the University High School, Millersburg, Ky.
alumni should be proud of it.
April 14. Annual
of Kentucky as I know it reached
dinner-danc- e
and election of of- many thousands of boys and girls the
ficcrs at Edgewater Beach Hotel.
other could not reach and could not
Mrs. Maurice Weil, formerly Edith
Philadelphia, April 14. (Second
accommodate if she could.
Isaacs, is living at 606 North BroadAlumni Clubs Show Loyalty in Enevening
"As an alumna of the University, or way, Lexington,
Ky. Two future
tertainment of Visitors
meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
a citizen of Kentucky, I feel that
wearers of the Blue and Wlhite are
Members of the class of '23 enterTniiflrhirtv. 160 Greenwood Ave..
owe a fealty to it all the service
Maurice Weil, Jr., aged nine, and
tained by the alumni clubs at Pitts- can render.
Jcnkinstown, Penna.
I am a willing servant David S., seven years old.
inburg and Buffalo on their annual
Buffalo, April
and you may call on me and I am on
"While I have been away from the
spection trip last week praised joySaturday Regular) luncheon at'
the job to boost at any time." Mrs University" some 10,000 guiles during
ously the work of these clubs.
Ellicott Club.
Pratt H. McKee ex- -, teaching in Rua the period of thirtocn years, I am still
The relationship thus
April 14. (Second
sell Cave School, Route 3, Lexington interested in the work of the Alumni
underbetween the alumni and the
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
principal of Russell Association, and enjoy receiving the
graduates, therefore the University, Cave
Lafayette Hotel 12:15.
School is also a former student. Kernel, especially those that carry the
is a vital factor in the "Greater. KenLouisville, April 20. Annual
football news. Please note that my
tucky" movement. To Dr. P. L.
K. E. A. banquet,
address is changed from Manila to
who was largely
Charles R. Brock is secretary of the Iloilo, where I have a rather thrivfor the seniors taking the eastern trip class address 300 Wight Bldg., 1433
Birmingham, April 20. Annual
ing young business consisting of five
this year, goes a great share of the Champa St., Denver, Colo. Mr,
dinner for Juniors.
credit for the instructive experiences Brock is a member of the law firm of contracts under
mor bids in ready to start, in addition
The entertainment Smith, Brock and Ferguson.
of the students.
Saturday Regular) dinner, DixHe is to the merchandising of all construcprovided was of the finest.
teland Inn.
a life member of the Alumni Associa- tion materials from cement to galvan(Last
Frankfort, April 30.
tion, one of the promoters and earnest
iron. I should like to spend the
If arrangements could be made for workers in the memorial to Dr. Pat ized
Monday Regular) evening meet- vacation in Kentucky this year but it
every alumni group to be visited once terson, and always a
loyal and inter looks doubtful so far. Every wish for
a year by some such delegation of
New York, May 8. (Second
ested alumnus.
a successful year for the University."
undergraduates the "Kentucky spirit"
Tuesday Regular) stag luucheon
Another life member of the Alumni
A. G. Yankey, 20 Santo Nino, Ilo
would soon win over all obstacles.
the Harvard Club.
Association of the class of '90 and ilo, P. I. Mr. Yankey was district
The presence of Gen. T. Coleman loyal alumnus is Professor
James A engineer with the Bureau of Lands
DuPont, formerly of Kentucky, and Yates, Head of
the Department
of until the beginning of the World War,
Governor Tom Campbell, of Arizona Chemical and Physical
Sciences and in which he served as Captain in the
at the New York alumni din'ner and Director of Electrical and Mining
En Engineering Corps. He is now a con
their enthusiastic remarks about the
Alumni living in Louisville, teach future of Kentucky and the University gtneering, State Manual Training tracting engineer.
Kansas. During
ers attending the K. E. A. and many added to the natural elation resultant School, Pittsburg,
the 1922 General Assembly, he render
of the University from such an alumni gathering.
It ed a signal service to his Alma Mater
Mrs. R. C. Wilson (Olline Cruick- faculty will be at the annual alumni was the most successful ever held in
in writing such effective letters that shank; is class secretary.
(dinner April 20 in the Watterson New York City.
She Itves
he enabled legislators and others to in Schenectady, N. Y.
The program is one of the
change their point of view and sup
most carefully planned entertainments
Information concerning the follow
ever arranged in the Falls City. Alum ing former students of the University port the University. He received his
B. S. degree at the University of Ken
Jesse I. Miller is practicing law, and
ni have been invited to bring wives is sought by the Alumni Secretary
tucky and in '99, his M. S. degree at specializing in Federal Taxation, with
and sweethearts.
Class of '06
the University of Kansas.
offices in the Commercial!
President McVey, Dean F. Pfcul
Byron McClelland, Frank Raymond
National Bank Bldg., Washington, D.
Anderson, Miss Emma J. Woerner, Sellman.
C. He is president of the Washingof Louisville, Professor R. T.
Class of '07
A. J. Vance is class secretary.
He ton Alumni Club.
of Morganifield, and ProfesPaul Clifton Grunwell, Florence
sor W. J. Craig, Bowling Green, May Maddocks, Sadie Spears Martin, is with the Coe Manuafacturing Com
pany at Painesville. Ohio address
president of the K. E. A., will deliver Frank
Chester Paulin, Benjamin
"Please setad my Kennel to general
short addresses. Rodman Wiley will Franlalin Scherffius, Mildred Stiles, 118 Bank Street. Mrs. Vance was
Jennie Wilmott of the same class.
delivery, Ga'libn, Ohio, as I have been
be toastmaster.
Beverly Todd Towery.
C. C. Jett is with
the American transferred from Indianapolis to this
Letters sent to all the alumni teachClass of '08
Steel and Wire Company, Frick An city. I enjoy each and every issue of
ing in Kentucky schools, explaining
Benjamin Duncan Bell, Mrs. Robert
nex, Pittsburgh, Penna. He is presi the Kernel and it is my desire to get
the University's attitude toward the Delafield
Rands (Minnie Carfield dent of
the Pittsburgh Alumni Club. all of them so I will not miss any of
general education program, brought Frost),
Clinton Robert
Galloway. Address 7123
Idlewild Street.
the campus news." Jas. A. "Fred"
many interesting responses in the last eHnry Lemuel Herring. Oscar
Myens, with Maintenance of Way Di
few days. These alumni have played
Schultz, James Saffel Watson.
the part of missionaries in their sevvision, Big rour Kailroaxl.
Class of '09
Frank Daugherty is
eral communities. University authoriGeorge Francis Browning,
the Scofield Engineering Qompany,
ties have shown a keen sympathy with Byrne Ellis, Leonard Delong
Wallace 1324 Commercial
Major Allen W. Gulliofni was award
Trust Bldg., Philatheir work.
Class of '10
delphia, Penna. He is one of the en ed the Distinguished Service Medal
Milton C. Crafton, Royals ton Hay
thusiastic workers in the Philadelphia at the City Hail, New York City, FriVOTE BY MAIL
wood Cram, Ruby Ringo Fleming,
Alumni Club, chairman of its legisla- day evening April 6, the anniversary
Charles McCarroll. George Riley Pope, tive
committee, and is class secretary. of the United States entering the
Election of Alumni Officers Is in Squire Webber SaJyers,
Hel Wlalker
Albert Smith Dabney received his World War. Major Gullion is in the
Smith, Wm. Frederick Clark.
A. B. at the University of Kentucky Judge Advocate General Department
Ballots were sent out this week to
Class of '11
and M. D. at Vanderbilt. For several of the Second Corps Area, at Goverall active members of the Alumni As
Oliver Aulick, James Alfred Boyd,
years he was on the faculty of the nors Island, New York.
sociation for the annual election of of George Green Dunlap,
Harry Draper College oS Medicine
at Vanderbilt.
The vote will be tabulated at Easton, William
Hudson, During the World
War he served in
the meeting in Lexington June 12, Grover
Cleveland Mills, Walker Bur
the Medical Corps, retiring with the
Alumni Day.
"I appreciate your interest in my
ton Paynter, Robert Guthrie Strong.
rank of Major. He is now Command work 'here and you should know that
Names appearing on the ballots Eliner
Francis Worthington.
ant at the University of Pittsburg and I am equally interested in the welfare
were: C. C. Calhoun, president; Mrs
Class of '12
Alumni Club.
Belle Gunn Kay,
of the University of Kentucky, and
Jones Otha Gill, Mary Irene Hugh
An active a'lurrfnus is Perry West. for this reason am expanding my ef
secretary-treasure- r;
es, William Bradley Johnston, Harry
Presley T. Atkins, Rodman Wiley and
executive engineer and secretary of forts to develop athletes to serve you.
George Korphage,
Joseph Millett
W. C. Wilson, for the exeoutive com Lewis,
Engineering Com In this connection I am pleased to
Walton Perkins. Ernest Fran. note that
pany, 117 West 54th Street, New
mittee two to hold office for three cis Schimpeler.
DuPont Manual Trauvng
Frank Hereford Tom- years and one for two years. This k;es.
He is living at 322 Park ave High School has arranged a baseball
Newton Willard Utley, John
nue, Newark, N. J.
was the recommendation of the Nom
game with the University of Kentucky
Rudolph Watson, Philip Arthur Whit- inating Committee.
freshmen and later plans a dual track
icre, William Blackburn White
.Ballots were sent to the secretaries
and field meet with them." Clarence
Barry Bullock who conducted the A. Beutel, teaching mathematics and
of alurrmi clubs and individually to
those alumni who do not belong to a
Wild Waves Column in the
l, physical
education, DuPont Manual
Duplicate ballots may be re
has been promoted to asso- Training High School, Louisville, Ky.
ceived on applicatior at the Alumni
ciate editor. The Wild Waves column Address. "Quarry Hill," Newburgh
met with many favorable comments Road, B sue hel, Ky.
aiidmany readers of the Courier will
I addition to his duties as president
regret Mr. Bullock's giving it up.
Sometimes it is necessary to make
of the Chicago Alumni Club and in
people angry to drive home a point.
Richard W. Ellis, one of the "regu cidentally traffic manager of the IlliBen H. Lowry ex- - is Captain, 15th lars", is traffic engineer with the New nois Bell Telephone Company, Chas.
It is peculiar to some groups that
they admire a stranger and are prone Field Arbiillery, at Ft. Sam Houstofn, York Telephone Company at 15 Dey K. "Scrubby" Dunn is District
to belittle members of their own fam- Texas.
Mrs. Lowry was formerly Street a post he has held for many
of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity.
Elizabeth Graeme Moore 'IS.
Blanche Kennedy ex- - is teaching in
At a recent meeting of a distant
alumni club the Alumni Secretary, the public school at Stearns, Ky. She
Julian A. Hodges received his B. S.
speaking en famille, referred to a sit- is secretary-treasurof the Pulaski
"I heartily concur in your sugges Agr. in 1917 a'lid then went into serv- uation which he has h'thertoi gnorcd. County Alumni Club. Her address is tions concerning a closer relationship ce during the World War. After his
In this case he related the sacrifice Somerset.
between the Alumni Assoc'ation and discharge he was with the Texas Oil
R. C. Wilson
is in the drafting the school teachers,
that had been made by undergraduand shall be Company at Port Arthur, Texas. In
ates of the University of Kentucky department of the General Electric pleased to do what I can to further September 1921 he entered the Univerduring the World War. The record Company at Schenectady, N. Y. He your plans. You may be interested sity for graduate work and just reof one other institution was a dis- - is president of the Schenectady Alum- - to know that most of our graduates cently was appointed an instructor in

Alumni Notes

Whfit-tinghi- ll,



Betwixt Us


ex-1- 0

and Farm Management, University of
Tennessee, Knoxvillc.
C. C. Schradcr, since his discharge
from service during the World War
has jbecn connected with the Freight
and Traffic Department of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. His
address is 4842 North Fifth Street,
Philadelphia, Penna.

Lelah V. Gauit, Who had bccU doing
special research work for the Fleisch-ma- n
Company, at the Experiment Station, isn o wasaistant chemist in the
Fertilizer Department.
Her address
is 490 East Main Street, Lexington,
Hall M. Henry, since his discharge
after the World War, has been with
the Henry L. Doherty Company and
is now with the Combustion Utilities
Company, Toledo, Ohio, a branch of
their work. His address is 354 Batav-i- a

Fred Jackson, who was editor of
the Kentucky Union Farmer, severed
his connection with that publication
to take a position on the reportorial
staff of the Lexington Leaden He is
still living at Versailles, Ky.
E. E. Bratcher is superintendent of
city schools at Taylorsville, Ky. Mrs.
Bratcher was formerly Marie Hines
of Science Hjll, Ky.

J. Ed. Parker, Jr., is farming near
Maysville, Kentucky. His wife was
formerly Ruth Thomas
address is R. R. 4, MaysviMe.
H. P. Boone has recently accepted
a position with the Water Supply
Dept., L. & N. R. R., Louisville, Ky.
ex-1- 9.


"I am much interested

in your suggestion of a closer relationship between alumni in the public schools
throughout the State and the Alma
Mater. I hope to have a principalship
next year and when I do I shall want
my pupib to enter the essay contests.
I like them very much and think far
too little attention is paid to them.
Would it not be a good plan to summarize the ways in which the University i9 ready to serve the State through
the high schools, and present this
summary to the friends of the University at the K. E. A. banquet? I think
the proudest boast of "State" is her
president and I sincerely hope that the
next Legislature will give him something to work with." Anna Catherine
Hendricks, teaching Lone Oak High
School, Paducah, Ky., R.R. 6.

ONE YEAR $2.00.
Herbert Graham,

FOR 1923
Students who wish to submit poems
for possible inclusion in this year's
College Anthology (THE POETS OF
THE FUTURE, Volume VII) are
requested to send their contributions
not later than May 15th to
The Stratford Company, Publishers,
Boylston St., Boston, Mass.


Will Improve the Action
of Any


The Fount

Fen PouMe"
