Alpha Ztta Dance.
Alpha Zcta, honorary agricultural
fraternity, entertained with a dance
at the Phoenix hotel on Friday evening,
The ball room was beautifully decorated with evergreens and the fraternity
colors, shrodc and sky blue.
A feature of the dance was the
pledging of four agricultural students
to membership in the fraternity. The
plcgcs were Mcsscrs. Rcece Bryant,
seniorjC. O. Warren, junior; R. E.
Lickert, sophomore, and Stewart
The hosts for the occasion were
members of the active chapter, Messrs.
Paul Miller, Thomas Baird, Zachary
Galloway, Andrew Quarlcs, William
Finn, Joseph Freeman, Reynolds Bell,
Campbell Wade and Edward Johnson.
The active chapter assisted in entertaining by the alumni members, Messrs
Headley Shouse, Tilford Wilston, C.
A. Hollowell,
J. E. Gardner, L. J.
Hortlacher, L. P. Benjamin, E. J. Gott,
J. H. Atkerson, Graddy Sellards, Way-lan- d
Rihoads and Herschell Weil.
Alpha Gamma Rho Dance
The rnernbers of Alpha Gamma Rho
fraternity entertained Saturday night
with a charmingly informal dance at
their chapter house.
The rooms were decorated in the
fraternity colors, green and gold, and
in pink roses, the fraternity flower.
The orchestra was concealed by a
screen of palms.
Those present for the very pleasant
occasion were: Chaperones, Mr. and
Mrs. T. P. Cooper, Dean and Mrs.
C. R. Melcher; Miss Frances Jewell,
Miss Margaret McLaughlin, Mr. and
Mrs. F. J. Keilholz, Mr. and Mrs; W.
S; Anderson, Mrs. J. J. Hooper, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Kinney, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
Barkman, Mr.1 and Mrs. E. J. Wilford
and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Humphrey;
Caroline Wells,, Mary Peterson, Alice
Cherry, Dorothy Lewis, Margaret
Turley, Dortothy Blatz, Mary Crafton,
Frances Price,
Mildred Cowgill,
Irene McNamara,
Mary E. Luxon, Ada Ruth Gregory,
Margaret Gordon,
Manda Gordon,
Gorrnley, Mary Frances
Conroy, Julia
Gormley, Katherirte
Willis, Florence Brewer, MargaTet
Rila Jesse, Fravolla Dundon
and Mary Jane Hendricks; Birkett
Pribible, Daniel Morse, Sneed Yeager,
Carl Lipe, Otis Jones, L. Truitt, Ray
Stasser, Haynes Barr, Edward Gans,
Dell Ramsey, J. B. Williams, Glynn
Barnes, Thomas
Bucom, Marshall




Helen Becker, Jcancttc Lehman and
Laura Jcanncttc Haymaker.
The members of Lambda Alpha
who were present
Misses Elizabeth Allen, Flo Armcn-tron- t,
Betty Barbour, Louise Burks,
Margaret Chcnault,
Nan Chcnault,
Elsie Chcnault, Emily Conlcy, Mary
Louise Covington, Parthcnia Davis,
Frances Green, Elizabeth Glascock,
Mary Graham
Antioncttc Harrison,
Haymaker, Anne Hickman,
Hughes, Marcia Lampcrt, Jcanncttc
Lampert, Elizabeth Jackson, Kathleen
Dorothy Lewis, Elizabeth
Land, Mary Marshall ( McMcckin,
Mary Louise Middlcton,
Morris, Eleanor Morse, Caroline Nicholas, Franccsca Rcnick, Frances Ripy,
Ida Kenney Risfquc, Rachcllc Shack-lcttAnne Shropshire, Sarah Katherine Snook, Fanny Summers Tarl-toJoelinc Wdbb, Leslie Worthing-ton- ,
Frances Whitfield, Emma Lee
Young, Marie Whitfield and Lucile

Ballantinc, Russell Van Zant, G. G.
Baylcss, Andrew Quarlcs, John True,
Paul Rouse, William Tate, William
Minter, Edward Johnson,
D. W.
Smith, Gould
Lcroy Litsy,
Horace Brown, Raymond Thurman,
H. Chandler, W. F. Cosbw, Lloyd
Erskinc, George Pirtlc, Jack Stallard,
Joseph Harris, John Blue, R. R. Ar
nold, H. W. Wells, J. T. Scopes,
Frank Colvin, Stuart
Brabant, B.
Wallace and Reed Miller.
The active chapter members are:
Messrs. H. W. Kirter, Elmer Leech-maA. J. Broderick, J. L. Shaw. E.
B. Noland, R. D. Shipman, G. W.
Gardner, G. A. Wilson, J. H. Williams,
C. E. Hubbach, J. F. Graham, E. L.
Langiford, H. B. Lane, J. C. Brown, Vice
F. G. Cary, C. E. Harris, H. V. Temple, R. T. Bell, S. W. Barrett, P. R.
Seven Girls (Pledged.
Watlington, J. H. Watlington, W. S.
Home Economics
Seven Junior
Barnes, J. E. students were pledged to Phi Upsilum
Humphrey and Stranter Harney.
Omicrom, honorary Home Economics
The alumni present were: Messrs. fraternity, at a tea given by the active
H. W. Farmer, Paul Record, H. M. members Tuesday afternoon from
Farmer, J. H. Taylor, H. V. McClure. 4:30 to 5:30 at Patterson Hall. Those
J. B. Weisenberger, S. J. Jones, J. D. pledged were: Misses Virginia Harrison, Urma Bain, Virginia Corbin, Mat-ti- e
Foster and C. A. Hollowell.
Hodges, Catherine Hanley, Catherine Gunn and Christine Harmon.
Chi Omega Banquet
Prior to the pledging of the girls,
The members of Lamlbda
Alpha Dean Thomas Cooper, of the College
and Chi chapters of Chi Omega fra- of Agriculture, made a brief but pleasternity
entertained Friday evening ing talk and then Miss Maybelle Cor
with a beautiful banquet in the Palm nell, head of the Department of Home
room of the Phoenix Hotel in celebra- Economics, and an alumni of Ohio
tion of Founders' Day.
conducted the impressive
The tables were decorated with yel- pledge service.
low candles and jonquils. Miss MarThose assisting in entertaining were
tha McClure presided as toastmaster, Miss Maybelle Cornell, Miss Marietta
and 'responses were made by Miss Eicheliberger, faculty members; Mrs
Helen Hawkins on "Faith"; Miss Elea- O. B. Jessness, Misses Virginia Croft,
nor Morse, on "Hope"; Miss Louise Elizabeth Threlkeld, Marie Barkley,
Burks, "Love"; Miss Helen Dedman, Catherine Christine, alumnae mem
"Luck"; and Miss Ida Harrison Moore bers; Misses Edith Alexander, Elsi
on "Blossoms."
Bohannan, Sarah Cequin, Nell Hank,
Mrs. Mary Love Collins, national Hden Porter Roberts and Eva Wes
president, gave a brief talk.
ley, active members.
Covers were laid for the following
alumnae: Mesdames James Cox, VerBenefit Card Party.
sailles; Mary Love Collins, Misses
The Alumnae of Epsilon Chapter
Elizabeth Bowman, Marian Wilson, of Alpha Gamma Delta will give a
Lucy Young, Katherine Tucker, Ida
card party on the afternoon of SatHarrison Moore, Sarah Metca'lf Piper, urday April 21, from 3:00
to 6:30 at
Nancy Innes, Eliza Piggott, Frances
the Phoenix Hotel. The proceeds of
Dixon Ball, Margaret Coffin, Nan the party will
be for the benefit of
Hornsby and Eugenia MtPherson, of
the Fresh Air Camp for undernour
ish and anemic children.
Members of the Chi chapter present
were Miss Marguerite Clark, Ruth
Phi Alpha Delta Banquet
Ed Keller, Ardis Yelton, Marvin Ray,
Clay Chapter of the Phi Alpha
Helen Dedman,
Louise Jennings,
Helen Hawkins,, Wilma McCord, Delta Law Fraternity of the Univer
Mary Louise Farrow, Elizabeth Spen- sity of Kentucky held initiation ser
cer, Melanie Le Bosquet, Martha Hale, vices at the Lafayette Hotel Monday
evening, followed by a banquet in the
ball room of the hotel.
The initiates were Messrs. E. E.
Siler, Robert Coleman, Jr., Thomas
Ballantine, John W. Gillon, Jr., Basil
Frost, N. C. Johnson.
Messrs. Eldon S.
Dummit, '20,
member of the Lexington bar, and
Henry Sullivan, '22 member of the Mt.
Sterling bar, were taken in as alumni
Members of the active chapter are
Mtssrs. Marshall
Barnes, W. C.
Pickett, J. G. Bruce, J. B. Nickell, J.
S. CaudeH, S. B. Neal, S. H. Rice, P.
T. Powell, J. L. Hays, C. H. Lisman,
W. W. Kirtley, Roy Moreland, H. B.
McEuen, C. M. C. Porter, N. B. Rogers, Elbert Sparks.
Among the alumni present were:
Judge Lyman Chalkley, of the University of Kentucky; Capt. J. E.
of the military department of
the University of Kentucky; Judge R.
C. Stoll, 6f the Fayette circuit court;
Messrs. Bailey B. Baxter, Kelly Kash,
Clyde O. Buron, James Farmer, Virgil Chapman, Henry T. Duncan, of the
Lexington bar.




Tor-renc- e,

New Spring Norfolks


Latest Fabrics Combining the Highest
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GEO. R. "RED" WOOLF, College Representative.




The Omega Rho Sorority announces
the following pledges: Anne Gormley,
Catherine Cane, Virginia Neuman and
Mary McAllister.
Tau Delpha A!pha fraternity announces the recent pledging of John
and Darrell
Phillips, Murray.
Mr. Harry McCarty, Jr.. entertained with a beautiful dinner party at
his home in Nicholasv!lk' Sunday even



ing for Kitty Conroy, Margaret Lavin at the Kappa Delta house, Miss
and John Albright, of the University.
The Sigma Bet Upsilon will have its
The second University tea will be
given in Dr. McVcy's office, April 18, discussion next
at 3:30. These teas arc boing given Frances Jewell will lead.
by the Women's Club of the University.
All faculty members and students arc invited.



The last discussion in the series on
of Modern University
Women," given by the Y. W. C. A.,
was held at the various women's fraternity houses, on Wednesday evening.
The subject discussed was "The University Woman and Her Fraternity.''
Various topics considered were: The
fraternity woman's obligation to the
University, to her fraternity, to other
fraternity members, and to herself.
Alumnae led the discussions.
Each woman's fraternity living in a
fraternity house invited one of the
groups not living in a house to meet
with them. At the Kappa Kappa Gam
ma house, Miss Lulie Logan led the
discussion; at the Alpha Xi Delta
house, Miss Virginia Croft; at the
Chi Omega house, Miss Eliza
at the Alpha Gamma Delta
house, Mrs. William
Prowitt; and

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