lme_ more experience with this method, rises as the fruit matures to tree-
lced variety for variety, in difTerent sec- or even soft-ripe peaches.
•2X- tlons of the eot}ntry· ln the late In order to obtain greater carry-
$l?l`l¤G frost reglonel tne llnll)‘taP‘ ing capacity and thus reduce the
nost Plng method has some advantages loss between thc packing shed and
nuds beeaose ol the greater eertalntY of the retail counter, there has been a
This rednelng the erop load tv the Proper heavy reliance upon picking peaches
lllll limits. It may be predicted, however, lllhell they al-e more Ol. less lmma_
kill- after more experlenee Wltll these ture thats is when the background
fruit new mrttwds vt tl¤t¤¤t¤gl that thc color is stiii greenish instead of
nter Old nand methods Wlll bc greatly yellowish in cast. While this prac-
pel__ improved upon._These new methods, tlce has been Of lallly lbhg stahd_
very tltereford promlse to become mark' ing and has seemed to be necessary
_} all egbadvanccs in rcduvmg Dr0du€t1tl¤ for the lbagkell trade, it should not be
s ien ` ` ·· — over oo e t at carrying capacity in
and The Excess Crop peaches can also be obtained or in-
may ,. _. . , . creased through temperature con-
trttg elirnilasxsa€slssirs·se(sIt. lsiitiipegliiliisitsoazt tml ljftttg. is dttttlrt¤¢¤t