flullc and spewing in unmulchcd straw- as burlap around apple trees to
ultful . berry fields, and the frequent hard catch the codling moth larvae that
llomll , rains caused much soil loss by were looking for places to cocoon.
‘ erosion from these fields. The near-, More recently growers used strips
tarted zero weather of December also of tar paper or corrugated paper. ·
It IS ‘ caused considerable injury to un- Since these bands were untreated, it
usual . mulched strawberries. Additional was necessary to go over the bands
made _ harvest records will be taken in every 7 to 10 days and kill the
1945 on the mulch project compar- worms, otherwise they would pupate
t0QlS. ing early December mulched plots and the moths emerge.
mid— 1 with plots mulched in late March In the lest 15 years treated cm--
C the r or early April (the latter purely a mgeted paper bands Have been de_
itrthxxe picking mulch). ‘ veloped that will kill almost all the
) nillt The unseasonal and continuous larvae entering them. Beta-napthol
uddi; warm rainy weather during the is usually the killing agent used.
e Be fn0St of Mafeb caused one of the Such bands are good for one season
_S‘ I most rapid flower bud and leaf only and should be removed and
Drnriéi V growths in years. Peaches started burned before the following spring.
nnlcn  ‘ bl00m¤¤g in the 50utbe1'n_ Daft of Beta-napthol is a caustie rnatenal
{ Wa; the state by March 15 and in north- and will burn skin or eyes if it comes
woulg 1 ern Kentucky by_ March 25. Apples in contact with them. Handle treat-
- har. i were generally in bloom over the ed bands with canvas or leather
G 2 state by April 1 with some plantings gloves.
Venn,. ‘ almost ready for the calyx spray For banding to be most eaectlve,
Of aj} . by then trees should be well scraped to re-
nateni _ The fruit bud set on peaches, move other hiding places for the
nts in L pears, plums and cherries is heavy worms and force them to seek
ge thie  . and the blossom set on apples is shelter in the bands. All_ rough
Some · somewhat scattered from orchard to bark should be removed, using tools
, me ’ orchard and between varieties. If such as a short hoe or a_mower sec-
qnwnn .  the weather cooperates, 1945 could tion fastened to a short handle. A
` g be a heavy fruit year in Kentucky. canvas should be spread around the
h __ Z base of each tree to catch the scrap-
Ftigllf 2* ‘“"— ings which shorfild then benfolhectelcg
  ` Z and burned. 0 scrape e run
artmg ° C0DLlNG'MOTH BANDS and scaffold limbs of the average
aph llc . p_ O_ RITCHER tree ought not to take over 20
E? OC; Y minutes.
moiign  i It cannot be emphasized too Since many larvae spin-up in
Often E Stmngly that g1`0We1`S cannot ex- punky wood and in split branches
nsh ,l J pect to control _codling moth in prob- and ci-Otches, some pruning and
T the ·  lem. Orchards in Western Kentucky other work will be necessary to re-
ne I-e_   ay SPrayl¤g_ 3l0¤¢- Th01`0\Jgl`¤ Bnd move these hiding places. All prun-
emne timely $l?¥`3>’1¤g With tbe best mate- ings should be removed from the
acaregl - rials available is important, but this Orchard and burned, as well as any
Weed . must be supplemented by 0tbe1` Con- other debris and litter on the
Q Siu trol _measures such as screened ground, such as old baskets and .
total packing $b€d$, Obenlng up trees S0 picking crates, fertilizer and 1n-
qg-O{{ Spray can P€¤€tY8te. l0We1`1ng the secticide sacks, and large weed
‘ ‘ tops of tall trees. thinning off de- Steins `
fective fruits, breaking up clusters, In Kentucky, bands Should be put
45 Scraplrlg trees and banding- on trees by June 1, if we are to
ig€n_ Right now is a good time for catch the first worms leaving the
t not growers to give some thought to apples. Bands should not be _put
inucd ’ banding in connection with their on young smooth-barked trees,s1nce
' fruit D1`0gI‘am for 1945. Not only is this a there is some danger of trunk 1n]ul'y
_ com good idea for_ those with problem by the Beta-napthol. ..
* Duc orchards, but it is also a profitable Qne band should ordinarily be
aathcy pracadare Where codlme moth is not suiricierit for- one tree. Use 2-mch
ly no vet scrl0lls· Many grawars with the bands if codling moth is not severe,
; my cleanest orchards find it profitable 4-mCh bands if codling moth IS a
iraqi). l° scrape and band the Orchard real problem. The band should be »
` regularly- placed around the trunk about 18
theme Bending is one of our oldest sani- inches to 2 feet from the ground
{Wing tary COl'1tr0l measures. Many years and fastened 1n place Wltll staples
ago, growers were tying sacks such or tacks. Too many growers try to