OBITUARIES istry program at the University of Kentucky and later became profes-
, sor and institute director at the University of Marburg.
.. - - Dr. Audrey L. Companion, Emeritus Pro-
y” 1;? .132; a fessor of Chemistry at the University of Ken- - - - - '
i fly. . . , Mr. DaVId Wilson Young passed away on April 25, 1999 In Chicago
' ”M tucky, d'ed 0f congestive heart failure on Heights, Illinois. David received his BS. and MS. degrees in chem-
i ' {1‘5 VJ January 17’ 1999' Audrey, a native 0f Penn- istry from'the University of Kentucky in 1931 and 1935, respectively.
i 5‘9 ' sylvania, received her B'S",M'S' and PhD' He worked as a research scientist for several firms during his career
1, I! degrees from Carnegie Institute ofTechnol- and owned a consulting business. David held numerous patents
.: ogy. She began heracademic career 'n 1958 from his work in the petroleum industry. He was the president of the
,3» A V , at. the minds, Institute Of Technology and American Institute of Chemists in 1969—70. In 1996, Mr. Young es-
tomed the UniverSIty Of Kentucky as an AS' tablished a scholarship for undergraduate chemistry majors at UK in
sociate Professor in 1975. Audrey served the Department as Direc- memory of his late wife, Eloise Conner Young. ..
tor of Graduate Studies from 1977-1981. Her areas of research in-
cluded theoretical models for chemisorptlon and catalysis, computer Dr. William H. Zuber, Jr. passed away on March 24’ 1998 following
simulation of erosion and embrittlement of metals, storage of hydro- a heart attack. He was actively teaching at the University of Mem- I
‘ gen by metals, and large 3,03“? ab in/f/Oétudies 0f diatomic molecules phis until the day before his death and a scholarship has been estab-
i or molecular ions formed 'n the sputtering process“ Dr. Companion's lished in his memory for chemistry students at the University of Mem-
I book, Chemical Bonding, was an award-Winning text that achieved phis. Bill received his Ph.D. in 1964 under the direction of L. R.
‘ record sales. After retiring from the University in 1992, Audrey re- Dawson and H. C. Eckstrom.
mained active in community organizations and taught computer skills
1 to senior citizen groups. She will be remembered for her high profes- NEW FACES AROUND THE DEPARTMENT .
I sional standards, quality teaching, and concern for both the academic
I and personal problems faced by her students. ”I; r , Autumn Adams. Autumn is the Program
. é€n’?’:‘ Coordinator for IGERT Fellowship Program,
j .. Dr. Paul L. Corio, Emeritus Professor of ‘1' w ,, Integrated Sensing Architectures, headed by
l ; a Chemistry at the University of Kentucky, died :hxit l ;. ' ;. Leonidas G. Bachas. She started working
, t of cancer on August 15, 1998. Paul, a native , i i. at the University in August of 1998 and Is
A $ t of New Haven, Connecticut, received his BA. I as 3:} - - also a graduate of the University of Kentucky
i 7\ ,7 from Columbia College, New York and his ‘ a with a Bachelor's Degree in Communica-
i MA. and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia Uni- m tions. Autumn and her husband Bryan have
} ’ ’ versity. Following a two-year tour of duty in " i ’ " "‘1‘" been married for almost 2 years.
it it the US. Navy, Paul joined Mobil Oil Com-
pany as a research chemist In 1957. After 2. ., Sherri Caudill. Sherri replaced Yvonne
six years as Group Leader of the Central Research Division in ya ”WELL; Beatty-Warner in our Business Office as of
‘ Princeton, New Jersey, Paul joined the chemistry faculty of the Uni- M“...,,, September 27, 1999. Sherri was born in
‘ versity of Kentucky as an Associate Professor in 1970. ,, "7"), Cincinnati, Ohio and raised in Central
Dr. Corio's early work on the theory of nuclear magnetic reso- 955.: “90% Florida. She is currently finishing her de-
nance, and his book, Structure oingh-Reso/ution NMF! Spectra, was a J“ » gree in office systems technology at Lex-
a seminal contribution to the field. His was an authoritative voice on gs. fez. ington Community College and plans on
the quantum theory of angular momentum. In more recent years, 7,“ ” i going into office management. Sherri came
Paul's interests extended to chemical kinetics, reaction mechanisms, ' to the University in August of 1997 as a Staff
and group theory. Assistant for Mechanical Engineering where she also worked for the
In addition to his research contributions, Paul will be remem- Director ofGraduate Studies and the Chairman. Sherri and her hus-
bered as a highly respected and popular teacher. Along with his band, Charles, have four children (ages 6, 7, 9, and 12) from their
deep knowledge of chemistry was a facility for making connections previous marriages and are currently working on a child together.
with other subjects and with the everyday experience of students.
He was a gifted speaker and was able to bring clarity to difficult con- saw—w Edward Duhr. Ed is a scientific technical
cepts. He had high expectations for student performance and, In J specialist working in our stockroom. He is
exchange, was able to bring out the best in students. ‘ _ , a/ an Iowan by birth and education who came
ngw 3'. . 05%,“; to the University in 1985 by way of Wyo-
Dr. Edward J. Griffith passed away on June 12, 1998, and was gar ”Egg: ming. Through his long association with Pro-
buried in his home state of Alabama. Ed received his doctoral de- “V we; fessor Haley's lab, he wound up in the
gree underthe direction of Lyle Dawson in 1951. He joined Monsanto 7’ “r" Chemistry Department. This is rather fitting
Chemical Company immediately following completion of his gradu- because his degrees are in chemistry.
ate work and was with Monsanto for 48 years of distinguished ser- ‘
vice. For the majority of that time, Dr. Griffith was a Senior Scientist g... , ., _ .. Chris Showalter. Our new Business Man-
in the company with the freedom to engage mostly in the research of ‘ " ‘ W ager replaced Amy Kirkpatrick in July, 1998.
his choice. 33’ figs?" She is originally from New Bremen, OH and "
war received her Bachelor's Degree In Business
Mrs. Dorothy Brown Masters of Glenmore Heights, KY, died on ‘ is“? Administration from Ohio University. Chris
March 5, 2000. We will remember Dorothy as the lively wife of Pro- eéw iii; joined the University in January, 1994 as an
fessor Ellis V. Brown, who retired in 1975 but continued to work In his 1 ‘ ' " ' Account Clerk in the Physics Department.
lab for many years before his death in 1992. / Before joining the Chemistry Department,
Chris held administrative staff positions in
. Dr. Kurt Starke, Associate Professor in our Department in the late the Arts & Sciences Dean's Office and the Continuing Medical Edu-
'503 and early '608, died on January 19, 2000, in Marburg, Germany. cation Office. Chris and her husband, Brent, are the proud parents
Kurt, a student of Nobel Laureate Otto Hahn, initiated the radiochem- of their 2-year—old daughter, Megan, and 6-month-old son, Alan.