f! ; ' 6" hw 3 3 ' 3
A 31!;3 "3'7"!" .... . '
. 6.;.;;.--~-.. "-4 6 , ._- _ M... . -_...4-;.:_=;=-~6  1 ;. .H... . . . 44..., : * ,, AAA-6.:- ,. _
l :._.~_6,4=-<; , - . . .. 44...; .. .. " V. _:  .L . ..-~ _'~"=-= *7 = II V4-u=-).... 447:33521W7v' =.,. L. = 1444:. . 67;: __A ""-
.- g ,k ...  ~44? KW 4er '_1,451;:;:.,::._:;,;.:;.-.~
/ , \- ." ' -'-*  - l .1 ~. '  "1' ' 1, . = - . *
i 1 .4 . ~ I 3 In the meantimamtbg- r'm- want an ,AA w- uiwi L 6 = ._ - 6- ,4, $4 1 ,
T. : ,6 . ,. ...A 4 ,  6 " -3 , 3.45? if?iT.;zr-.;:"F"6F;":i'~'57,"":';.:;..~.-,:*_:-6.,~.:'f._.-.., , .461; _,
\qV ,6 - - ' rs - V. .- 6. 6" 63 .:V::/...VV~LL-6,r,:,,.,,L;.L494
 1 ' 6 ,. . x  .- ; :.- V, /iafqrgz
.Vl, V, V ) V l 3:386: interruptions became more frequency 63 W 33 ' rrc%~*%g
_ . 6,, V , -A_Y JULY 16 18 75 . 0 course, somewhat annoying. .. 911th I e were nmriang. in suspense: :1sz V, Amparo..
~ ~ * 6 , . iii. 2' a: May. we .6 6i. 4...; rho .4. 4 comm. we real 4
i, \ - mm :0 course on the look-o 3t I, Will a. broad whit ' ' m  3L6"
- ' -. w--~._ __ 12 oclock we lvere arous 4 u  when about " above his he. 311 e Sirenmer Sailing 6';
V ,3) 3. How ILTWAS DONE. , . 33133333281363; t-Vhe numbersYQelthihg 113333213112: l Vligremut lulispcetl.3 nude hgzamlhrgdglgm all:
VVV .. . .:T .3 . . , . V e ar'ness. We tlmuum; gm 6 : was no trouble toread iii :3
. c ii/'66? . = 6.63:: gem . | er Pally of soldiers bent on D Ballotli- lug proclamatlo 6 6 great 5
... . , _..-.~.~>4 . i...VV.V  :4 VV. , Se. , . . 11 one but, .LV
: The 0" 3 Jemth Davis! Capture l filth: 331mm Wafithe Preslciieniuvtvllg ' . houlmneward '3 the cantmg3g3i ighggg , i
ll as T0 V a. Member of H18 many mil; 43333333133: gupposedthath" was eo33u33rss 813133 exigtggreott 33 Shah's length. 0
6 V Wifes Traveling Party. En; t??? Mrs: Davis. nhlevildfd 33533313,: 11,: the suqu-ct of this exiisgiisilif $363514)?  3
,V., , , , ear 0 e annoyances to 11 could not have beenm 3 3 nx 3
2136.6 _ -" been subjrced mm W W ich we had cruel dis 1 ore 1m 51 f the 3
,, , as so . p 3y stirred an 6. .
_ gV Many Facts Hitherto Unpublishc d. ?sgggi;lyolhag'ntilfelt an irresigihifeufngegg Eggwbetrlay him. wiifmaogiggcye all: . ;.
. , , Us. 0, traveled with ere one questions '    6
l . - . -.-- the evening of the next a us until ierest . BS curiosity 0 [11'
a wh prom ted and wi. -
'l. [Clark OuntY(Ky.)Dcmooratl leave or his why to go, 13753 Tune? a 500th? hill tckeumtairime attec- 
V V, We ubli . , , nan opposite direction On M dppose  needed hi ' = 33 3 3 They 3
l3 3 Demos-at assei-lyfell'ire ti: this issue of the 4333.; we cominued our jourhey southhvaih $35 to them 4396933323? prtdtholse'womg meant '33
, - res _g narrative of tn Bight went 1  D ~ ~ "1 5 e gibb'et. M - 3
, inure of Je D i I e A't mo camp as usual . Evie was the rst. to - (8. .~
.. 3/ 3 Solicitation b3 ave. twas written at our  er retiring We Were  2 she rem i recover,seir.com,mi 15'
,, y a gallant friend who Was the tramp of, hot aroused by (61d anedaherome to thecnd. Tull-it'll.
, id  which and kevf'c memorandum of th our camp N ml sea passing through cut am not delay 5 10113 audit:
, . . cumstance . H = 9 I" ' 0 g was said on.eith  captoris had exch - ' .  ""156 
o . , a. is vencity is be 0 a and We knew 3' Bide. . Med .CODgratulstio
J , and the Silor will . y '1 question, 11 110th!!! of who the riders were moved on towards Maco - 315 we
V, Vs; - mm thehemocrrgmifygdgomh interest 551311] 3%: grog??? (1:33;; emitter came, l 31122133? 031;? heath of Mi}: szriigmvsiilg:
6;. =, . ' once ' us omove at . 1'. a. s cc ly do lorcd. 3
V j t 33. ' The Communication. weretgglegi $113.1, 8&1; dial3: Elfgrned that we , l gagwthzfter a , tedious hunch me [50:33?
46 ' 4 WWW" 444.44 . , . g... 66. result: airmail: Murmur rm '
L4, . - ,. ". _'  5 a  - n. . 6:;
. . ca'1thl spring of lotions an epoch in Amer! Bight, biimwng age ihgmyi May 9, and at ,6 the President's capture receded us 43311:: lVVL
l? ~ 1  3 in: 3;ka 233131333313: i335 1 did the close of Went into camp aboht 333313343 1533151831313iwe 3 $335213: hidgiilifgimtthm "9'933Were out 3'33l
l, l g 6 etwe ' Vill V 03- ' S 8 ca tiv . f,
; r-. . l . tillers. 4,45,... 4.34 thistle? within luau issue?" 43...... unscrew: Mo..
. . i om on: and South wantm l1. tlnue his '0 er, an 0h" '3 c a n g t" We were 1' t '3
34:. l lug h0me,the one With Jan 1 1m - _ a l J urney. He was prevented from l fTom Wagons and ambulanc 't, m s erred
6,, . g other wearing the c res re wreaths, the $1;an out his drsign by the sudd i after about twenty-four 11333 0! acars,Vana, -.
. .4 '- 6  of the host who had; bydh as #60an But out t Hess of one of his stall. He then declcigiril l iSaken by rail to All stir 0A3s dehy' were "
 ~ ' ' -. Marian of the South on n t 91 P0 the Pen 18 light within. ancieive the 6 found A. H Ste 119%: vi 3 this 1mm" w" 3
 ,- i  day of disaster anai 6 were me this mm"g' 3 the delay was r t nut lCOHederac" up  c? haunt the 3
,V , . , , . , gloom who had not the plans and the ill V , 8 al to his y, on. C. C. clay, Senator from
,.  .6 - oor privilege of returuiu to a Fed  55  '5 mend give in 5 Alabama) he Confedem C
.i . ; eral authoriti . e ' hi . c onizress. W101
, ,5 . i . homesthose whoweiig mgr! VQtated h d 85 B; prisoner upon Whose * s aCOHIJDIISIma wife and G l 
. l of their birth- _ -ve51thhclnnd ea was set the fabulous price i 1 . Wheeler wh  eners Joseph:
, 6-. 6 l ., isuch were President of th We wentt 1  h 00:000- '  "9 5 Pristine Th '
...  l r. . Confederate States and. 11mm, . . 6 1,, id 0 3 cap without. $PDrehenslon the we Put nder guard with us and th3 33y 3 .
, . f', 6 :6 1 .  As the object of this Mticl , Y- 'i . cs cut occuprinfa tent with his wifeand party Were placed on board of b to whole l 
6 . , V the personal r e is on y to give smaller children. "he escorts and t   immediately start. d f a 0 i-Which 
.L ,i . , ,. eminiscences of the writer in scattered am 5 3 Were e or Savannah. An in. i
. :l . . . . regard to the moveme Una under the Wuvln i Ventmy otthe captured b 
W .6 , w . ts of these persons Sleeping 5;ch l) . g D nee, . and as they gather. I
i6 4 I - . from the time 6 . e 39 f the i156. A d "l '9 b"! 0n tb .
V 666.; : ..., 6 4 ..1..... pretzelssuctrsun 3:6tron:channel by... .232: uncredited viiefiiiii'eliiidii -
., , . 4 . V V L lo _ a . . V
4; , , :VV VVV , ifseidzt, aVnd as the writer was emember ot . oi charging troops,3which w3333ng snout the Senate: frilggfhe Postmaster Genernl, l.
J3  l 43 l comieileliis iilehghg party and in nowise meant capture or a race aw 0 we Wheeler ColoneiLubAlizglilim' (38333333 Joseph '
6 e ereona-l . '  0mm overno 6
. l ~ ~ = 23m... 2 44.4., ,,. Wilmer; ...illli.ll.ff3 $56,154:. hit:..ii%%i 44:03? ,
,5 . .6 f . 6 nor at - .1 Bay atwe '- - _, re. a 6
3.6;. V V {D , 323323331321 bers? but thbglegg 3%? 533% 43130133 gigihfhd led throuzdvgli: 232 . $333335 (ft: algpglgngfghghhithemmkghhggg 13
l V 3,}: s. 1M Our: rs. avis with herfour children roadaid  n were camped by the days when ' 0-. 105 31 5" 3'
.' . 6 1 l aggie, deli, Willie and Varlna and M1 e and near a branch which "0553 the W ; hm? City 9k1h3"h' 3
6 ' 1Maggie HOWell asistcrof M  as . 1 ea'lyatright angles. The bran and was rad ant with beaut ' oi
. W 3 l (bid Vlggfonhagarriehu, private edgegstoggl: 3313130 ofhkagggrgdethwithVanelmost 1314.335 :hgy 1213:3360! ntcheiileisdvecglzmmlg .153 $63 3
4" ~71. . ,  6 S accom' a ' . - . e. on o . ' T y. all t
'er .f. . 1.4.1,; lplace a-nid was wrinuiehinihligycmV1163? it being the uphilc road. Dhr eighuhvggrshh l ,Vanogsdnlyd beauty, they ministered with) woild
6.. . 33 \LV' {TWO lemme servants, also were faithfuil unto * 0 335 3la'343333"  tiller; $5335 t-iaitgeiibeuw'mhnm- Then i
':i , . 1. 6theLend', anlregret thaticannotrecailiungir 3 - One regiment, the Fourth Mlchi an I l Mrs. Davis as d we! a Worthy sister of 5
l 6 \ l , j names, for they deserve to be remembered think had madcacircuic and got in 1530 i; ,.. sparkling will:1 the Children bright and .
. l i, ' .13 ~ , Winder Monroe Jack Meeslck anal myself us; another, the - Wisconsin as I rerhelhf l surroundings- in guilgdnppreciation 0 their "3
, gV; 6VV .4 . were the guests of the Hon. Twines-Munroe Der, followed in our rear. The Michigan re 1. . I sion to them Bhsid IBVDBilaholiduy excur- lh
5; 6 ; . . who hadrfoliowed the fortunes o! the Suutli ment came upon us rst and startled us l3: h l Moody and Eli: l on as these, ware Cola. . ,-
: x " :3 23min" ...,. .. 66666666666 6 , ... .9; M4... 444:6..lzitlnoult our
.:'l', l . i i re an w a w . . ._ s as ' ~ 33*"
. 6  ' 5 ~ 3::- its 3 04.2.3? $412434 i limpet 1t w3i13613612$2i23?..5:42:v - 453:4:literalcoherent:d
 i e;  mg  e othervlce to Mrs. i-. 3 _ eroa not thirt ' reac   uwe .1
VVVV VV l V "1321 was in town-and desirous to moveahgi W303]? : were, hestood confrhgglpgy Izoullegheiie we to Hhgghzggv vac Were taken immediatelvr.
, .VV  l jiLVV~V course we wcrcrealdy for this service.  dier, who seemed to recognize him 233131311 310433 I went Vessel Whhialtychom the Govern- 1
 333: ' 33 "3 733% aniAit ougherequosfmlhe saw Mrs. DWIS llltauidh1 hissurrengen Never in his3oventful : out thh dhlay. steamed gwhvhlgi-Chwgglld
,' ',- \':,3u .3 acc't ' 6110811150: .nt' - _
.4 . . ,6 ,. ,- .4. 4 :44. woe; .434. out: eccentrics: engulntrlurlwWm
, 36.6644 ,_ . ,wagons, ambulances and teams. It required banners pulsed him in review wig ii iWent of responsibility Th3 5811058 of ease and
/ V6,; l' VV A but littlelimc to make all needfui prepara- more worthy of his' peopleis esteeme .vailed our fate could shagging? $110116
,4; ,6 . , tions, and with two ambulances containing or of his own fame. The ab: . rest. One day passed like 330ths ur E031," j
356.3 l, i; so} the family and light baggage, and Wagons curd story of his being in woman's clothin 5 contributed his share to choc der. 3333-33; 3
ll. _, ,. . \5 freightedgth the household goods, and the has been so thoroughly contradicted and mi,  the Others. The President, 1581; salmon, 5
VV6 . 53.6 , . . \Vg househol colds; too, of the quouduin chief of to rest that itie not necessary to mention it  entertaining, and as he draw 813.383 more 3
. 'i. ' . l ' =._ 3V once mighty Conteacracy, we left Abbevilie Jurtber. A Federal soldier signing his name ; house of. learning for fact and man is store-
J 61,5 A ,V x: 3:6, early on the morning of the 30m of April . J as. B. Parker, has zahantiy come to the an I wondered at the variety and ':?Vfration, 313
, l? l 21,} 35: 51233;}? tvhgi erad'V leading to Washing: . 01,?1 ofP truth arid justiceAin a. communicatiriii : t'mlglon. He seemed equally satchel-313:2: 6'
6 ~66: . i c pace we reached 0 e ortiand M. - a an we.- T - I
is -. l . cm) 6 the morninlg- of May 2, without 3133 .6 doubt he wasine(mii.wu3gf,g,,gf, ,0! iiiliJcalth,ke3;>313: viiicifcli'ikigtg 33633:9133
5333.! l V, \ ,V cident. We- remained here until the - capture, seemed to recognize Mr Davis an: Elam: to0,181117 from their store wmch he
L, night 6 5.. (his) morning of the 3d, Mrs. Davis and I demanded his surrender ashls desci ti, W! the hours and wh i; am 3
- ,. , lj. 6.4,. , family receiving from the ci . 6th if  tp 0 of .lotherwls  a. would.
l3 l); . . . . L clzens ev , e a air is about as Iremember it The e have been a WWW VO'a 
. 3,, l, Ci) idences of the kindest r~gard and the 13 friends of our errPresident ma rest 3 d 6:! passed like a dream and" we 3 9i?
34253 4. l  hmgzttbiiftglhglgsa gonsiderutlon VVh1t was ,- . that he did nothing unworthy oh himgisaislirgr '? g; 8:110ng 3 see the cademamsof F3122: l
. . e remnant o  - =  , : 0 me row 
Ga 6 l: L = eptV'IVeiics reglrient, with a devotion $33!?!in .. ' $1333.33: great cause whose representative he :thflh to hghgglhgguitushehhhahhfvdfniht36
._ .. - = . - : o e r 8.1118, 0 cred themselves as an escort After a. plan 3 - I W t the 003 de enses 3 3 l
, fr 4L l, to Mrs. Davis. She answared tint she thought 3 6 fete, our attesfihrgff $532153 Elli [33333 M3331? g Wit! them much cttcntidht Vtiaclfosuggehaving
.6 ll ,.V_, 6 _  she would not need the protection or bayo- log near us. the cause of whicheno 033 rep 3  3" under new dmhmmtlo 1333333130; '
, W137 .593 7 VV V V nets in her peaceful-journey through her own . to know. The Federal ofcers :1 $351-$358]??? ,superintendcd the repairs and audeiii mifch: ,l
_. ,6, k l \, - V ,1. country, but if she had such need there were 3 with quick, restless accents what it 33333 e i, 3 the strength 0! this particular WW-1N Hg 1,
, .. _. .- none on wnom she would sooner call, or in They thought itml ht be D k  b36333 I {at once predicted that this was t0 be his. 1 3
, g ,f  l. ' . , whom she would more implicitly trust. and we earnestly 110,? it Wa"hb3313:3 tb gade, Air soon as the anchor was drc 53318.16
[65,? i J ' . . thygdmgegmgwlmrd : htihh morning 0! ter was soon" explained Thehwouregidiglihg ':chhhaneei of (33333 guards awakenedlphhd ill
. -,, . ~ _ _- a. . onroe e n 0 receive  ' i . azanun erthe sti l w. 
,' 1:6, V, V . VV 3:: macho from the President, who was-ex V Vaginal; 313:1 2230333351 firfgtions, had met . without an intim-tion 3300i! 6353;325:6111,th 33
all V .. . . V pected to be in Washington dunng that d 8y,  - morning" hagpmadea: mug Va 3er dawn of suspense lasted several days, and washihtenoi-
{3,}. .' . '  26 in company with Dukes brigade.- Monroe each red at the .0, 1 nVletake, and ed by the mysterious look and the-whis- -
- . hi: . overtook us about nightfall on the 3d, wrth cost them twel e e33. till135 asco psred- conference 01 the Fedem 03:09"
, l 3,; . x ':V directions to move as rapidly as convenient 3 l v or rteen men, ,wbo came and went betwaen th M3 33
, . ,6 l 5 1; , Fl rid s neary as I remember, in and th. 3 5 P
, l V ,VV, , o e o a coast, with ulterior intent, killed and wound d 1 e fort. 1" was nally 811 
3' f 3,33,  l ~IV'Lj'whichitis not necessary now to montion,as ..fusion occaio d be .h n the con- nouncecl that the President was t9 be 1
'1 l 6,3,6; l; , our plans were rerestullcd'by capture. After L friends semi-nine: th 5' i3 is skirmish among 6 conned-la-this fortress, and the others were 3
2-),i hi... i _ _' 6,  . leaving Washhigtog, our triptorseveraldays when theiiue woas aiiiiiiiihh? Eighth??? 3mm 1 ohm 55' H
6" r.. ' ,  . V 6.: wasonyamarc 0 ascore ormore of miles . = i ,  L y ere an the lucid t rat-
ll 66. ~ l . 4666:4365. 6164,3666 the, 646m o. 4.... . elements. cellulite: null: lim- '1. mm 06 4.4:; N%333,c, 4
3f} , . 5.7: i e I D e n t' . r '15 09' to i; 3
i, V I .VViV V, l , VVV with charag'zteristic deligcay ligtsusinDEZlfd ,- and William Preston Johnson, of the personal fromJ his family-Eshgiriggohtizithe PM
.it i. 363' . l . 5: ,6: 3proered hospitality of the; noble harried staff, VHon. J ._ E. Reagan, Postmaster General . his heroic endurance Thge wnrg 3 32:13st it
.."l {til i . , = people on 1118 gouge, fearing that they mi ht V oilthe Confederacy, With Colonel Harris and to Georgia and put undyer liufitsego waft}: if
on. \  l : .. glide ggrmw ~ 3. uterus tilt: ti: 95.621266 little. .44.... 444..m4
111-6, ,4 _ . .. ..r, nnc era. e are c on use of travgi and - i i-;--.Ai__6.. '
on l 3}. g. l 4L ,. the rude fare of the camp gvlth a spirit that l With Mrs. Davis and family. A" '3  "14"" AM) 1141414.
.Lvl 346 . V was contagious, and veterans learne d anew Vwcre placed under guard, particu- ____. -
6 'r 5. 6.~ t l ,L_, -  lesson of heroism from this gentle woman 1 intention being paid. to Mr. Davis. After , Cold and rule her proud form lies ,-
1:; ii 533.; V We were occasionally interrupted by p 3 as a hasty break aet we tool; the road for Macon lint not, more pale: nor yet more had
64,. l  ..  3 3 of disbanded troops, Who mistook our train 3 heavy guard 3mg surrounding the Shim 1 31m: 33 We u im' Wt 013 1d ,
r" 43 V/ , . .xor quartermaster stores or the Confederate '. Pmhdeht' I think it W 0 the morning 0 :irhgliiii 353511 1311; 333333-333}: 3:133:33}
/ .-;; ..  , -. . 46.; Treasury. and insisted on interview 3 the second day after our capture, that the 3C0-'-6=50 ii'lftaiid 353:3: 3333 63
4:9. L. :5 ing us. In all cases when they learned mhthy of he 5*? mm 33 hmhch h-V Tile (ieathlv dullness fl] 3 63;
'6  -' 3 ll 1 , g5; . who we were, they were not only such ashout as only intense excitement can . 1,, no, mo'redu moi): , f," if? i,
.  V i 1). V, 6,4; satised bulLreudy _wit_l1 offers of service. limduce- It WVas takenVup and prolonged Vltwbellitizneuuguiie W'Lnom 6},
, 1W ,3. .V 6; ,V . V 5 5112'fo =- -. . until we wele51m9tueazeped by the uproar. 6 VVV} honVl have clnvvii Lino lies of light '2;
.l. ii _. . , r. .. ' V. .1- . .-  - = (x inc? = ' am! 0" M will my night '
' 6-  " .. .  ,.  -' *- - - ' ' '  . , 4.56. 6' L Anni-4.644.410, ivl'3inve-.
i' - .2 ..-AU