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E J r. 5 WT G0 on! Ill see you through it, In  ' .IE '
2' 525,55 -, an on m. CHEAP CEO Mm .- l J-
a -;r QUET! i I.
I 5 \ s Hendqumors for stowage at Wholesale a: Retail! '5 1
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i .1, E GOIA/G AROUND THE WORLD. , I .Chmgm Rock Istand & Pac1c Railroad . I
E E HOW mm (.0. j . TIME TABLE ,  ' , I ,
_ ; E  I HE average modern American tourist of the present age l BETWEEN  ' j 
with a liberal balance at his bankers who has done I N CHICAGO and SAN FRANCISCO- 5 'l
, Europe and the Continent repeatedly, is now satised with ' 1__,,,, 7 7 mv___-T ' i . M, I
1 nothing less than a trip around the world. To such the fol ' . I _ .  . .  . 1 5 l
i lownig table Will be found quite Interesting as showing the I , n- AT. . n- , AT . In . I 5 IE
' route taken to complete the circuit. the distance traveled. the  CHISiAGO OMAHA DHVER bi LAM: SACRAM U S. i AMI:  
I different connecting Railway and Steamer Lines, and time  i 10'15 A'M 1000 " u E 6'30 PM' 7'30 P'M' 2'20 P'M' 8 45 P M' i l I
\ required to make the trip. If leaving New York city, step  E4 __I7 . '5 1i 
ilgito :lhe Chiczago, Rock Island 8; Pacic R. R. Ollice, No. 257 t ISnnday, Monday, ETuesday, Wednesd. Friday, Friday, )I . I)
ma way. an purchase your ticket to Hong Kong Oier any '  .  I 7 
 of the through lines centering at Chicago. Between Chicago  Monday, Tuesday, EWEdnesa. Thumday Esaturday Saturday, I X
 and Omaha you pass over the most perfectly constructed and I E Tuesday, Wednesd. EThursday Friday, ESunday, ISunday, .  . E 
5 equipped Railway in the United States. \Vest of Omaha you K E - I l E i )
I pass over the two great Pacic Railways arriving at San _ WEdDeSd' Thumdayirnday EsatmdayEMonday EMonday, : i l 5. i
I Francisco. . ,Thursday Friday, Saturday,ISunday, ETuesday, ITuesday, I ,I '. .
i 3 ROUIIE DIE-ETANCH 'Eme. ' I . . Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, EWednesd. IWednesd E . /-'1,I . .
 ices. 5 Mrs. E  t , V l
.- E -' (F  W5"  - Saturday. Sunday. Monday. ETueSday- Thursday IThUISdaYE '  if
I I Across the Continent, N. York I E j I E 4.___  . I
E . to SanFranc1sco__......___._....I 3,320 7 . I--;-'-_ E - E
San Francisco to Hong Kong  E .  > i l
I E via Pacic Mail Line Steam: E 3 E E I E ' FA C T S . J '
. era 6 s 4 ' 32 1 . 3 .y- 3
I H . . 5 i E 5 I
. ong Kong to Calcutta Via Pe- E , . ' I ' . - /, ' 
E ninsular & Oriental Sis. Line - 3 500 14 I J . The longest steamer route in the world is hetiieen San Fran .1. .
Calcutta to Bomba. via Gre t I  W E f , Cisco and Yokohama22,(lays'Withoutlanding. Steamer con- )5 I
:I Indian Peninsula,Railwayzi_J 1 4.72 2 "7 2- I): ' sumes 3,000 tons of coal during the round trip between San I . ' . I
Bombay to Marseilles, via P. & i  I 'I Francisco and Hong Kong. The average expense of steamer 5 i 'E >
r. 8 Steamers through Suez E E I for round trip is $100,000 gold. 5 5 , Ei I
 Wigagfgutcgipilin5323)::E 3,500 19 I / The highest altitude reached by any railway is at the Andes ,I . - g I l
, I Marseilles to Havre, via French E I E Tunnel,between Lima and Oroya, 15,000 feet above tide water. . ' i If
. 5 Railway__._.__,,____._:______,,,,_ 575 30h. : I Tunnel 3.000feetlong. I '  E, . :-
Htiirrgto Neg: York, Via any Of E The steepest continuous grade known.where cog wheels are E i "'I I _ l 
e cean Gamer Llnes' """ 3150 10 ' E not used. is on the Mexico & Vera Cruz R. R., recently com- E , If
Tgai:5_ waogtEzl3EEAV18Ed , plated204 feet to the mile {or 18 miles.  ,  / ' i 
___.-___~wv_._ ,5, miu _ I ... _ V , ~
' I\VhIen arriving at New York the tourist has made the E THE OLD RELIABLE BETWEEN E E V f r
,, _ _ _E entire Circuit of the Globe north of the Equator. 5 3' I
:5: , 1i th '1 he best time to leave the States is duringr the fall months. ' 5 Kansas, Nebraska, 001018410 & California, 5' I i I '
I . ey then pass through the low latitudes near the Equator . : E ' 1 - .l
, during the winter months, avoiding entiiely the intensely cold _: E 15 THE i i I. I V I"
VII E weather incident to this climate. and the extreme heat of the j ,1}: E  i, I
summer months in the Indian Ocean. I I. , i V  A. E ' E i V E E
E: W The Fare for the entire trip will not exceed $1,600 E E  QK 5 SLad Qutge 1
VI? currency. : \ E 
4 ._V________________, . 5 ;_ , , ,, ,,7.,W,_,. ..#_r.__#-.__J  .
It 5 55"" ' "rI - . . - 
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