xt73xs5j9x20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5j9x20/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19281102  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  2, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  2, 1928 1928 2012 true xt73xs5j9x20 section xt73xs5j9x20 Best Copy Available













2, 1928





Presidential Candi-didat- e
Carries East, Central
and Western Territory



Virginia Cast Greatest Number
of. Individual Votes For
Governor Smith


In the first American college straw
vote evei taken by College Humor
nd the college dailies,
Hoover received a two to one vote.
At tho September registration this
year there were 892,808 students in
the 1,104 American colleges, of which
544,085 were men and 348,123 girls.
This army of young voters (most of
whom had never had any experience
at the polls) have been tcrmod by
Democrats and Republicans
as the
hope of America.
The two parties
should be interested in figures obtained.
of the college newspapers were secured, tho majority of
them running ballots on their front
pages. Voting boxes were placed at
stragetic spots on tho campus. Returns were wired to Chicago at tho
latest possible moment. Thousands
of secret ballots were mailed by College Humor to fraternities and sororities in every college. In many
schools, particularly in the southern
states, the students did strenuous
n campaigning for .their favorites.
Smith Holds 10 States
Analysis of the vote showed that
Herbert Hoover had the majority of
student votes in 38 states and the
District of Columbia. Alfred E. Smith
carried ten states: Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas.
Dividing the country into zoned,
every one of the following eastern
states voted for Hoover: Maine, New
Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. The largest vote for him was
in Connecticut, nine to one. Smith
made his best showing in New York,
where the vote ran nine to five for
Hoover. The total votes in the eastern states gave Hoover a three to
one majority.
In the southern stales, Smith carried every state with the exception
of West Virginia,, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and the District
The vote was closest in
West Virginia, Hoover winning by
only three votes. Smith's majority
was a comfortable one in every other
state he carried, Texas and Louisiana
going over to his standards four to
one. Of all votes cast in the 16 southern states, Smith led by a majority
of seven to five. The heaviest vote
was cast in Virginia and the lightest
vote in Arkansas.
Central States For Hoover
Of the central states, Hoover carried every one of them. The west-centr- al
states (North Dakota, South
Dakota, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and Kansas) all went Republican
by a total of three to one.
Hoover carried every western state
(Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah,
Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Washington, Oregon, and California). Taking the total of all votes
cast in this section he led three to
one. In Colorado the Democrats were
strongest, three to two, and in Montana the weakest, 39 to one. Of all
the states in tho union, Montana was
the strongest for the G. O. P. forces.
Virginia cast the greatest number
of individual votes lor bmitn, ana
the most votes for
Unnvor. Tha larsrest ner ccntago lu
college 'was 20 to one for
any one
Smith in Mount St. Mary's college,
Emmltsburg, Maryland. The largest
per centage for Hoover in any college was 18 to one at Wheaton
Wheaton, 111.
Will Rogers obtained one-ha- lf
one per cent of the total student vote.
Tha fnllnwlnor wm received from St.
..John's Collegiate, Anapolis, Maryland.
"Hoover 128, Smith vm, Texas uum-.a- n
2, Students dry and faculty all
"The Technology of Low Temper
attire Carbonation." by Frank M. Gen
trv. was received by the University
library this week as a gift from the
author, who was a student in the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences two years
ago. The book is of a scientific na- ture and is just off the press.
In an accompanying letter Mr. Gentry said that ho had spent many hours
in the library and ho was greatly honored in presenting the book.
Tho library wishes to express its
appreciation of this gift and feels
proud of tho former University student.


D. H. Pek, business manager of
the University, who underwent an
emergency operation at tho Good Samaritan hospital Wednesday, was rerMiisg w)l Uit night.



Medical service is to ho extended
to nny University student nt his
home or residence without charge,
by members, of the University dispensary stofi. Heretofore this service has not been given. Medical
aid may bo received by calling
.1. S. CHAMBERS, M. D.


Come With Me, Sonny, to the Woodshed"







(By Melvina Hcavenridge

(By Scott Keyes)

Amateur night, an annual event
sponsored by the Strollers, dramatic
organization of the University, was
given last night in the Men's gymnasium nt 7:30 o'clock before a large
and appreciative audience. The best
three plays given during the try-ouwere staged.
After the productions were given,
the. judges held n short conference and
announced that the best play of the
three was "Their First Quarrel," featuring Jane Calcutt and Andrew Hoover. Free tickets to the Stroller annual spring production were given
the winners.
The three one act plays presented
and the casts were:
Dorothy Jones
Daisy ....
Virginia Young
"Their First Quarrel"
Mrs. Brown
Jane Calcutt
Andrew Hoover
Mr. Brown
"A Rural Belle"
William Scheumeyer
Katherine Dane
The judges were Prof. Enoch Gre-ha- n,
Mr. Frank Fowler and Miss Willy King.
The Stroller eligibles are as follows:
Katherine Smith, Morris Scott, Mary
Richardson, Molly Mack Offuth, Emily Hardin, Dorothy Jones, Earl TenfF,
Frances McCandless, Audrey Stur-gil- l,
Rebecca Van Meter, Annette
Newlin, Katherine Dans, Mary Willis
Saunders, Virginia Young, Elizabeth
Mary Elizabeth
Lucy Fergerson
Ware, Andrew Hoover, Nell Clarke,
James Brough, Billie Alsover, Wilma
Powell. Mary Virginia Willis, Daniel
Hurd, Mary Chatfield, Red Mills, Joe
Ann Frazer, Earl Cella, Robert Por
ter. Elsie Dickerson, Louise Gott, Wil
liam Scheuermcyer, Nina Budd, Henry Scott, Bus Yager, Evelyn Ford,
Jack Keene Roby, Mary Elizabeth
Brothers, Louisa Bickle, Rufus Wil
son, Billie Calleson, Katherine Ken
nedy, Shirley Grieg, Jane Kenney,
Jane Calcutt, Joe rat ireianu, mne
Spears, Golden Luers, Lois Adams,
Thomas House, Mildred Phillips, Jean
Kennedy, Virginia Baker, Jean Cofr-ma- n,
Myra Luker, Lillian Read, Sarah
Reynolds and Mary Antony.

If the Guignol players attempted
"Letters," literary quarterly of the Russell Davis and E. Maxwell
only to accomplish in their initial preWill Defend Foreign AtUniversity, passes its first milestone
sentation, "Hay Fever," which opened
today with the appearance of the
titudes of Democrats
Monday at the campus theater, to
November issue. The magazine was
amuse their audience and make them
founded a year ago, in response to a CHINESE STUDENT WILL
feel that they had spent an enjoyable
long felt need, and Professor Farqu-haREVIEW SITUATION evening, as Director Frank C. Fowler
its editor, yesterday expressed
said in a first night curtain speech
his satisfaction at the publication's H. J.
Scott and A. R. Everydle
the performance, then they
first birthday.
Will Speak on Position of
have more than satisfied these ambi"'Letters' was formed to promote
Republican Nominee
tions in all of their showings this
literary activity
week. But they have done more than
state," he said, "and not just here in
The International Relations Club of this, they have presented a play adWe have endeavored
the University.
to present the work of well known the University will hold its first meet- mirable both in direction and characauthors of Kentucky, as well as new ing of the year at 7:30 o'clock tonight terization which as a strictly amateur
build- performance
deserves the highest
writers, and have published, in this in Room 204,, Administration
field, works of Cale Young Rice and ing. The main objective of this club praise.
to create an interest in the treatNor can all of the laughs be attribAlice Hegan Rice, of Louisville. We is
ment of world problems, stressing the uted to the amusing incidents and
wish, also to be able to refer to 'Letpolitical, social, and economic phases clever lines of Noel Coward's three
ters' as a reliable source of inforAll students inter- act comedy, for it was the ingenious
mation on all of Kentucky's great of the questions.
authors, and the articles now running ested in international relations are personalities of the actors and their
vivid portrayals which gave the play
on James Lane Allen are an example invited to attend the
In this club, it is the desire to cre- its brilliancy.
of the success of this aim. As yet
ate thinkers, and, rather than give a
Under the exadtirfc direction o
we are not able to offer much in the
way of prizes, but a beginning has series of lectures, it is striving for Frank C. Fowler, "Hay Fever," has
meeting to- also served as a vehicle to bring to
been made, and we hope to offer individual effort. At the
on the
larger ones in the near future. Rec night, there will be a debate foreign light new and versatile talent herequestion, "Resolved that the
Probably the
tofore undiscovered.
ognition in 'Letters is, in its way,
policy of Herbert Hoover is superior most outstanding of the actors new to Gridgraph of Game
as great an achievement as recogniUniversity audiences is Mrs. W. F.
tion in athletics or other forms of to that of Alfred Smith."
To Be Given
Galloway, wife of Prof. W. F. GalloForeign Policies Important
student activity."
Saturday Afternoon
The affirmative will be upheld by way, of the English department, who
The prizes for the year were award- H. J. Scott and A. R. Everydle, while
(Continued on Page Eight)
E. Maxwell and R. Davis will defend
(Continued on Page Eight)
of the football game
the negative side of the question. Our
between Kentucky and Vanderbilt will
foreign policy is and always has been
be triven at the Men s gymnasium Sat
a vitally important matter in our
A. E.
urday afternoon at 2: JO oclocK anu


crid-erap- li



To Address Third Convocation
of University Students November 15; Subject Is "Essentials of Leadership."

Ask Bids
For New Buildings


Cassidy Heads

Freshman Class

-- Ante



'Letters' Observes INTERNATIONAL Guignol Players
Its First Birthday RELATIONS CLUB Earn High Praise
In "Hay Fever'9

Dr. Arthur Eugene Bestor, presi
dent of the Chautauqua Institution,
Chautauqua, N. Y., will address the
third general convocation of tho University November IB on the subject,
"Essentials of Leadership."
Dr. Bestor was born in Dixon, 111.,
May 19, 1878, the son of Oson Porter
Bestor and Mrs. Laura Ellen Moore
Dr. Bestor married Miss
Jeannette Louise Lemon, of Bedford,
Ind., March 24, 1905, and he has three
living children.
Dr. Bestor received his A. B. degree
to at the University of Chicago in 1901.
President McVey Authorized
Ho was awarded his LL. D. degree by
Advertise For Construction
Colgate University in 1919. Dr. Besof New Structures
tor was professor of history and polAt a recent meeting of the execu- itical science at Franklin College, Ind.,
tive committee of tho trustees of the from 1901 to 1903. He was also a lecUniversity, President Frank L. Mc- turer on political science. He was
Vey was authorized to advertise for
(Continued ou Page Eight)
bids for tho construction of a training school burkling and a dairy products building, both projects being ap- Ted
proved several mouths ago, It is expected that tho bids will bo asked for
within tho next few woeks.
Tntnl exnenditiurcs
for the two
Ted Cassidy, of St. Louis, was elecbuildings, according to Maury Crutch- - ted president, and Miss Dorothy Gor-haLexington, vico president in tho
tr Kiinnrintendent of buildillirs and
grounds, will approximate $450,000. annual freshman class election held
Tho teacher training building will bo on the campus last Monday,
Mr. Cassidy is enrolled in tho
located in Scovell park on property
which tho University received from
of Arts and Sciences, and is u
It probably member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fratho city of Lexington.
ternity. Miss Gorham is also in the
will not bo completed until
in to. Tho tiuii-- urotiucts Duuainar is College of Arts and Sciences, and is
- a member of the Alpha Gamma Delta
to bo situated on Rose streot, uirectly in front of tho stock pavilion, soroity.
Thoso who were nominated for
and if weather conditions aro favorTed Cassidy
able will bo finished by September, these offices included:
and Robert Porter, president, and
Members of tho board present at Misses Dorothy Gorham and Diana
tho meeting were Judge R. C. Stoll, Urownifleld, vice president.
larger percentage of
James Park and Robert Gordon, of this election
ouisvllle, President McVey and Wel- votes were cast by the freshmen than
in any other class elections.
lington Patrick, secretary..

A.. '.,,i&m.-


Plays Given
Best Three One-As
During Recent
Staged; List of Eligibles Is

International Contest
Will Be Held November 9
When Feminine Orators of
Britain Meet University Boys.

DesDite bad weather and n number
of other handicaps, The Kampus Kat,
published Dy the Kentucky chapter,
Siirma Delta Chi. international pro- fessionarjournalistic fraternity, made
its appearance as scheduled at the
Centre game last Saturday.
Although The Kat upheld its repu
tation as the "scandal sheet" of the
University, the humor and pictures
contained in its eight pages were remarkably clean, and not the slightest
hint of expulsion has yet been received by any of the editors.
Despite the fact that The Kat only
cleared 10 for the publishers, Sign.n
Delta Chi intends to publish another
and much better ono sometime in the
near future, with the consent of the
University authorities.
Only 1,100 copies of Tho Kat were
sold but everybody seemed well
pleased with tho paper, and only compliments have been heard in regard to




Kampus Kat Makes
Appearance Despite
Weather Conditions

Students are notified that, from
now on, Kernels will ho tnken to
the book store in McVey hall where
they can be obtained Friday morning. Last Friday scvcrnl pooplo
fniled to get their paper, becnuso
they did not know where to find



The men's debating team of the
University will meet tho British wo
man's debating team in a contest at
tho Henry Clay high school nt7:30
o'clock on the evening of November 9.
The British team is a very strong
one, being composed of Miss Nancy
Samuel, Somerville College, Oxford
University, Miss Margery M. Sharp,
Bedford Colelge, London University,
and Miss Leonore W. Lockhart, Gir- ton College, Cambridge.
Miss Samuel has spent a great por
tion of her life in the Holy Land and
in Egypt. Her father is the Rt. Hon.
Sir Herbert Samuel, G. C. B., who was
a member of the British parliament
until 1918. In 1920 he was appointed
High Commissioner
for Palestine.
Miss Samuel went to Oxford in 1925
to study for the School of Politics,
Philosophy and Economics.
Miss Samuel, with her background
of close association with national and
international politics and widespread
travels, is well prepared to meet effectively the opposition of our debat
ing team.
Miss Sharp, the second member of
the debatine; team, has chosen the lit
erary field for'her life work. She has
also traveled a great deal, having
visited Malta and several other distant places. She has been connected
with "New Troy" and "The Grantq,"
and has contributed to "Punch" and
"The Spectator."
Miss Lockhart is the second child of
Captain Murray Lockhart, R. N. of
Milton Lockhart, the head of a
Scottish lowland family, and
a great nephew of the distinguished
and biographer of Scott.
From her earliest years she showed
an unusual facility of speech, a faculty she owes, probably more to her
Irish blood on her mother's side than
to the less articulate Scott. She has
spent several years in Africa where
she learned the spirit of independence.
Beside living in South Africa she has
traveled frequently on the Continent,
but this is her first trip to America.







McGugin's Men Are Heavy Favorites to Win as in Former







and always haB held an important place in political campaigns,
Consequenly, it is believed that tho
debate will develop into quite a heated
discussion and will disclose features
of the candidates' foreign policies,
which have not been noticed before.
Following this, the club will exhibit
its cosmopolitan and international relationship in tho form of a talk by Mr.
Lei Liang Chow. Mr. Chow is a very
learned Chinese student v. ho iB now
enrolled at the University and his
treatment of American problems is
interesting indeed. He is able, as a
foreigner, to stand apart and view the
situation from an unbiased and detached position. Mr. Chow will give
his impressions of an American presidential campaign.
Aided by Carnegie Endowment
This club is aided financially by the
I Carnegie
for world
supSimilar organizations,
ported by tho same fund, are located
lending colleges and uni
in 50 of tho
versities of tho country. This sum
mer. 30 members will be picked from
members throughout tho country ond
will bo criven u free trip to Europe
It is hoped that some members of the
local club will be fortunate enough
to be selected.
Any student who is interested in
world problems, und who would like
to tako advantago of this expert
treatment of international affairs,
may learn of the club by conferring
with Professor Vanuenbosch, ot tne
political science department.


Kernel Sports Writer Wires Re
port That Injuries Shadow
Wildcat Pullman
(By Wayman Thomasson)
board the Wildcat spec'nl for
Coach Harry
Nashville, Nov. 1.
Gamage put out the cat early tonight and just now "Father Floppy"
Forquer, the Newcastle deacon, is
leading his congregation
in th-"Nightmare Chorus From Pullman."
The boys are full of a good dinn r
donated by the Cannry Cottage ir
Louisville and satisfied with a fr-show through tho courtesy of Locv.'s
theater. There are 26 players, Coarh
es Gamage and Shively, Trains-MannManager Wilson, and "Dad lv"
Boles on board. The train left L
at 3 o'clock and stopped in
Louisville for six hours while the
boys enjoyed the program arrange:!
for them by Haden Read, formerly f
the Kentucky theater, but now with
Loow's in Louisville.
Vandy Looms
Down the track Vandy looms omin
ously. Coach Daniel McGugin's Com
modores have defied the unlucky "13"
and won three games by making 13
points, defeating Colgate 13 to 7,
Texas 13 to 12, and Tulane 13 to 6.
Include overwhelming victories over
Chattanooga and Virginia, and you
have discovered one of the most po
tent records any team in the country
can boast. Stir in Abernathy, an end
who is six feet six and weighs 215
pounds, Armistead and Mcllwain, tvo
180 pound halfbacks, Schwartz, a 2 '0
pound fullback, and you have a receipe
that should just about cook Kentucky's goose.
But, Coach Gamage is a man who
knows his business and he may have
pointed his 'Cats for this game. Of
course Johnson, Treiber, and Forquer
are nursing injuries which will handicap them, and Portwood will not be
able to play, but the Blue and White
is still going to be a mighty hard
team to score on. Only one touchdown has been scored on Kentucky
this season.
'Cats in Poor Condition
There's Nowack sneezing again.
The boy is sick with a cold and Tom
Walters may have to relieve htm Saturday. The team is in the worst condition it has been in this year to play
the best team it will play all 3eason.
Coach Gamage will start the same
team he used against Northwestern.
Brown is back at tackle and Forquer
has been shifted to guard again.
Gilb, Spicer, Covington and Johnson
will play in the backfield.
This "Casey Jones" up ahead here
just threw his throttle (not bottle)
out the window and the telephone
poles outside look like a picket fence,
except it's dark. The rails are s'ng- iing "KentUCKy IS unueieuieu m i
Southern Conference," ana l nope
they will be singing that song to
somebody else in Nashville after the
game Saturday.

admission will be 25 cents to all. This
will give the ones not making the trip
to Nashville a chance to get the immediate returns in a most interesting
Maury B. Crutchcr Says That manner. Efforts arc being made to
Present Trafhc Situation Re- obtain crid-crap- band onshows occasion. of
every play
To Be
quires Immediate Attention; both teams h and the player making the
100 Cars Parked Daily.
play. It also points out the yardage Program
Will Commemorate
made and where the ball is at the time
Schubert Centenary; rni
The traffic situation at the Univer
Mu Alpha Will Pledge
sity has become so acute that im- of the piay.
Let's come out and follow the piay
mediate attention will be required, acgrid-grapcording to a recent interview with M. of tho 'Cats with tho
Tho first conceit of the year by tho
of build
B. Crutcher, superintendent
Philharmonic orchestra of the Uniings and grounds.
Last year about
versity, under the direction of Prof.
230 cars were parked daily on the
U. K. Carl Lampert, head of the department
campus, while this year the
of music, will be given Sunday afterhas increased to nearly 400. Consequently tho parking and passing spa Ralf Fletcher Will Lecture to noon at 3:30 o'clock in the men's gym
ces have decreased and there is now
Art Classes; Exhibition of
much more danger of accidents occurWorks to Be Held
Tho program will bo a Schubert
Centenary program, in commemoraThe erection of now buildings and
Ralf Fletcher, of Chicago, well tion of Schubert week, and several
the walks recently constructed are ocby the celebrated composer
cupying areas formerly used for park known publisher of art books and dis- selectionsgiven. Mrs. L. L. Dantzler,
ing, and proposed uulluings win soon tinguished lecturer, will como to tho will
will sing.
occupy places now utilized for that University Monday, to bo here two ontralto,
The program follows:
The situation has further
in the Suito From Rosamunde," Schubert,
as a visiting instructor
been complicated due to the fact that weeks,
"Earl King," Schubert,
commercial vehicles aro using tho department fit art of the University. andantino;
accomMr. Fletcher, besides being uu auth- sung by Mrs. L. L. Dantzler "Symby Miss Caroline Pike;
(Continued on Page Eight)
ority on works of art is an artist him- panied
self and has made a number of studies phony in B Minor," (unfinished) Schumovement, allegro moderato,
in water colors and etchings.
"Auf dem Wasser zu Singen,"
Ho suont last winter in Mexico bert;
Schubert, including "Ave alarm," anu
"Tho Kentucky Wesleyan" student where ho made a study of the Mayan
und Women," by tho samo
newspapers, announces mo amuse i civilization with particular attention Lochen
ta name to "The KentucKy wesieyun to M avan art. Ho has also traveled
Duiintr a short intermission nine
in this country
The new name was i extensively
Mu Alpha,
selected from among a number sub abroad, seeking all tho while, subjects men will be pledged to Phi
national honorary musical fraternity,
mitted in a contest to provide a new for his brush.
will conname for tho paper by u committee
During Mr. Fletcher's stay hero an after which tho orchestra tho selec
program with
In tho October 19 issue of Tho Ken consisting of Profs. Eunice Strother exhibition of his paintings will be clude their
Grandos, "iwo uui- tucky Kernel there was a statement and P. H. Farrier, of the English
hold bv tho department of art. The tions, "Jota,"
Rhap-sody- ,"
Miss Mario Grobmyer, rep- inhibition will bo on view at Art Con tars," Harlick, and "Southern
effects "Psl Delta fraternUy
to this
Georgetown College has announced resenting the stuff, and Mr. Lyman ter.' Mr. Fletcher will give several
that the organization under that name Ginger, representing the student body. lectures while at tho University.
has ceased to function and that; tho Mr. William Darrugh, of Lexington,
members have reorganized unuVr u submitted the winning name.
granted by Sigma Deltu Chi
Tho University band, duo to lack of
This fraternity is an international or
Members of tho Lexington Rotary funds, will not accompuny tho Wildionization." This statement was cr
they Invade Nashville toTho entire news staff of Tho Kernel Club entertained groups of freshmen cats when
roneous and Tho Kernel regrets its
Transylvania morrow.
It is expected that about
Sigma Delta Chi, luuer will meet In Tho Kernel office at 3 from the University and
In spo-clwill
It is requested that College at luncheon Thursday at the 100 persons to be leave tonight game,
national nrofessionul journalistic Ira o'clock today.
present at the
Tho luncheon for
not grunted tho privilege, every member of tho staff bo present Phoenix hotel.
ternity has
is an annual custom which and many other fans will make tho
to tho Georgetown fratornlty toj usj as some important matters will bo fretbmcn
trip by automobile
is sponsored by tho Rotary club.
brought up and discussed.
Editor's Note.
ti Mmc


Orchestra Concert
Held Sunday




* Best Copj




Subscribe Kor




And Help the Association





Mrs. E. T. Proctor, 'IG

Wyland Rhodes, 'IS

Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02

W C. Wilson, '04

Wnltcr lllllcnnieycr,

Dr. George II. Wilson, '01


Attain it has come and gone the gridiron classic of Kentucky.
This time, for the second consecutive year, the Wildcats triumphed
over their ancient rivals, the Colonels of Centre. The game this year
score as had been predicted by
was not marked with a
many of the wiseacres who had been following both teams, but there
was a victory for Kentucky and no score for Centre.
Played on a wet and slippery field the game was not what most
of us expected and for some it was, in a measure, a disappointment.
However, we have nothing to be nshamed of. It has to be admitted
that our team did not play the same excellent football that has characterized its earlier games, but it gave us a victory. Centre seemed
to hit her stride for the first time during the season and surprised
every one by holding the Wildcats to a small score. Still it was all
the better game for that, and it is our humble opinion that our team
has learned the lesson of ovcrconfidence. You can look for benefits
from that lesson to show up the remaining games this season.

The financing of an Alumni association, at its best, is a most difWe here in this office find no exception to this.
ficult proposition.
Limited as we are, by the number of Alumni who are active in the
association each year, we have been known to run behind on the
finances in maintaining the Alumni . of fice. Before the opening of
school each year we have made it a practice to send to every member
In this
of the association what we term our midsummer bulletin.
we outline the plans of the officers for the year and always end with
an appeal for dues. We do this because we want to send every active
Alumnus and Alumna every issue of The Kentucky Kernel. The response to this appeal, while it is good, does not cover all of those
who pay their dues during the year. This is a condition that we can
not avoid. Later on after several issues of The Kernel have been
published and mailed out we have a large number who pay up their
dues. Many of these request the earlier issues of The Kernel. Now
we would like to take care of all these requests and do so as well
as we can. However, we can't send all the issues to every one who
asks for them for the following reasons.
Alumni there are
Each week we know just how many paid-u- p
and order just enough Kernels for them. This is made necessary by
the fact that the Kernels cost money. In fact, the sending of The
Kernel to Alumni is the most expensive activity of the Alumni association, and the greater portion of the yearly dues goes into this.
Alumni giving us
When we have only a certain number of paid-u- p
only a limited sum of money with which to maintain the Alumni office, we cannot afford to purchase extra copies of The Kernel, anticipating those who will pay up later and want back numbers.
We make this explanation to those of you who have asked for
.the back issues, and have not received them. This condition is one
that we Would like to remedy, but cannot, unless you pay up promptly
or some other method of financing is devised.

company in
the Kentucky Utilities
Louisville. His address is 511 West
St. Catherine street.

They Tell Me
Charles Lee Morgan, B. S. 1916, is
head of the Poultry division of Agricultural experiment department of
His address is
Cleinson College.
Clemson College, South Carolina.

Edward Hillenmeyer, B. S.
is another Alumnus who has a
place in our Roll of Honor. He has


been an active member of the Alumni
association each year since before
He is a nurseryman and also
Clarence Edward Hubbuch, B. S. a member of the board of trustees of
19215, is a salesman
for the Powell the University. His address is R. F.
Seed company, of Louisville, Ky. His D, 6, Lexington, Ky.
address is 1054 Everett avenue, Louis
Viola Sadie Owens, A. B. 1927, is a
young Alumna who recently has beB. S. M. E. come an active member of the assoJohn White O'Xan,
ciation for the first time. She is teach192(5, is power salesman for the
Light company of Pittsburg. ing in the Consolidated school of New
Ilia address is 4912 Center avenue, Tazewell, Tenn.


Dr. Garrett Davis Buckner, B. S.
1908, is chemist in charge of Animal
Clay Daniels Fyfe, A. B. 1928, is
in Louisville where his address Nutrition for the Agricultural experiHis
is 2.11 Broadway, in care of the Y. M. ment station of the University.
wife was formerly Miss Sarah Che-nauC. A.
and they have two daughter
Sanford Milliken, A. B. and one sou.
1927, is with the Goodyear Tire and
is a pharmaAlice Caden,
Rubber company, of Louisville. His
address is P. O. Box 2100, Louisville, cist and is located in Lexington. Her
address is P. O. Box G8, Lexington.
She is another former student who is
Bishop McCarty, A. B. 1923, interested in the University and has
is assistant manager for one of the been an active member of the assoKresge stores in Louisville. His ad- ciation for ten years.
dress is 412 Fourth street.
Richard Henry Barker,
Franklin P. Williams, Ex-l- it 11!, is a coal mine operator and is located In
of Kresge Store No. 50, in Pineville, Ky.
Louisville, where his address is 412
Carolyn Frances Lutkemier.'B. S.
South Fourth street.
1910, is another member of the assoGeorge Taylor Bogard, B. M. E. ciation with a perfect record. She has
1908, E. E. 1914, is vice president of been active each year since leaving

James Vick Faulkner, who was graduated from the University with the
class of 1895, died at his home near
Manltou, Okln., Wednesday, September 20, ns n result of n combined heart
attack and paralytic stroke. The news
of his death recently reached friends
on the University
nnd classmates
Mr. Faulkner was one of the pioneer settlers in his section of Oklahoma, going there in 1901 when the
lands were
He settled on
opened to settlement.
thnt was his home until his
the farm
death. When Oklahoma first became
a state he represented his district in
the first legislatur