
Fo reword
To us, the Editors, has been granted the privilege of directing the composition of a book which we have endeavored to keep at the high standard set by former Ken-lucfyian editors. In this we have been hampered by one of the most unfortunate years any University has ever weathered. That we have in some measure succeeded in our endeavor is due to the co-operation of the student body as a whole and a large part of the faculty and friends of the University. Particularly we wish to thank Professor Enoch Grehan, who put the entire resources of the Journalism Department at the disposal of the staff; William Wallace, Jr., Art Editor, who, though a Junior, gave of his time and talent freely to make the Senior year book a success, the Registrar and his assistants, who helped in securing the pictures for the dedication section, and above all, President McVey, who assured the management of the financial backing of the University. We offer the 1919 Kenlucfyian for what it is worth. Read and judge leniently.