»_  pp `         F  ‘               V.   to  
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supplementary forms is the same as that of its master form plus a letter of
s the alphabet to identify the record as being also contained in the deed or `j ?
other series. For example, if the HR form covering deed series is A-1, ;__~ Q
1 deeds of gift would be identified as A—1a; deeds-of release, A-lb; mort- " j
gages, A-lc, and so on. If you find more than 26 additional records in a ` poi
by series, the number of the twenty-sixth supplementary form will be A-lz, the ‘_, Z
twenty~seventh will be A-laa, and the twenty—eighth, AV—lbb. Give the in- —p ` ’
clusive (beginning and ending) dates by month, day and year, if possible, ‘rp. g
for each "alse oontained" record in Item 2 of the supplementary HR form. " z
A Title: Please remember that titles of all supplementary forms are assigned 1. l
A titles and should be enclosed in parentheses. The volumes of every record i“_J g
series must be searched for "also contained" records in the same manner as _eg>.i
explained for the deed series, and a supplementary form must be prepared ·g¥. Q
for each "also contained" record that is found. g; j
.§1=e.’s;22i;i2¤2 ¤¤ Cnsss Rsiennézn  *?‘~  
The purpose of the master and supplementary HR forms is to break down viii.?
a volume or file box which actually contains a number of separate records, f{fi;} .i,·
in order that each record may be listed under the proper office of subject — ina;
_ heading or combined with other parts of the same series of records. If ¥;;*Q
the record is very general or miscellaneous, detailed information as to jgT@T*
types of records contained and dates covered by each should be given. Let figfy
us take the mortgage books as an example. A chock of the mortgage volumes iff Q
will usually disclose that chattel mortgages, mortgage releases, agreements, $}g*'
contracts, and possible several other records, will also be recorded in fg,“Y
these volumes; therefore, it will be necessary to prepare a supplementary QQ; E
HR form for each different type of record recorded in the mortgage books j§Q[p
and to give dates covering the period such record was recorded in the mort- {QT? ,
gage books. In item 6 of the master HR form covering mortgage records, _,E;§{
the description of mortgages should be given, and in addition to the de- j;Zg“}
scription, the master form should carry the following information: also Qgi j
contains: (Title of records "also contained" in mortgage books, enclosed `§é§+J
in parentheses), and form identification number of supplementary HR form jEff{
on which the also contained record is described. As a concrete example, Qfgéil
assume that the mortgage series runs from 1850-current and that the form ??Q§)
identification number is "-2. Upon a check of the records recorded in these *i";P
Volumes from l850 to 1928, mortgage releases were recorded in the mortgage £§§g"
volumes from 1850 to current, agreements were recorded in the mortgage €§3€`l
volumes from 1855-1910, and contracts were recorded in the mortgage volumes Qgiilg
from 1850-1916. The form identification number for (Chattel Mortgages) {§£§?l
vmuld be A—2a; (Mortgzge Releases), A-2b; (Agreements), A—Bc; and (Con- §§§;g
traces), A-za.  
In item 6 of the master form A—2, "Mortgages," the description of ·$§%;r
mortgages would be given and immediately after the description, the follow- .§??$E
ing information would also be given; also contains; (Chattel Mortgages), ¥§QE»g
form "—2a; (Mortgage Releases), form.A-Eb; (Agreements), form A-2c; (Con- §§;gW
tracts), form A-2d. gig?}
  ·.oi *
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