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é Special Instructions to Worker · »A'` l g
} l. Do not smoke while you are in a room containing records. lift J
l j 2. Dc not remove records from their storage room without the consent of the ¢*·` l
2 official in charge. .; °'l
i 5. When you have questions about your work, write to the state office. .Y Vl"`, , ’
4. Be courteous and agreeable to the county officials; however, you are not Qs}, i
to undertake work for county officers other than called for by instruc- ; .y.»Y__ ij;
tions from the state office. rh3;yf
T   l
I 5. You cannot prepare HR forms which will be accepted by this office unless Qj;Qr
you completely master the instructions contained in this manual. _f@;_e
I 6. When you survey a record series and find a missing volume or file box, #f¥?Y
show the missing dates in Item 5 of the HR form. Do not hunt all over ‘*.,, ik{ Q
I the courthouse for the miesing volume or file box. Complete the survey v{j>Q§
of the office in which you are working; if you later find the missing ‘`.‘ _Y§Q {
. ., . ·. _ -   ·'*T_’ ?
record in another office, prepare an hR form for the volume or file box -;;‘;@
. · . . . . » 'i€i>T;=F M
and, in Item 5 of the hR form, refer to the identification numoer of the .;jj;¤
form previously prepared for the same series of records. Thus, if you f§ig;;
prepare HR form A—2O for an order book series in the county clerk's “gj?”
office and find records missing from 1850-1855, state in Item 5 of A—20; yQ€g _-y_ l
"l850—l855, missing." Then, when you find the missing volume in another ${f~y
storage room, you will prepare another HR form for the volume found, and Qj§;`{
state in Item 5 of your form: “Sce form A-20." ·§Q§yj
7. No worker is permitted to do scheduled work at home. All assigned work tjgjlj
must be worked in the courthouse or in the office of the official whose §Zjg¤
. ·· . . · . ., .;:4; j? Q4
records you are surveying. he exception will be made to this rule. _.gby ..,_; 4
8. Whenever you send mail to the State Office, list on your mailing report ?§§§&E
the day of the month, number of pieces of mail, and total weight. Return ’$§§£l
mailing report to this office on last work day of the month. a$§;;j
9. Enter all HR forms on our ro ress sheet before mailin. them to the State $§§£;]
. -. E;   2 ,
‘ Office. hail the HR forms prepared during the vtek to the State Office §$§§Pq
on Saturday. iigegi
  't 2
zsee W
’·‘i.*`g;-ii" ;
lO. In event you are transferred or released from this project, mail all mate- igguj
rials, and supplies furnished you by the project to the state office imme- %E§E5§
diately. igfia
T;=`f?E:'$§:€f. 4
ll. Do not prepare nR forms on printed material found in the various offices, ‘§§§@l
such as; Acts of the General Assembly, House Journals, Directory of %§§€'¥
Births and Deaths compiled by the State Board of Health, Adjutant Gener- §§E§ l
¤;‘J,,.»·>:¤>0€§ '
als Report, etc. g§$zw
e>i]?2L ..  
; ¥%’·¢tl,
4 §%?§]
Mem an
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