i lj ` ‘i s   > -`·  2 e 8   c v     r 
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1 E
Sample No. 2 E
Eitle Labeling Dates 2 V A
"Deed Book" Al Z/1794-1/1797 1 J_ (
"Deed Record" Bl ll/1797-4/1799 Q — p
"Deed Record" Cl Q/1799-1%/1803 l »,~
"Deed Book" D1 7/ll/1805-4/15/1808 g_M."
*·De¤aS** ei s,/12/ieee-5/21/1818 Q —  
"DeeaS** ri 6//24//1817-7/15/1828 2  
"needS" A2 · 2/271820-io/21/1.844   V W {
"Deed Book" B2 12/1 1829-2/ll/1836 1 j ·
"Deed Book" C2 5/7/1856-6/8 1846 1"i l
"Deed Book" D2 6/22/1846-l/Q5 1858 1 t ‘i
“Deeds" E2 2/l1/1856-5/9 1861 ° _ ;
“Deeds" F2 3/20/1861-l/27/1869 ei`}
"Deed Beale is 2/171868-7171889    
“Deed Book" B5 4/8 1887-8 15 1895 Q l‘1_ ed
"Deed Book" cs 5//ll/1892-L5/ll/1899   %
"Deed Book“ D5 4/19/1899-5/16/1910 1 »-.1_1· py
"neeaw es 4/11/1909-2/ze/1918   ‘ 3
"Deed Book" F5 2/17/l9l8-2/13/1924 ily;
"Deed Book" 19 5/li/1924-;/7 1929 bfeig
"Deeds" 2O 5/7 1929-4 25/1935 `;$5
"Deeds" El 9//1.9/l95~1-5/l/1940   · 
If the title of a record is so general, vague, or misleading as to be ;9'Q_
of little value as an indication of its contents, the field worker must add ;,·;
an explanatory title in parentheses directly after the title borne by the Q{?_Y
record. Thus the title “Record Book" might be followed by (Minutes of ’[fQ7
Board of Election Commissioners). lf a record has no title and it is I ?Q; i
necessary to assign one to it, such title should be printed in capital ill;
letters and enclosed in parentheses (Refer to item l of the 12-15 HR form). gl? Q
An abbreviated title is followed by fully spelled out words enclosed in ft? AV": *
parentheses. For example, "Settlements T.J.F." would read "Settlements jQZ}§
T.J.F." (Settlements Trustee of Jury Fund). In all cases field workers Lia g
` must give the exact titles appearing on the volumes, file boxes, or other p$;;‘
containers. The following is a summary of the information given above in fig;}
reference to item 1. Titles: esell
(a) The full title of the current, or latest, volume in the record ;7i;!
series must be given in quotes as the title of the HR form. ,§§Qf{
(b) lf the same series of records contains more than one volume, then i§;;(
the title, labeling, and corresponding year dates of each volume _i#§{j
must be given. pl?§j‘
(o) If a title is vague or misleading, an explanatory title in paren- rflfl
theses must be given immediately after the title borne by the record. QQQM1
*' · *‘ ~ ‘  " - · i ‘  -- .1.   ···   -_ · · 4 al     »., ~  · ·  - ···‘:r ¤··¤* i7 F- ¤‘·—T   i ·.·*c:_~· ,..*7:   ¤—    ,;,.,~y~T .,  ~ 4 - ~,._,...   _ we . .   ,-  V, _ , .,, _ ,,,.   V1