The ECentucecy Kernel

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M'MliKIi 27




wm pregent Plan

Judiciary Proceedh,gSllFC

io Be

Onen 10 bGA

For Lowering 1.3 Rule
To UK Faculty Today

spcnsibilily' were allowed to try
disciplinary cases before the pub- -

Discipline Case


Are Excepted
In New Killing


Kirwan Gives Warning
Dean Kirwan said he would not
deal with the judiciary committee if
he were to continue as dean of students and if a resolution permitting
Judiciary committee affairs will be attendance of disciplinary cases by
made known to the Student Govern- SGA members were passed. The
ment Association to a limited degree resolution was later amended to forin the future.
bid attendance of disciplinary cases
The judiciary committee is a five-m- or to permit them to be made pubgroup which handles student lic.
disciplinary cases and is in charge
Previously, the judiciary commit(
All students who plan to reof parking rules, regulations, and tee has recommended actions inturn to I K next fall should
violations on campus.
volving disciplinary cases to the
In the past, the procedures of this dean of men, who, by law. has the
have their pictures made for the
l!)54-5- 5
ID cards next week.
committee have been carried out power to deal with such cases.
Ken Kuhn, athletic publicity dibehind closed doors. Fear of pubDean Kirwan will relinquish his
licity was the main reason prevrector, has. announced.
A U.
3 iously given against making the duties as dean of students, effective
The photographer will be in
inJuly 1, and become a
A new plan !
the Inter! raternity Council to lower the scholarproceedings public, especially with structor in the History Department.
Room 111 of the Student I'nion
ship requirements for fraternities will lx- - presented to a
from 9 to 1'! a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m.
reference to disciplinary cases.
This action was approved at the
today and from Monday through
Turner Heads Committee
of the I K Faculty this afternoon.
April meeting of the Board of TrusFriday of next week.
Formulated by a committee head- tees.
The plan is designed to modify a
According to Morris, the plan is
A special night session will he.
ed by Capp Turner, United Student,
present faculty requirement which aimed at preventing individual fra
Dr. Leslie L. Martin, assistant diopen from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesthe resolutions passed by SGA Mon- rector of counseling. University Per
states that all fraternities must ternities that fall below a 13 stand- day night state that:
day and Thursday for students
maintain a 1.3 standing or be put ing from being penalized, provided
sonnel Office, will succeed Dean
1. Minutes be kept at the meetings Kjrwan
who cannot have their pictures
on social probation.
that the all fraternity average is
of the judiciary committee.
taken during the day.
Leslie Morris, retiring IFC presi-- i equal to the all men's average.
2. Excerpts of these meetings, with
for tin- title of May Day Otieen pose on tin- - terrace
dent, said early this week that the
"The reason we feel that this Che
' purpose
the exception of disciplinary cases,
of the new plan is
new plan is good is because, even
tlie Fine Arts Building. The girls on the step art'. 1. to r. front row, Carol Walter.
be read before SGA.
to lower the requited all fraternity if there are some fraternities with
L'tcille Gentry. Ellmarie Locke and M.ixine Tlioinpson; second row, Mildred Correll. Betty
3. Assembly members may attend
average to the all men's average and less than a 1.3 standing, it's obvious
all meetings of the judiciary comI.ttimcr and Diane Hunt: tliird row. Judy Hamilton. Chickie Schridcr and Margie l'riestly;
to give fraternities now on social that individual fraternities are not
mittee except those dealing with disprobation a chance to improve hurting the all mens average." he
fourth row. Donna Stiirilevan. Martha Catnplell. Virginia Jennings and Ann Wenninger.
ciplinary cases.
scliolarship before losing their char- - said.
Seated on the grass are, 1. to r.. Ann Smith. Jean Skinner. Barbara Lcct. Judy Henry, and
4. Rules and regulations pertainters.
"If." he said, "the all fraternity
ing to campus parking must be subIUerta Miller.
average falls below the all men's
Intercollegiate Pep
mitted to SGA for approval.
The National
average il.3. the old rule will, under
5. No disciplinary case handled by
Council voted to have its second an- - xr
"Dream Girl" by Elmer Rice will m,n1 inference at UK next .smimi. i
I lIOllOI'ai'Y our plan, go into effect again. That
the judiciary committee may be apis. if that happens, all fraternities
be presented Wednesday through
pealed to SGA.
Dave Linkous .president of Suky.'
will have to keep a 1.3 standing."
Saturday May 8 by the Guignol announced Monday night.
Certain Procedures
Average Wat Hurt
Theater. Curtain time will be 8:30
In accordance with these resolu
Linkous said that Kentucky was
The present requirement was put
tions. assembly members now have
Nelson F Britt. a junior in pre- - irl,
chosen as the next meeting site by
xt,rri airt heraus the
Action in the play takes place in tne delpgates wno attended this law, was
the right to witness proceedings of
elected national treasurer all fraternity average was hurting
the judiciary committee in the New York city during modern times year's convention at Oklahoma of Eta Sigma Phi. classical honorary the all men's average.
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Barbara will continue until Friday, May 7. handling of parking rules, regula- There are 18 scenes in all, half of A&M. Stillwater, Oklahoma. April fraternity, at its 26th national conTwcnty-mn- e
coeds, representing
"Under the present rule, even
aie uream sequences oi 22.24 Several years ago. UK and vention last week-en- d
in St. Louis. though over half the fraternities are
Dyer; Phi Sigma Sigma, Ann Weis- - Tickets may be purchased from any tions, and violations.
fraternities, sororities, and residence
Georgiana Allerton, who dreams of tne Suky Circe were nosts to mem.
Britt. who succeeds John B. Austin subject to social probation if they
A. D. Kirwan. dean of men. told
halls, will compete for the title of enberg; Zeta Tau Alpha, Carol Ann Suky member or at the booth in the
the three men in her life: Jim bers 0f the Southeastern Pep
of Tulane University, is a native of don't improve this semester, there is
May Day queen at the student elec- - Conrad; Delta Delta Delta, Judy Student Union from 9 a.m. until 5 assembly members that he "would
her brother-in-laGeorge .....- Lexington. He is treasurer of the still the paradox of the all fraternity
tions. Tuesdav and Wednesday at Hamilton: Chi Omega. Bobby Con- - p.m., Monday through Friday. Price not be responsible for disciplinary nana, a play-bo.
tr-- i
and Clark Red- c,
tt;o...;.,, ,.r
gleton; Delta Tau Delta, Ann Wen- - of the tickets is $1.50.
dispositions if people without re- - field, a newspaper reporter.
average exceeding the all men's avthe Student Union.
was elected president of the NIPCjice president of Alpha Sigma Phi: erage." he said.
The student body will elect seven
Georgiana for the 1954-5- 5 term. Five delegates social fraternity, a member of the
In this comedy-dram- a.
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Ellmarie
finalists to ride on the Sukv float
Morris said that fraternities had
is afraid to face reality. In the end were also elected to serve on the
Council, and of the
and lead the May Day parade Sat- Locke: Kappa Alpha. Chickie Schri- - CJV JXI c
she marries Clark Redfield whom Executive Board. Included was Deb- - Political Science Club. He is a grad-bi- e been hurt because, when grades were
urday, May 9. The queen, who will der; Kappa Sigma. Roberta Miller;
first computed for the all men's av
she has despised from the beginning
Schvrarz, one of UK'S rcpre- - uate of Henry Clay High School.
erage, graduate students were in- be selected by a group of judges on Lambda Chi Alpha, Virginia Jen- because of the fun he made of her
beauty, personality, and poise, will nines; Sigma Chi. Margie Priestly;
'eluded. He said that grades are now
CJKianoma avjyi cueeneauers iui me io or
be crowned at the dance Saturday Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Martha Viall;
The cast of characters includes next fall were chosen by the con- - office in Etaeiecieu Phi since the being figured without graduate stuSigma
chi DeIta phi' national women's
nicht by Dr. Rhea Taylor, professor Alpha Gamma Rho, Ann Smith;
Georgiana. Lelia Sherman; Lucy
on the dents.
ference delegates. UK was repre- - honorary was
of history and Sukvs sponsor. The lau "PP3 tpsnon. jo Ann Menne;
These are the figtires given by
Allerton, Page Williams: Radio An- "
phi Kanna Tau Martina campDeii, six new members Monday night in
sented at the meeting by Sally Cor- - campus in 1948. In 1952-5- 3
Officers were elected at a recent nminna. , ;
......... . w T
remaining . finalists will constitute
uuuuici, juii nuuunaj, ii. o. uus-- - nejj jjjjj vyebrj Dave Linkous, and Woodhouse of UK served as national Morris concerning grade averages:
the Student Union, Eluine Moore, meeting of the
group more
All men's average, with graduate
the queen s court and will also be on(i pi Karma Aipna. juay Henry.
Perceival. Lew Odom; George
called Students For Educational Allerton, Lew Odom; Miriam Aller- - Mjs gchwarz
ftuvauce ucsei saies ior tne May
presented at the dance.
students included 1 36.
They include Ann Beard. Margaret Equality in Kentucky, better known
S311 Wednesday and
Voting at the Student Union will Dav dance
All fraternity average, with few
Crudden. Helen Hammon. Lois Hen as SEEK, which includes students ton Lucas. Martha Townsend.
he from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on both
graduates included 1.33.
Obstetrician, Lew Odom; Nurse,
son, Judy Lester and Nancy Thomp-- 1 from the University and Kentucky
days. For a student's vote to be
"We feel confident that the all
Page Williams; Jim Lucas, Bob
complete, he must select seven finalmen's average will drop below the
Hicks; Claire Blalceley, Bettye Deen
A banquet in the Colonial Room
Formed to help eliminate segregaists on his ballot. If this is not done,
all fraternity average when com-- I
of the Lafayette Hotel preceded the tion in higher education in the state, Stull: Stout Woman; Jane Perkins;
the ballot will be declared invalid
puted without graduate students,"
initiation. Mrs. Niel Plummer, na-- j SEEK is sporisored by the YM- -: Doctor, Franklin Tice; Clark Red- and discarded.
he said.
tional secretary of the honorary, was YWCA at both schools, the Newman field, John Rogers; Judge, Lew
Second year students in the Law
Highlights of UK's annual ob- Queen candidates and their sponIncompletes Hurt Average
Odom; District Attorney, Jim Hoi-- j
guest at the dinner.
Club and Hillel Foundation.
servance of Law Day. scheduled for College open the program at 8:30,
sors are:
Morris also said that fraternity
A short pledging service was held
morning with competition in averages had been hurt by the fact
Audrey Loon-- !
The officers include
next Friday, will include:
Boyd Hall. Donna Sturdevan ;
George Hand. Dan Topping; Bert,
at the home of Miss Jane Haselden, ey, UK, and Elizabeth West, State,
1. Courtroom competition to de- - moot court work to determine the
Jewell Hall, Janet Jo Fisher; Hamthat incompletes were counted as
Ben Ardery; Mexican, John Rogers:
assistant dean of women and spon- ;
Theodore Mundy , two other Mexicans, Jim Hurt and termine the Law College's repre- - two representatives from each of E's in computing grades because
ilton House, Mildred Correll; Lydia
sor of tne 8ruP-housTlu annual Engineers' Day open
sentatives at the National Moot the four law clubs.
Brown House. Pat Scuder; Patterson
they were computed before the
Kathy Fryer, vice president, pre-th- e Moore. UK, secretary; and Clarence P:uit Tavlnr- Waiter Paul Tavlor- Court contest
will be held today throughout
These eight students will later deadline for figuring incompletes.
Hall. Jerry Kelley; Newman Club.
Justice of the Peace Billings, Lew
Engineering Quadrangle and sided m the absence of Mary Ann Muse, State, treasurer.
- meet in the state finals at Frank- 2. Panel discussion on trial proLucille Gentry.
Under IFC's new plan, averages
chauffeur. Bob Rixman,; cedure featuring three prominent fort, with members of the State
Marston. president of the group.
Members of the Executive Council Odom;
Jewell Hall Annex, Anna Mae Anderson Hall from 1 p.m. until
would not be computed before all
and Policeman. Franklin Tice.
Court of Appeals serving as judges. grades were in.
Louisville attorneys.
include Margie Davis. Joann Cross- Childress; Alpha Delta Pi. Barbara 9:30 p.m.
During the open house there will
The production is under the di3. Annual Law Day luncheon, Winners in the state contest will
land and Carol Du Bow, UK, and
Lcet; Alpha Gamma Delta. Betty-AnIFC had planned to ask SGA to
Linford Tapp. State. Ginger Miller rection of William Challener. Other honoring the law class of 1954. with advance to the National Moot Court wtiHtr
Latimer; Alpha Xi Delta. Max-in- c be demonstrations and exhibits preir
nlan fnnriv nitrhr hllf.
are announcement of the winners in a competition scheduled next year at
sented by the departments of Civil,
and Ted Smith will also represent members of the production statf
Thompson; Delta Zeta, Carol
of a quorum
BeUY Stull. prompter; George Moore,
St. Louis
on the council.
Walters; Kappa Alpha Theta, Lu- Electrical, Mechanical, Mining and
time the plan was presented. SGA
Metallurgical Engineering, Highway
electrician; David Stull, stage man- 4. Demonstration
Students To Be Judges
trial by four
cille Mills; Kappa Delta. Jean Skinwas unable to take official action.
Materials Research Laboratory, and
Judges at next Friday's competiorganized. They are Publicity, Mem- ager; Mary Lewis ratterson, pub- senior law students.
however, express unofficial
the Aeronautical Research Laboralicity; and Page Williams, box
year law students It did.
In announcing Law Day plans. tion will be third
Infirmary officials have asked bership and Promotion and Survey.
endorsement of the plan,
Dean Elvis J. Stahr Jr. of the Law on oral arguments with faculty
Rabbi Maurice Davis was elected
that students who have taken
If the Faculty
Four separate tours will be sponof the four law clubs
The play was written by Mr. Rice College has issued a special
in to serve as advisor to SEEK for a
patch tests return for
not reject the plan, it will be presored in which the facilities will be order for Infirmary records to be year beginning this semester. He
turn to all students. University staff judging written briefs'
wife, Betty Field, in 1945.
sented at the next Faculty meeting.
shown and the courses will be exts
Problems and procedure involved
The box office opens Monday, and faculty members, and the
will be a member of the Advisory
made complete.
Morris said that members of the
plained. The tours will be conducted
tM'.i.r iiu uiTl Hi
will be $1.25. adults, and 70c lie to attend the
Board that will be formed in the
have approved three
from 1 until 4:30 p.m. and from 7
panel of Louisville
of the plan's six points and have
until 9:30 p.m.
attorneys at 10 a.m. on Law Day.
briefly discussed the other three.
During the day refreshments will
Members of the discussion group
inMembers of the
be served in the main study hall for
will include moderator Robert
Fic awards for outstanding stu- all visitors. The program is planned
clude Dr. Robert 1 Mills, Registrar,
Hopson. also a member of the Unident contributions in literature will
E. Spivey of
versity Board of Trustees, Dan Dean Herman
br included in the spring issue of to show those interested in the ColGraduate School, and Dean M. M.
lege of Engineering and the UniCooper, former U. S. District Attorthe Stylus, which will po on sale
ney, and Joseph S. Stopher of the White of the College of Arts and
Tuesday, according to Carol Sue versity the activities of this part of
the school.
Louisville Bar. One panel member Sciences.
Cainii. editor.
The IFC committee that has been
Dr. E. E. Elsey, professor of engiwill speak on investigating facts in
The Stylus will honor two students
neering research, is in charge of the
preparing and trying a case: an-- ! working on the problem are Carfor their poetic co:nXsitions. Winprogram for the day. A committee
other attorney will discuss the over- Burkhart. chairman. Jim Buell.
ners are James R White hou.--e Jr..
all conduct including opening and ter Glass, Charles Palmer and MorLouisville, for his )oem. "The Wail", of faculty members and students has
closing statements to the jury: the ris.
Wright. Lexington, au- been set up to coordinate the open
and Eleanor
third member will present problems
thor of the poem. "Afternoon Bridge house.
Tomorrow night the Engineers will
in examining witnesses.
in the Terrace Room."'s
Luncheon Set For SI B
poem will appear in the spring issue hold their annual May dance in the
The annual Law Day luncheon,
while Miss Wright's composition was Ballroom of the Student Union at
8 p.m. George
Doyle and his orscheduled for the football room at
published in the fall.
the Student Union, will feature the
entries to be chestra will provide the music for
presentation of winners in the
published is the Phi Beta Kappa the dance, and the highlight of the
contest. Cash prizes of
hih school poetry award Lilly evening will be the presentation of
$100. $50. and $25 will be given by
Anne Gregory, a senior at Lancaster, the 1954 Engineering Queen.
the contest sponsors. Security Trust
submitted the winning composition,
The Interf raternity Council ha
Company of Lexington.
adopted a resolution calling for :i
In addition to the
The Dar.tzlcr award for prose has
change in the present faculty rule
been presented to Helen Hammon
Continued to Page 3
governing fraternity scholastic
Cocoon " This article will
for Tlie
apix-ain the spring issue.
Council representatives plan to
The fifth award, a poem appearing
Judith Botcler, sophomore from
present the resolution to a subin the tall Stylus, will go to Beverly
R. I., was elected presicommittee of the faculty at a meetDavis for "Nightfall." This final Greenwich.
dent of the Cub Club, journalism
ing scheduled for 4 this afternoon.
honor is known as the Farquiar organization
for freshmen and
Text of the resolution, as released
sophomore women, at last week's
bv IFC otticials. follows
Stylus is sixmsored jointly by meeting.
KenRepresenting the state of
"1. If. at the clo.-- e of the school
tucky in tlie 80th annual men's final year 1954-5- 5
the Fnglish Department, English
Oilier officers elected for 1954 inor any year thereafter,
Club, and Chi Delta Phi
contest of the Interstate Oratorical the
clude Moira Quinn.
average dins not
Association. Dick Allen, senior in exceed or equal 1.3
and social chairman: Shirley
Arts and Sciences, was awarded 3rd average, any
recording secretary; and Ann
fraternity which hi.
place on the subject "The Category
Young, treasurer.
an average standing for both actives
of Mistrust."
The first nin award, a small silver
and pledges lower than 1.3 shall be
In the contest at Northwestern placed on sh'i.i1 probation for the
quill and ink well, was presented to.
University were 13 state winners following year.
Miss Botcler upon her election as
Social probation
liom Pennsylvania to Colorado who shall prevent the fraternity from
president by Beth Gallivan, Theta
James K. Col. and Billy Joe Sitma
-- -Wl sw m
ti ik ; inii it
.mil were members of tins organization. holding any social affair to which
Phi adviser to the club.
mi anil-"iiYeiser. senior Air Force ROTC stuThis meeting took place April 23.
Luncheon meetings are held every
other than members are invited
AS SIT.l'(;!-Vhe- n
elassi-twirls "go on the
the tennis eonrts are erowileil even when no 1'K
are in session, when
dents, were the two UK representaAllen was recently appointed a
Friday at noon. The club is open to
"2. If. at the close of the school
tives sent recently by the Geneial
n)i)l and saciifiet tlu- top lavers of their skins to the ,iin. when eon ci til tie tops go lown ami the ininilur of Ix.kIi parties.
Princeton National Fellow for
year, any fraternity has an average
Albert M. Woody Squadron of the lowerclass women interested in the
He is to pursue graduate standing
pl.oinril anil informal, yro up. s lien he Ivvperiiiient I 'arin
:i"il ! prv
Is ils inerease in tenants iniml tlie
for both actives and
Arnold Air Society to tlie Society's journ;.::..:.. firl:!. the m v. piv..itriit
study in tlie tieiii of pl,il,i.s.iph. at
l). sail I.
anil, n.ituiall) , when (iupiil starts working oertiiiK mui know Spring has linally arrietl!
l iVi' ill (lin.lli.l,
.Ni Culii
Princeton University.
(Continued to Page 3




Council Wants
Fraternity Grades
Figured Together

New ID Pictures
Should Be Taken






'Dream Girl9
Will Open


National iVpCiuii
Voles To Convene

Here Next Spring

a 0 a III

May Day Queen To Be Chosen
By Student Vote Next Week











pi WtllU PliI

Inter-Fraterni- ty

SEEK Organizes,
Elects Officer
Advisor For Year







Engineers Plan
Open House,
Annual Dance




Law Day Plans Include
Moot Court, Luncheon








Students Asked
To Get X'Rays



Awards Included
In Spring Stylus







On Sale Tuesday

Entire Text
Of IFC Plan
Is Listed


Cub Club Elects


Judith liotcler




Orator Places


In Contest



Air Force Seniors
Attend (nclae








1954-195- 5.



