MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1901 - page 90-91

      In cnclusion your committee wishes to extend to
the President of the College, the professors o each
department, and the students, thanks for the kindness and
courtesies shown it.

                      Signed -     J  B. Kennedy,
                                   R. W. Nelson,
                                   George B. Kinkead,

      The Board of Trustees of the State College of Kentucky.

      Your Committee on Military Instruction and College
discipline beg leave to report that at the present time
the discipline enforced at the College is satisfactory:
that the babbalion is well drilled considering the short
time that has been available for its instructions.

      Your Committee would report that in its judgement it
would be best to have as a Military instructor an officer
of the United States Army, and it believes that one can be
secured for the college if steps are taken at once to have
the War Department make the detail, and therefore your
Committee would recommend that a committee of one be appointed
to communicate with, or better to visit the President and
the Secretary of War, and arrange if possible for such
a detail.

      We do not mean by this to say aught against the present
Commandant, on the other hand we desire to commend him for
his efficient work. However, it is contemplated by law
that a regular army officer shall be the commandant of-
the State College and such a commandant could be secured
without expense to the College, thereby saving for the
College the salary of the present Commandant.

                 Signed    -       R. We Nelson
                                    R. C. Stoll
                                    H. S. Barker