MINUTES OF 'FHE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1901 - page 93

                        RESOLUTION. -

      It has been announced to the Board of Trustees of
the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky, that
God in his all seeing wisdom, and for His divine purpose
has called to Him from our midst our colleague -

            GENERAL E. H. HOBSON  -    -

      As an officer in the Mexican War, and as General in
the Civil War, Gen. Hobson possessed those noble character-
istics that made him so beloved by members of this Board.

      In battle he was a great soldier, with his prisoners
he was a great man.

      While in command of Lexington - camped on this very
spots, he compelled the love and respect of friend and foe
alike by his absolute fairness and justice and by his
kindly protection of all of the citizens.

      As a citizen he was greater than a soldier.

      As a member of this Board, he gave us the benefit of
his long experience in affairs and was a most valuable

      During his participation ! n this the administration
of the .ffairs of the College, it prospered as never before.

      It is resolved by this Board, that we express in this
formal way to his family our great and profound sympathy
in their bereavement, and express to the citizens of
Kentucky, onr sense of the great loss sustained in the
death of this eminent citizen,

      And it is further resolved that these resolutions be
spread upon the minutes of this Book   upon a page set
apart for that purpose, and that a copy be sent to the
family of General Hobson, and that a copy be sent to the
papers of Lexington, the Courier Journal, and the
papers of Gre ensburg.

                        Signed     R. C, Stoll.,
                                    W. R. Ramsey,
                                    Thomas Todd,