MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 11, 1901 - page 69-70

      Upon call the report of the Committee on Finance was
read to the Board by it's Chairman Mre Barker.

      Said report is as follows:  (Here copy) See page 89.

      Mr. Stoll:  I move the adoption of that report.

      Said motion was seconded and carried.

      After discussion of the state of the various accounts
of the College, the Business Agent and the Experiment Station,
the following motion was made by Mr. Hager.

      Resolved that the Executive Committee be and it is
hereby is directed to employ the services of Ben CO Weaver, or
other like competent accountant, and direct him to examine
the accounts of the Business Agent, the Treasurer, and of
the Experiment Station, for a period of five years prior
to this date, and make report to the Executive Committee,
accompanied by recommendations for changes in the manner of
keeping the accounts,, if such is deemed desirable-. and
that the expenses incurred by the Executive Committee in
such employment be paid out of the contingent expenses
of the college.

      Said motion was seconded and carried.

      On the call the Committee on appropriations announced
through it's chairman that it had no report to make.

      'Upon the call the Committee on Buildings and grounds
announced through it's chairman that it had no report
to make.