the appropriateness of the finding of responsibility or the proposed sanction or both. The
Respondent will always be notified of the VPSA’s decision. When reguired or pennitted
by law the University shall also notify the Complainant.
23. If a Respondent accepts the VPSA’s or designee’s finding of responsibility and
sanction if any the VPSA or designee shall instruct the Dean of Students that the case is
closed. If a Respondent does not accept the VPSA’s or desigpee’s finding of
responsibility and sanction if any the VPSA or designee shall instruct the Dean of
Students to forward the case to the Disciplinary Hearing Process.
24. If the VPSA or desigpee finds merit in a Complainant’s challenge of findings and/or
sanction the case shall be forwarded to the Disciplinary Hearing Process. If the VPSA or
desigpee finds that there is insufficient evidence to support the Complainant’s challenge
the VPSA or desigpee shall instruct the Dean of Students that the case is closed and
infonn the Complainant that he or she has no further recourse within the disciplinag
process ofthe University.
Referral t0 a Disciplinary Hearing Officer Panel
Q-1-9. If the Respondent    
withdraws from or refuses to comply with the conditions of the preliminag
disciplinag  process or refuses to accept the finding of responsibility or
proposed sanction, the Conduct Officer  shall forward the
reports and evidence conceming the case to a Panel of three (3) disciplinary hearing
officers. Once the infonnation has been forwarded to a Disciplinay Hearing Officer
Panel (hereinafter referred to as the "Panel”) , the Respondentaeeuseé
student has entered the  Disciplinary Hearing Process. The Dean of Students
Office is then responsible for fumishing testimony as requested by the  
 , keeping then records , serving as a
Qeomplainant as appropriate and aiding the student in complying with any sanction
decreed by the  .
@29. When a student fails to respond to proper notification of  
meeting  r fails to attend a scheduled meeting within the specified
period, the Dean of Students or authorized designee may:
a. place a hold on the student’s ability to register, receive transcripts, transfer
credits, be readmitted to the University, or receive the graduation diploma which
certifies the degree eamed until the   meeting  or
disciplinary hearing has taken place, and,
b. deem that the student has denied responsibility for the pending charges and
refer the matter to a  _to conduct a disciplinary
Interim Leave 0f Absence
Student Code (6-8-l0 revision)
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