27. When a student as a result of a psychological mental health or other medical
conditions poses a threat of violence directed against self others or University property
as evidenced by verbal statements or other menacing behaviors the Dean of Students
shall be pennitted to divert the student from the disciplinag system by imposing an
interim leave of absence from the University. Before the student is pennitted to reenroll
in the university he or she shall be reguired to undergo a comprehensive evaluation to
assess the student’s readiness to retum and not pose a threat to the university community.
The disciplinag proceedings in which the student was involved as a Respondent may
resume upon the student’s reenrollment in the university.
28. If a Respondent in a disciplinag proceeding leaves the university before his or her
case is resolved the student’s disciplingg proceedings may resume upon the student’s
reenrollment in the university.
The Disciplinay Hearing Process
Discqdinary Hearing Ojficers and Members of the Universit]; Appeals Board
Q2-l-. The President ofthe University shall annually appoint no fewer than threeten ( l0)
individuals  from ~among—the faculty, staff; and retirees of the
University who shall serve as Disciplinay Hearing Officers. Disciplinary Hearing
Officers working as members of a three-person Panel shall have sole authority to
detennine the issue of responsibility in those cases referred. Similarly, disciplinary
hearing officers shall have sole authority to impose sanctions upon students found
responsible for violations through the University Disciplinary Hearing process.@
majority vote ofthe Panel members assigned to a case (at least 2 ofthe 3 Panel members)
shall detennine the outcome of a case. The Disciplinay Hearing Officers assigned to a
case shall desigpate one of their Panel members to serve as the Panel Presider. The
Presider shall function as the facilitator in the disciplinag hearing proceedings.
Disciplinay Hearing Officers and members ofthe UAB shall complete annual training
in the areas of: a) the University hearing processes and procedures‘ b) investigative
technigues‘ and c) sexual misconduct and relationship violence. The training shall be
coordinated by the VPSA or authorized desigpee.
@2%. A Qeomplainant and ana  Respondent may each be accompanied
ass·isted—by no more than two one—advisors throughout the disciplinary process including
the investigation. The role ofthe advisor; shall be limited to providing advice or support
to the Qeomplainant or  Respondent. Even if accompanied by an advisor,
the Complainant and  Respondent shall personally respond to inquiries
from the Panel  he Conduct Officer or the UAB.@
Student Code (6-8-l0 revision)
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