Q3-?. The rules and regulations for University student residences are contained or
provided for in the written rental agreement between the student and the University as
well as in the Residence Hall Rules 0fC0nduct.
@38. A compilation of all rules established under the rental agreement and currently in
effect shall be made readily available on request to all residents ofthe University building
to which such rules apply and shall be posted in the University building to which such
rules apply.
L39. The Director of Residence Life or an authorized representative shall investigate
alleged violations of the rules that are outlined in the rental agreement. Disposition of
such cases shall be made in accordance with established and published procedures that
have been approved by the  VPSA. In cases where the
alleged rental agreement violation would also constitute a violation ofthe provisions of
this Ccde, the Director of Residence Life  refer the case to the Dean
of Students Office.
Financial Delinquency
@40. The University expects the student to be financially responsible and not be
delinquent in financial obligations to the University or to any department or division
thereof including room and board payments to registered fratemal student organizations.
Such obligations shall not include fines and penalties assessed against the student by
other than gUniversity officers.
@4-l-. An office or a department ofthe University, with previous approval of the
Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration, shall notify a student twice of
any unmet financial obligation owed to it exceeding $20.00. If not paid within 60
business days, from date due, the office or department shall notify the Registrar’s Office
that the student is delinquent.
QQ. Once notified, the Registrar shall not allow the student to register, transfer credits,
be readmitted to the University, or receive the graduation diploma which certifies the
degree eamed until the office or department declaring the delinquency notifies the
Registrar that the obligation has been met or until the statute of limitations on collection
@43. If there is a dispute as to whether or not a student is legally liable for a financial
obligation asserted by the University, and the student challenges such obligation by
contacting the Office ofthe  Executive Vice
President for Finance and Administration} within seven (7) business days of receipt of a
notice of financial delinquency   then the sanctions of Section Q44.7- with
respect to registration shall not apply until final resolution ofthe dispute.
Student Code (6-8-l0 revision)
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