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Summer Facuhgy Rgggapch   Simg Ha Kang, Mathematics: · • Yolanda Pierce, English: com-
Fglluwships image processing, particularly as it pleting a book—length_manuscnpt
relates to image mpamting, where titled “Hell Without Fires: Slave
Awarded annually by the ViC€ Pr€si— the goal is to fill in the missing gap Religion andthe Antebellum Spiri-
dent for Research, Summer Faculty Re- of old or damaged paintings and tual Narrative "
search Fellowships are available for photos • Sharon Scales Rostosky, Coun-
tenure—track assistant professors on an • Marwan Khraisheh, Mechanical seling Psychology: working with
academic year, nine-month appoint- Engineering: working to advance colleague Ellen Riggle and a team
ment, who have no other summer sup- the industrial utilization of super- of graduate students on the prob-
port from a research grant or teaching plastic forming, a process used lems faced by same-sex couples
assignment during the eight-week sum- with superplastic materials —- a • Harry Rowe, Geological Sci-
mer session. The fellowship enables new unique class of metals that has the ences: mechanisms responsible for
assistant professors to launch programs ability to undergo extraordinary 1ong—term climate variability in
involving their research or creative ac- tensile ductility the North Pacific and the history
tivities. • Susan Larson, Hispanic Studies: of the quasi-periodic Pacific
2003 Recipients: working on a book co-authored Decadal Oscillation during the
_ Malachy Biqhop Special Educa- with Malcolm Compitello atethe Holocene, an epoch that encom-
mm md Rchilbimétion Counsel- University of zxnzona tentatively passes the past 10,000 years of
. ‘ . ‘ . titled "The Politics of Place in earth history
mg: del/clopmg an epilepsy P0st—cambi0 Madrid " • Jason Whiting, Family Studies:
Cducamln program for teachers • James Marton, Martin School of foster care and foster parenting,
wllccmmg their knowlgdgc about Public Policy & Administration: and organizational aspects of fos-
Cpllcpfy Mid gluscfii with gh;. major policy issue of funding of ter—care agencies and foster parent
Condmom ‘m t S c €CtS.O t is health insurance by employers training and retention.
knoll/ledge On teacher attitudes • Kim Miller, Kinesiology and • Vanessa Wickliffe, Merchandis-
zm$1l§[ud€ET.2€lChl€V€m€¤t and Health Promotion: working with ing, Apparel & Textiles: pre-test-
Eulillglylslaiizicarmo GGOIO ical the Behavioral Health Improve- ing a newly designed question-
Scicnccq Couabomtihg Withlithcr ment Program at UK to- promote naire to assess Internet strategies
geology; faculw IO provide new im thelprevgiation of chronic diseases that may ngipqove retqilgrg per-
. . · an con 1 ions ce ions 0 va ue crea e or cus-
 S lm? thc, m.uCl?'(g)€bnat?dhfOr` • Milena Minkova, Modern and toiiiers by retailer use of the
  Sgalgf Classical Languages, Literatures Internet
_ Déuglaq Gibier Political SCL and Cultures/Division of Classics:   Matthew Zook, Geography: the
cme Coniplcting gm investigation researching text by Bernardus impact of electronic commerce on
on me Cffcclg (farms mms b€_ S1lvestr1s,a 12th-century writer economic geography ( the impor-
tween [md nugmng Countries f Uwe Nagel, Mathematics: study- tance of place in consumer trans-
‘ ‘ ~ . . ing the mathematical properties actions) by focusing on the eBay
• Sunny Ham, Nutrition & Food Of Gun/CS model
Science: analyzing current use of
information technology by Ken-
“'°kY MC parks and F°5°"$ UK Ranked Among Top Ten for Postdocs
• Harald Hoebusch. Modern and
(`lassical Languages. Literatures UK has been ranked among the top ten Rutgers University, University of Miami,
and (`ulturesl Division of German institutions overall for postdoctoral Princeton University Dalhousie Univer-
Studies: investigating the con- scholars and fellows, in a survey sity, University of Nebraska, Medical I
struction of national identities in conducted by The Scientist. UK ranks College of Wisconsin, National Cancer
Germany. Great Britain and tenth overall among institutions in the Institute, University of Califomia—Davis,
France between l9l9 and 1955 in survey. Other universities and centers and University of Iowa. ,
connection with various cxpedi— included in this category include: I
tions into the Himalayas con- 4 1
ducted by these three nations Cgmlmlgd For more mformmion about ,
• Lee Ann Jung. Special Educa- from [EWS _ research raking place at UK, I
tion and Rehabilitative C0unS€l- glazing t   ‘*-f   its viSitw,:WA$Al;;l(yQiidu jimi A t
· . , , , , , ·.,, , ‘   WWW. c.u . u ir .
mg` $l('VLlOpm(fm‘ll S('_rVlu'S _ l`ESBBl`Cll   THA;  use the convefiient liz; fsisrlfi I (
provided to children from birth to 8tUK V »i4_   the UKALUMNI ASSOCIATION t E
three years old who have disabili-   wgb page, www_uky_€du/ . I
ties or developmental delays L A   ·—-.____ Alumni Z
8 Kentucky Atnmui ;