A lll ` ` h
. ununatrng t e Future . . .
p university committee was formed to oversee V   S jq   ___t   _ _   _     T}
l the future of the building. It included faculty, ., i    
[ staff, alumni, historic preservationists, and archi—   <   Vi__,
tects. A two—pronged commitment emerged: preserve   M tgt  
` the historic nature of the building and make Main Build- L. ;   Lg * mt i  iii
ing a center of student, as well as administrative, activity     Tj $$3 
again. Kliment & Halsband Architects, arenowned firm L _ q   i°`—   ..__y;r T? `·»·   _   _: Q  
with experience in the design of university buildings, was T ` T     rl S "" Edit0rl9 N0te:
hired. Negotiations with insurance companies netted -.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,   - ,,,,_,,,_ Naming
nearly $8 million. Another $8 million must be raised to - "°°"""'“" ¤~···-·· *··~ - "“°"`"`" Opp0’,tunm€S
complete the facility. . .
The center tower feature of the original building will _ *——* mr"` The Idea fo; the amqlc ,,
be restored, but without the problems that led to alter-   i ‘ ¤ ~   , ,; _ _ _,m On page 1.22 Circa Clty’
ing the tower several times over the years as it was i   about bmkgng Epigmyms
struck by lightning and safety concerns grew. The grade     was gcgilga tcth ggic wcf
around the building will be lowered to its original line   _1   ' J F I A Sam? a t E tcfto
highlighting the limestone rock foundation, The fygnt    ’   _ p {H _ €Y€ 0pH1€Il' WZ-its S 21 —
facade truly will reflect the past to passersby, as well as ·   flair , it   Q   gf its campalgn Or
visitors, faculty and students walking across the parking ' ~ le, . f »—   Mugs $0 Tgionsazllg th
structure bridge over So. Limestone St. =_;_···;_·;;;·_;·:·w___J_ all .e.. 1; ...._ g gz-:3;:-: b   ul   ul 3 C
During the process of discovery, a curious pattern of ll ..e. . .ee.. ` ul. lgg ll;/d. C ce Q
doors and windows emerged across the back of the Mam ul. .mg’ Hamm;
building. The campus used to stop only a few hundred F'°m°°r OEFOgmnm€§ aic avg `
yards away from the back door. No longer is that the ~ . »»·. A V il .6 O€lpamFu.ar areas
case, a fact recognized bythe new design that calls for a ._ ._ E _   msldc t C bgldggg test;
gsabie balcony to extend across most ofthe rear Of   lg iugstliiziniggfspgdngor bvisa
uilding. aw mm mea _,
Outside, President Patterson’s statue will eventually ·`i"‘i‘*E*“’°"i4 ~     Sallam cl2;_?srOOm’ but;
be relocated to the ‘front’ of the Patterson Office Tower   U V `l“ J `{ I` ` ’r SSO ain algpyfio ma 6 a
and new landscaping will enhance the green space     M    ll E b°gau°I¥ at ltzmyh
bounded bythe Pattetsbn orriee rbwet and wbite Hari :j“·~*·g;;_,;l “ gc; °“ °"‘“36‘;* °
Classroom Building on the left and Miller Hall, the Silfflg ec page 1. or a
Gatton College of Business and Economics, and the =;j~_-_,;·__·-;;________ =_;;_·-_;;-_-______ gl Or; 0fi§;)DOn nrc to
College of Engineering quadrangle on the right. "`"”`“" ··=¤····*···· ’“"""   y'€ k Eve 9%
rnside, Main Buirding wiu again be a hub bi activity g‘]°§u  ger
The Visitor’s Center will be relocated from the Student L,__._m___..__ _ I Q g t. b t '
Center to the lower level of Main Building. There will be ,_______ .n mma fm flfou. mma
"smart" classrooms equipped with the latest technology __ __ {   HE Opp? um gis is aval `
The offices of the president and provost, along with sev- ` ,__ ` Q Q; _ ' a c OI;.m€.O; y t.
eral other administrators, will return to the building. An-   ‘   Q. . T [U gignlieglgngig g¥§g€1g?
other prominent feature will be reconstructed: the great I L; Vit ? it L Devclo mem swf iu
room will become a public room available for meetings L ~— D€V€lOpm€m’Buil(§n
and recognition ceremonies honoring outstanding stu- _m_______ Lcxin tizm KY 40506 g’
dents, faculty, staff and alumni. " °’·""“·"“** ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, " ‘·•"°"· 859_2§7_3§11 80O_87é_
Liz oembtan BB is BSSOCl8°t2G ditebtbt bitbe ui< Alumni Aaabdb- PS- Did you knew that
tion and editor ofthe Kentuc/