ii s
ii .
  _ _ two games of the season as it
Dr. r 12 Lew ofYenching Univer- MOHIQHIS lll HlSt()l`y Q}”eelPsl‘_;‘.ffeeS egerglrst the
sity, China, visits campus for a . all er l Omme Oleg at
l week during a month in which _ '   {   Neegvlllg 9-6 elle lee "
r UK devotes to the study of China, ’ _   yl llxlle ey] Oelley eels lh the
l sponsored by the Pan—Politikon. ,_i_ · ‘ ry " llllle A Klllwlil) pllgllllg er
’ He delivers two addresses, "What will { E e ell . l` ‘ `A dell lll ley’
rsrrerrersrewrrrerrrrrmr `\   ” r · ,2Qlllril,Vi§‘EiQ‘2,lF§$,EF§,§‘§,‘lel;lS
"Chinese College Folk". . .The ~· A r r
l land on which the Lexington city r  ie _ e  _ _ " l geese; er the lllllllllil/l Lew. l
i dump exists is deeded to UK so ‘   l   Hell O ,i,elV€llllIee1$ll. eéllellll
l that the university can erect a ` l ~   B ll ‘   e k.ll. el?] elllel
$300,000 teeerrer training btiiiairrs ll i   Tim r%r“s~ ‘ me calves-
in connection with the College of `     V baeneglgsetulgleeteghlellgeeef pir
Education. . .Artifacts found dur-  ,  if . . ’ _
, ing earth removal for the con- _ e_ ` gi i if ‘ _ _ lleellgls pleleglellle ele; eellel ere
struction of Memorial Hall ` {Bs   l ll l l;lege}Ael yd eee; Cl
include an old concrete watering · _ ellellle . pleSl.delll’ le
l trough and a huge well, a testi—   l lllmee Vlee plesl elll‘
mony, the Kentucky Kernel says, to   e _  {   .  
i the fact that students once used  · — l _   Q TWO members Of the NCAA
llelses as lllle mede er lllllllepellle   QE l _ ll es  ‘  j` l championship Wildcat basket-
tion. Students tied up their horses r   gi _ V _‘ ie " · l· ball team Kyle Macy and Rick
lll llgellle llellll/leellleeghgl llied le W    e l` X ll l S il - ll Robey, take turns in a dunking
CXIS W €T€ C ey 3 W1 SOOH b   T fl d M   . ·
be built, but the college was not Greek Week   OO et ur ee e to llllle
, _ money for charity to benefit
l resPerrsrb1e rr her ses srreyed be- A Heart Fund Drive, in which 1,000 UK the Cardinal niii Hospital. . A
eahse they Werehel PYOPehY hed Greeks solicited donations throughout team of staffers from Playboy
up' ‘ 'Celellel Wlll Regere el e7` Lexington, highlighted UK Greek Week in magazine comes to Kentucky
year eh h“r“9rrsr» Vrsrrs Deer 1966 Festivities included an A11-Greek to determine it there is e
Paul Anderson and is given a ` b · L · l ll [
, Banquet, an All—Greek Art Show, and the _ ¤¤0Y rrr eXr¤S_0¤ wer _r>' 0
r plllpel l°“l er llle UK °ll“p“S‘ " annual eieriee inthe Student Center Ballroom its J=¤¤¤¤ry 1979 issue- — rm
Kehmeky Ger- mem D· Sjempseh · · tow trucks haul away 22 cars
where Panhellemc Council and the . .
appoints James Park, president of _ _ _ from Chfllm Avenue as pollce
o tho UK Ainnini Association, to Interfratermty Council could swing together! crack down On illegal parking
‘ the UK Board of Trustees. Park is _ _ A new hlslmy Course, ··Tel_
me Cemmehweehh Attemev fer Fayette Cellmy rorism in Historical Perspective," is offered at UK. Robert
_   Tri, a history doctoral student, teaches 17 enrolled students. ..
rr UK announces it will continue to operate on Central Standard S‘“ger Rlllldy Newmelll pellelms lll ?°“°eh lll llle Slllelelll
  Tim e ev e H lheueh th e elly ef Lexmeten will ee en Daylight Center Ballroom. . .In compliance with federal regulation
  Saving Time beginning on April 26. The first class will meet at   lgvlggelgl ereilirfnzellrellrilegf 
if 7 em`? em   e`-m" and Other Classes will follow teal pettem` ` ` lnter—colligate Athletics and the Athletic Association. Cliff
A petition IS signed by about 300 co—eds complaining about . . . . . .
the feed Served in the resi dene e halls D e 3 H ef Wemen Sarah Hagan is retained as Athletic Association director and Sue
‘ Holmes says that the complaints were simple and if possible, heemsterr ellllelll dlleelel sr the wemell e.plOellllll’ le
. . · · named assistant athletic director. . .UK officials ask the Lex-
something would be done. . .Conn1e Jo Smith, from Chi . . . . . .
. . . mgton community to help them in finding housing for nearly
Omega, 1S crowned queen of the Military Ball at the Student 1 000 Students On the dorm Wallin list
L Union by Henry Vance, brigadier commander of the corps of ’ g `
cadets at UK. . .The UK Wildcat baseball team wins its first Compiled by Linda Perry
' KENTUCKY Atuivmi 45