right flank confronting the cavalry, its center confronting the infantry, and its left flank confronting the gunboats. Of the conduct of the regiment on that occasion General Duke, in his "History of Morgan's Cavalry," says: "The Sixth Kentucky was almost surrounded. This regiment behaved nobly. It stood the heavy attack of the enemy like a bastion." It remained in that position until the men in our rear had left the field; then it began a hasty retreat, the objective point being a ford about two miles up the river. When we reached that ford General Morgan and his staff and a number of the soldiers had plunged into the river for the purpose of crossing. In obedience to orders to that effect the regiment did not attempt

i to cross, but remained in formation on the river bank watch! the others who did cross. About the time that General Morg-had reached the east bank of the river the gunboats had A the range of the crossing and commenced throwing shells irf the river at the ford. Seeing that a large part of his force W left on the west bank of the river, General Morgan dash1 back into the river and returned to us. His face was as pla5 as if he were on parade. As he passed the line he called o! "Follow me, boys," and with a cheer every man turned a followed him. After going up the river two or three mit he turned to the left almost at right angles to the river a1 after going several miles, halted to rest his command. Aba!