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Development. He added that many of the University's faculty have had
very enriching experiences because of their involvements with Indonesia
and the very fine people of that country. After President Roselle
expressed his thanks and appreciation to the vice rectors for being on
campus, Mr. McCowan asked them to stand and be recognized, following
which they were given a round of applause. President Roselle pointed
out that Mr. Mohaimmad Toha is an alumnus of the University of Kentucky.

       President Roselle then called attention to the upcoming
University Honors Day program and asked Dr. Joseph Fink to inform the
Board about the new event.

       Dr. Fink indicated his pleasure in informing the members of the
Board of the plans for University Honors Day which will be held on
Thursday, April 14, at 3:00 p.m. in the Concert Hall of the Singletary
Center for the Arts. He stated that the program will recognize the
achievement of faculty, staff and students at the University of
Kentucky. It will also provide a forum for the conferral of a number of
university-wide awards and a special feature being a brief investiture
ceremony recognizing President Roselle's assumption of the office as the
ninth president of the University of Kentucky. University Honors Day
will serve to focus the attention of the University and the community at
larqe on the good things that are happening at the University -- the
very creative achievement of the faculty and the tremendous innovations
that are occurring on the campus. He urged the members of the Board to
attend and extended an invitation to others in the community.

       President Roselle continued reviewing his report by calling
attention to the following items:

       The Medical Center has formed a heart institute under the
       leadership of nr. Anthony M. DeMaria, Dr. Jacqueline A. Noonan,
       Dr. W. Randolph Chitwond and Dr. John N. Diana.   President
       Roselle stated that this is a very important issue and will be a
       significant event in the life of the University of Kentucky.

       The University debaters won the S!ational Novice Honors which
       continues the University's tradition of successful competition
       and debate.

       Merit weekends attracted 400 outstanding students and parents.
       President Roselle indicated that the University should have the
       most qualified group of entering freshmen in the University's
       history selected from the largest pool of applicants entering
       school this fall. He added that this was the experience last
       year and he believes a new record will be set bv both criteria,
       number of applicants and quality of entering applicants again in
       the coming academic year.

       The Department of History has established a fellowship endowment
       honoring retiring professor Charles Roland; the fundraising
       activity is being presided over by Dr. Otis Singletary.