   ’J  J ~~ 
  T George Harris
  e‘ee·   Y c { 4   V y, .
w0lks 0 couple of miles 0 d0y, often bre0kf0sts heod honcho ofone ofthe hottest heolth m0g0- )
on br0n muffinsond is morelikelytogr0b0gl0ss zines in the country. .
of w0ter th0n 0 cup of coffee. "I.ike most of the people we’re t0lking with,"
But he's the first to tell you he's no model of he soyswith just0 hintofct Kentucky drowl, "I’m  
  ; he0lth ond fitness. "Justthe opposite," s0ys T wrestling with it 0nd lorgely losing in terms of
, .» V   George Horris, 62, who w0s once 0 cotfeine- the perfect fitness model." _
y I i ‘ guzzling,four-p0ck-0—d0y smoker0ndis now A cose in point: He used to run two miles
 E A , _ severol times 0 week but hos slocked off.
I "' A I  i And though he hos 0n exercise bike, rowing
v    mochine 0nd cross—c0untry ski mochine in his
A  _  V___     X fifth Avenue penthouse, he spends more time
1     ·‘·    [4 wc/Xking out 'vyithl his tyhpe}yvriter.b d {hh
   ·. ~       _   -5 ‘ mericon e0 t , w ic ce e rote its i
  A   _,  birthd0y in A/\0rch, hos e0rned 0 popul0r0nd
W I     I profitoble niche on newsst0 nds by being on top
’ ’‘·‘        of heolth trends; low-impoct oerobics, r0ce—
. V   _ .  ,.,    I _,,,     Allll I ,l·-   wolking, nutrition.
  , ff   `_ ' _   _,   _ V ` At the he0rt of it, AH’s editoriol success is
_  ,  .i ,. _.,. If  “VV.l  i l    ll     H0rris’ energy.
 it ( I U   , I      " Today, he dorts oround his cluttered office 0t
   A V'  rV·'  ' y f     the m0g0zine's heodquorters snotching up
  _   eV  M ’‘··   ' ggmples Of The Relaxed Body book, video G¤Cl
  ; {   ’ oudio cossette — AH sister projects.
    ‘   . ~ ‘‘’: This slightly rumpled, borrel-chested editor
 . 'V  ’—   seems right 0t home omong the piles of popers
  li   o   ond mogcizines. On his desktop is 0 m0nu0l
      A typewriten circ0 l930s; underneoth it0re three
 1  powsf RpicSpo;ts vnolking shoes. I d
en 0rns m0 y comes in or0 on mg,
I he sits onthe edge ofo couch, 0gl0ss ofwoter
‘ ' ‘ in hond. No coffee, mind you. He g0ve it up
  months 0go.
_ ’   'I *     ‘ To H0rris, the heolth movementis more th0n
` ~ y     V A  , br0n fl0kes 0nd perfect pecsz "He0lth hos be- ,
`··~w _ . ‘·’  I ·< * A come the new individuolism — it’s now the w0y  
l t » · ··. . `V —» . ` I . , ,‘r_   Q of being fully yourself."
. A V ` V l-»     § Personolly he's concentroting onintegroting
..._ g A ___ I '   exercise into his lifestyle -— which he sees 0s the
  `'`` · A Q next step in the fitness movement. He's using  
. §° common octivities to gethisdoily dose ofexer- .
5 cise becouse "you don’t h0ve to h0ve ch0r0c—
y § ter to stick with it." _
I ML  v _ T M He st0 rts his d0y with "scrunchies," 0 set of
  bothtub exercises — using 0rms 0nd legs in
    quick sit-up-style movements — he picked up
  from 0 Russion body expert. "l c0n pop 0 sweot
V    i·‘;i_§&§fg: in 0 minute"
{__   eéiw  .    Then he w0lks oboutthree miles 0 d0y — to
  Q 0nd from the subw0y 0nd 0round the city to
  ·, business meetings.
5*   "  xs?  .
  ·     4:*3
lat ·f——   g A