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Where Are We Going?  
One of the greatest continue to improve the overall needed to put Kentucky at the  
pleasures of my new job as quality. forefront in economic develop-  
.,..   President of the University of 4) RESEARCH. UK is a Re- ment. _· 
  Kentucky is getting to know the search University ofthe First 7) IMPROVE EDUCATION.  
Q       L- alumni. I have already met Class, according to the Through effective programs in  
IQ: it   I   many alumni, and I look Carnegie Commission. UK is teachertraining, continuing  
  . ° forward to meeting others of one of only 45 such public education, and through our I4  
·   you in the future. universities in the country; the community colleges, UK can T
y I am often asked in these only one in Kentucky. Our goal improve the educational attain-  
» alumni encounters what I see is to improve on this prestigious ment and employability of _
I as the goals for this University. ranking by stimulating the people ofthe Commonwealth.  
II . As we enter another New Year development of our graduate, UK will be a leading advocate  
i this would seem to be a good professional and research for improving Kentucky's tradi— =.__T
  time to outline some goals programs. tionally low educational  
I for UK; We are fortunate to have rankings.  
Here they are: many excellent faculty at UK. Can these goals be accom-
I) NATIONAL REPUTATION, We need more. Attracting and pllshed?  
I want to see the University at retaining good faculty is prob- Not unless we start to work  
Kentucky become recognized ably the most important, and now. We must ask Kentuckians 1"-—..’T<·i
as a national leader in public most critical, iob ahead. It to consider — in their hearts as EE
higher education. Our goal is certainly ranks in my mind as well as their minds — how  
to compete academically with the university’s singular highest Kentucky will invest its resources E
the best institutions. priority goal. for the future of our children. I;-"'=f
2) ACCESS. UK should 5) LAND-GRANT ROLE. UK We must carefully protect what  
provide opportunities for higher is a land-grant university, and we have so carefully built thus ;;_"..-=
education to as many we will emphasize the tradi- far and build upon it. This will  
Kentuckians as possible. Our tional programs which go require financial support, of  
community colleges are key in along with being a land-grant course. But I believe that if an ~__ 
this role of access to higher university, programs such as the institution is standing still, it is  
education. This year we have Agricultural Extension Service actually moving backwards. So
almost 30,000 students and programs of sponsored I don’t think Kentucky has any , ·
enrolled in the community research. In so doing, we will acceptable choice other than  
colleges. We want to offer uncover and make available to help UK meet these goals. I 
educational opportunities to new knowledge that How can you help?  
even more Kentuckians through Kentuckians need. Join with us, in supporting  
the community college system. 6) INCREASE SERVICES. I programs that will help build a _ .j
3) QUALITY STUDENTS. At want to enhance the services University which we all want  
· our lexington campus we must provided to Kentuckians, no and which our state needs. Tell  
  continue to attract the very best matter where they live. Ours is our legislators and govern-  
students to undergraduate and the only Kentucky institution mental leaders that you want K