xt744j09wk4j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt744j09wk4j/data/mets.xml Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. National Archives (U.S.) Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1939 books FW 4.14:F 317/ser.2/16 Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Kentucky--History--Sources--Catalogs Court records--Kentucky--Archives--Catalogs Archives--Kentucky--Catalogs Inventory of federal archives in the states. Series II. The federal courts; no. 16, Kentucky text Inventory of federal archives in the states. Series II. The federal courts; no. 16, Kentucky 1939 1939 2012 true xt744j09wk4j section xt744j09wk4j                          C  I
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Qéi The Survey of Federal Archives __ ii
{if`? A
5E Philip M. Homer, National Director
§§ John Wilson Townsend, State Supervisor
  , . . ,
Eg Division of Professional and Service Projects
sgi Florence nerr, Assistant Commissioner
gs} Elizabeth Fullerton, State Director
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ig F. C. Harrington, Commissioner U
§~* George H. Goodman, State Administrator [
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The Invmntory 0f Federal Archives in the States, is one of thc
products 0f thc work 0f thc Survey of Federal Archivcs, which oper-
ated as a nati0n—wid0 project of the Yorks Progress Administration
from January 1, 1956 to Juno 30, 1957, and has been continued in
Kentucky since that date as a state project 0f that Administration.
The plan for thc organization of the Inventory is as follows:
Scrios I consists 0f reports on tho administration of thc Survcy, ac-
knowledgments, and general discussions of the location, c0uditi0n,'and
content 0f federal archives in thé states. Succocding series contain
d thc detailed information secured by workers 0f the Survey, in inven-
tory fOFW, a separate series nunbcr being assigned to each 0f thc 0x-
ccutivc departments (oxccpt the Dcpartncnt 0f State) and other major
units of the Fddcrml Gcvcrnmcnt. Within each series N0. l is a gon-
crul introduction to the field organization and records 0f the govern-
mental agency concerned; the succdcdimg numbers contain the inventory
proper, scpurutc numbers being assigned to cmch state in alphabetical
Ordcr. Thus, in each series, thc inventory for Alabama is N0¤ 2, that
for Arizona N0. 3, that for Arkansas N0. 4, ctc.
For each lccul office information regarding each series, 0r unit
0f related rccdrds, is prdsuntdd in thc following order, title, in-
clusivc dates ("to date" indicating an open filo at the time the in-
formation was s0curcd(, gcndral dcgcriptiwn mf informational contcnt,
dcscriwtlvn 0f the system of filing wr indexing (if any), a statement
of frcqucxcy and purpose 0F usc, Form of the record itsolf (bound vol-
` umcs, shoots in folders, ctc.), linear foctagm, dcscriptinu of thc
containers, physical cdmditidm of thm records (not skubcd if satis-
factvry), lccabivm by room numbdr or othwr identifying infdrmmtion,
and finally, the mumbdr of thu Perm SSSA on vmich this information
was Originally rwcvrdcd by a Suyvcy wdr%ur and from which ih was sb- .
gtraubdd for thu Inventory. This fnrm is nn filc in Tho National
Lrchivds. Thom if contains substunbirl information cn nddcmdn shoots
mhieh has not been included in thc mimmoprcphdd m%str;ct, indication
of thiS is Qivdm by use 0f thc rcfcrdxco "Swc ®ddnndw•"
In Kcntucky kbd work 0f thc Survey www umd0rt;?un by Judge Samucl
C. Villi ms, with Nr. John Vllsdn Townsend as his cssisbanb, from its
incuptinn until OGkO}QT 193G. Since thai time Mr. Tomnscnd has boon
in uhargu n? hn, urdjqct. This Inventory 0F the rccdrds of thc Fed-
eral Courts in Kdmtucky mas prgymrnd ii kh; Lewisville dfficc of the
Survey and was edited b¤f`r0 flyml kyping by Dr. Richard R. Stcnbcrg
Of fhe Tbshixgtwn nfficc. It is rayrdduncd in mimwwgrnyhcd form
through the fmcilitidm of Eh. Hist¤r€0rl Rccvrdm Survey.
Cohu Lila n Townsend, Strbc Supmrvizcr
l Lduisvilld, KcnLmcky Srrrny df Fcddrnl Lruhivcs
Lujust 12, l»3Q in Kcnhucky

INTRODUCTION »••••••..••.•.....·.....••.....••·.......·••·.. 1
I Eastern District
C]..CI`1:C•••••••••••••••¤•••••••••••••••••••••••• 4
Generu1.... .... ............ ..... ........ 4
Civi1................................... 5;
Eaukruptey..................... .... ..... 5
Special Civil Matters................... 5
CI"1.IF1.F1.€11.••••••••¤¤•¤•••••••••••••••••••• 5
United States Cemnissi*ner.•............ 6
1‘T'[?`iSl1I`iL11Zi1I11.(‘!.1•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6
FISCSR1. ACCO1lI"l`DS•••••••••••••••••¤••••••• 6
Niseellan1eus.... .... ................... 7
Cerresp0ndemce.......... .... ............ 7
Probation and Prrwle O?fieer................. 7
Referee in Benkruyhey........................ 8
United States C0mmissiemer..... .... ..... ..... 8
Referee in Bnukruphey••••.................••• 9
United States C0miissi¤ner.................•• Q
United States Oemmissiener................... 1O
Deputy C1erk................................. 1O
Gennrd1................................ lO
Bunkruphey............................. 11
"Abtervvrs..................... .... ....» 11
Fiscal Lee»umts............·........•.• 11
liseellyue>rs•......................... 12
Ceyres»endemce......................... 12
C0vingt~¤i_ ‘
Di.}}_;111`1Jy C1.CI°1Y'•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  
Old Circuit Cvuri Ree@rds••••.......... 12
G0ueru1•.....··........•.·........ 12
Fiscal Lec¤umts........•.......... 15
Dietrich C0ur% Mee¢rds.....¤........... 13
Gereru1........................... 15
Bn;kruptvy......................•· 14
Crininc1.........................• 15
I Yri%zd Stains C;mmdssi¤ner........ 15
[ntur¤1Ezabi¤n.....».............· 16
F1·enl 1e¤¢uhts•.•..............•• 16
ki$ee11uheews..•....•.•.•......... 1C

Covington (Cont.)
R(}fOI'GC 1I1 BE).D.1(I`Up1]Cy•••••••••••••••••••••••  
Unitcd Stotcs C0mnissioncr....••.··........• 17
_ Frankfort
Doputy C1*‘)I`k••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  
Old Circuit Court Rocords............. 17
1 Fiscal .4rLCCOUIl1]S••••••••••••••••••  
Misco11anoous.••...............•. 18
District Court Rccords••.............. 19
G<`)I'lOI`C»1.•·•••••••••••••••••••••••• 19
C1VY11••••••••••••••••••••••••••••   '
Unitod Status Commissionor•·..••. 22
11-[‘.`lGUI`CLli.ZfI.1J1V‘ZI•••••••••••••••••••   `
Fiscal Accounts.................. 25
Hisco11u1oous.................•.. 25
Corrosp¤ndonco........•.........• 24
Unitod Status Commissi¤ncr................•. 24
1_}Op‘.1“by C1:}I'1C••••••¤•••••••·•••••••••••••••••  
C1V11••••••.....•.•••••.•.....••• 25
Eonkruptcy.....................•. 26
Crimino1........••...•.........·• 26
Unitwd Status Co¤wissioncr....... 26
N;tura1izati~n.................•• 26
Fircu1 ;oe¤unts•................. 26
Nimcc11nnoous..................•. 27
United Stntcs Co1¤is;i¤tor.................• 27
Hofcroc in E¢nkruytoy.¤••·................¤. 27
DC.pU1J;y’ C].’}1`1[••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  
Oli Circuit Court hocorUs........ 26
Criwin;1.................... 23
District Ciurt Bcoor@s••••-•¤·»•• 28
Wnu»rx1..................... 29
}RY1?WQ1Ffs••••••••••••••••• 28
· ”isva1 Jmw¤¢n"ts....••.•.•.z• Z9
Ti;co11ri¤owo........•.....• 29
COTJTOF;ff~ner.., »’it .°.,...¤..¤ . ....¤.......... 59
west Liberty
Yleferee in "z`%anE=:rujp·t cy. . . . .....................¤..... . . . . 59
Wi;1.e1;e st  
United States Cemmissiener ....¤. . ..,.. . °....¤.......... . 59
Western District
ClcrE. ..¤.,,.,....... .. ......... . .¤.................... . CO
Oli Circuit Ceurt lecerds. .,.............¤........ 40
CeLeral..... ....... H ....¤ .... ........ ........ &O
5 Civil G.....,......¤¤...................... ... él
lquity .........°................n............ 41
Fiscal ieecunte. .....¤.. .,..... .,............ @2

Louisville (Cont.) Page
` District Court Records.. ......................... . 42
. General ........ . ¤.».....¤..,“................ 42
Civil...~~ .............,....... ..u... ...¤. .... 44
E§uity... .....¤.............»....., ....l ..... 44
Bankruptcy ..,........ A ........¤... . ......... 45
Criminal. ...... . ....,...¤......»............. 46
United States Commissioner ........,.......... 47
_ Naturalization ..................... ,.... ..... 47
Fiscal Accounts ................n............. 48
A Miscellaneous ................................ 49
Correspondence. .......... . ................... 50
Probation and Parole Officers .........................,. 50
Referee in Bankruptcy ......... . ........... A ............. 52
United States Commissioner .............¤.,...... J ....... 55
B ar o1·o
Deputy Glerli. . . . ............ . . ......... . . ....l . . . ,.... . C5
Oli Circuit Court Receris ........n........¤....... C5
General. ..........,....¤....n¤.,............. C3
Ciiri I A ..°...... . .... . H .. . .................... . C5
Wis cal accounts . ., ., . A, ,.......¤.....,,....,.... 634 ·

 Y viii
Owensboro (Cont.) Page C
District Court Records .........,..,............... G4 .
General .......,........,............... . .¤... G4
Civil........ ...........¤ . .................. . G4
Equity ....................... Q ........°..,... @5
Bankruptcy ................................... 65
Criminal. ..............................°..... G6
United States Commissioner ................... G6
Naturalization. .............................. 67
V Att0rneys... ...... . ....................... ... 67
Fiscal Accounts.... .................... . .... . 67
Misccllaneous... ...................... . ...... 68
Corrospondenco ............................... 69
Refcrec in Bankruptcy ................... . ............... 69
in United Statos Commisaiuncr ................ . ............. 69
Deputy Clorkh ......... . .... ......... .... . ..... . ....... .. 70
Old Circuit Court Recoras. .... . ....,.............. 70
G¤uic;wxl ...................................... 7C
Civil ........................................ 7l
Equi‘t];’...........°........... ..... ........~.... 7l
Fiscal Accounts .............................. Tl
District Court Records ..................... . ...... 7l
General ...................................... 7l
Civil ...... . ........ . .................¤ Q .... . 73
Equity .°..................................... 75
Bankruptcy .......... .. .°.....€...... W ....¤... 73
Criminal ...............°¤ .. ..,. n ...... . ...... 75
Unitod States Coimnssioner .¤.. . ......°¤...... 76
Naturalization. ............................. . 76
nttorneys..... ......... . ............... . .»... 77
Fiscal Lecouuts .........°. A ..¤............... 77
Miscollancous. .......... Q. ...¤.... . ......... . 79
C¤rrcspordc1ce.. .... . ..... . .... . ....... o .... . BO
Rcferee in Bankruptcy ....... . ................ Q .......... Bl
United Statcs Comnissioncr ..... ¤ ..°..... .. .........,. .¤. Bl

The First Congress, held in New York City, passed the Judiciary Act
of September 24, 1789, to establish the courts of the United States.
This act provided for a district court in the district of Kentucky,
then the western part of Virginia. Two days after the passage of the
act President George Washington appointed the Hon. Henry Innes (1752-
l8l6),judge of the Kentucky court. With his commission the first
president enclosed a letter which, with the commission, has survived
until this time. Washington wrote Innes as follows:
"United States,
Septerker 50th, 1799.
I have the pleasure to enclose you a Commission as Judge
of the United States for the District of Kontuckoy; to which
office I have nominated, and, by and with the advice and con-
sont of tho Senate, have appointed you.
In my nomination of persons to fill offices in the Judi-
cial Department, I have been guided by the importance of the
object —- considering it as of the first magnitude -- and as
the pillar upon which our political fabric must rest. I have
endeavored to bring into the high offices of its administration
such Characters as will give stability and dignity to our Nation-
al Government, and I persuade myself that they will discover a
ldue desire to promote the hay inoss of our Country by a ready ac-
-coptance of their several apnointmonts. — The Laws which have
passed relative to your office accompany the Commission.
I am, Sir,
with very great esteem,
Your host Ob't. Servant,
Go. Washington."
"Tho llonbl .
Henry Innes ."
Innes organized the court in mid-autumn and held its first sessions
at Harrodsburg, December 15, 178U. harrodsburg is, perhaps, the old-
ost Kentucky town. Three years later, Juno 1, 1792, Kentucky was ad-
mitted into the union; and two years after that time or Juno 9, 1794,
Congress passed another act removing the district court for tho dis-
trict of Kentucky fron Earrodsburg to Frankfort, the capitol of the
new state. The last term of the Court in harrodsburg was held on
September 1C, l7Gd.
In the Act of Qarch 5, 1797, Conjress fixed the times of the court’s
sessions as the second Iondays in Perch and the third Londays in Juno
and Yovwnber of each year.
By the Judiciary Act of 1789, Congress also established in each dis-
trict a Circuit Court, and the District Court of hontuety was given

Circuit Ceurt jurislictien. The Circuit Ceurt was heli by twc Justices
cf the Supreme Ceurt, assisted by s Jistrict judge; but the growth ef
business in the Supreym Ccurt mnde it iuprueticsble fer the members ef
that tribunal te continue te sit in the circuit Ccurt. is s psrtiul
measure cf relief, cn February 24, 1307, the States were greupei inte
circuits, and u single Justice cf the Supreme Ceurt wss nssignel tc
each Circuit Ceurt.
Judge Innes, enly thirty—seven years cf nie when wushinjtcs ncni— \q»»
. hated him ss Heutucky’s first district judje, hc1J the pcsiticn fer
`· twenty—seven years er until his death cn September BO, l£16. His min-
ute beck ef eases triei befere him is preserveu in the library cf the
United States Court fer the Western District in Lguisville. Jkt lnncs's
death President Hulisen nppciuted Hubert Trimble tc succeel him ms
juige. Trimble served fer ten yeirs when Jehu Quincy Aisms placed
him en the bench c? the Unitec States Supreme Ceurt. He was fcllewed
by Jehu Eeyle, whe hell the effice until his ienth in l83%. Then cane
Themes Bell Menrec whe like innes served fer twenty—seveu yexrs er un-
til lB5l when he resi ned te join the Ccnfeierite fcrccs.
Ry Act cf June lb, 186G Cenjress rrcviied fur sessiwns cf the iis-
trict sul circuit oeprts at Louisville, Cevingten, unl Dvluunh, in
udliticn ti th sc nlreniy pfevilci fer ut Frenkfert. The ceurt nt
Owensbore was estselishel by the Act cf Au;ust U, 1885.
Lincclu nunei Blaze Bul1&rJ ss julie ef the ceurt cr October BO,
1861 und he hell the effiee until his death, July 29, 187Q, L few
weeks later William Henry Buys wss npycintel ss jucge ef the ceurt
but he hell the crfice emly R short time, lying nt Lcuisville in the
curly sprin; cf lCcO. Jehu Wutsen I.rr ·‘1~ wss upeeixteu ju`je tv sue-
eeel Hzjs nn? he hell the uffiee for almost niuet en yt~rs er until
?eeruury El, 15NQ when he reluntcrily retir;l, Lehinl y pqyyj Jqlhey
Evans as his successnr.
The Act cf FetruirU I2, 1uOl iivilel hentucky inte tw* Judicial
Uistricts, th~ Eastern QQY th~ [est .,., rn, unl previlc# eeuyt shcull
sit ut Frarkf rt, &icsuen“, Lcnien, uni C~~inQten ir the Dmsterr
District, unl ut Louis ille, Gwemsbcrw, Paluech, sul Bewling Green
in the Jestcrn District. Hy Further Lot ef Hsrch l0, lOO2 Cen rcss
pre ilel fir cvurt swcsinrs at Uutlettsturg in the Tnstern listriet.
JU*;U» U ‘v»‘‘ init wfxs Edt; Jixwst fut¥Li*m>·»f EAM: Lkwi;ers; Uicrtriyzt reid ire
servti until hi. eeatn Decor er LO, 1925. The first jul e et the
Ceurt }['<,·r the ?$Z21:?·l:¤;:1·;i Di:i{;riet ir·,.si. J;. U. J- lZhr;A;w, :1 rli_;,tj_r,·ui:3l;·.;l
lcwywr cf thw Usycvillt Esr. Ju€je Uvrhrwn cervel F~r ;l; at »·rs thirty-
ttfiu YCQFS, l¤¤‘er thur nt? ether ~csnp nt ef the Veler·l Yench in
Y?»3iat¤‘·¢>}.Q-*. Ve Yiwu? Ju;1e l>Z,   :1=1;   Sll'»L(7LZO [el th: ue:»;t yerr by
Jvlge M. church F~rl, uy C ._,l ;ryy%»r;, 5r;i;:;ninw¢.
W7 Act ~Y Zurwh 5, lGll Gnnjresz fbvlishel thr Ufrevih L pyig,
`illriil-l` .jl‘-f’lf.1Yl<5’€Yl H1?3 l`*·.‘¢i}.i1ji tr<>1z;`¤r1¢»:i¥ tri th, }Jl.¤‘tri
2J0. \lcdC)
10. BAEKRUFTCY CASES CLOSED Mm" 1 1920 to date. frccccdin s in
1 {Y 1
ddmigistraticm cf bankrupt cstatcs. Index vol. gDuilY, cfficiml.)
8% 1 lé cnvclcpns, 41 ft., in 22 drdwcrs cf 5 filing cmsms. Rs. 259~250.
ll. AKUUAL BANKRUPTCY RE{0RTS, 1920 to ddtc. Statistical r0V0rts 11
madc cu Junc 30th cf nach ycpr tc the Uepgrtmnnt cf Justice. Card index.
· {Frequently, confidential.) 9§·x 1E cmvclcpcs, 2 ft., in drawer of filing
case. Rs. 239~250. 11500)
(Spccicl Civil Matters)
12. JQTICKS 0; EAA LLLND, dar. 10l% tc ddtc. Cliims of thc Gcvcrn~ r
ment against vnricws parties for unpaid imtcrnml revenuc taxes, Indexed.
(0ccasicgul1y, c0nfilc;tidl.> 12 x li »;v~10p¢s, 2 ft., in drawnr cf
filing cdsc. R:. 269~250, (1659)
13. CRIMIIAL CASES, yZhJITV, igr. IJZG to {atc. lnlcx vol. (Waily,
cfficiil.} 5 x *j folder , 2 ft., in Vrwwcr cf Filiny cbsc. Rs. 25Q~250.
x" "/
11. GRIIIPAL CQSU3 C3wUAW, Tay 1, 1020 tc lntwo Crimimhl camo: tricd
Ir . . ~ - . ~h , An. . . F i
uml Closed ;y crdcr OI court. lll 3 -.`· ··‘. vwl. \.r2qucntly, c1;;ciwl.) 6 x 2;
fcldnrs, St ft., in filing c gc. Ru, 251-250. (1602)

 Clerk of District Court, Lexington 6
(United States Commissioner)
15. COHI1SS1OHEHS’ DOCKETS, 1910 Q 1956, These vols. are kept for °
-. .» · ~ . . w
ten years and tnen destroyed." Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 9; x 14 vols.,
9 ft.; on f1oor.5 "iii Dusty. Rs. 259-250. (1697)
16. U. S. COMl1SS10UER'S QUARTERLY ACCOUNTS, Oct. 1952 to date.
Copies of conmnssioner’s qiarterly accounts reports; the originals were
sent to Washington. Index. (Frequently, official.) 8 x 14 folders, 6
ft., in 5 drawers of steel filing case. Rs. 259-250. (1685)
17, HISCBLLANEOUS FILIHGS, May 1, 1920 to date. Subpoenas for jurors,
sunmmnses for witnesses before U. S. commissioner, etc. Indexed in Order
· . - 1 .
Book. (lnfrequently, official.) 5 x 82 folders and envelopes, 2 ft., in
V drawer of filing case. Rs. 259-250. (1704)
18. U. S. COH11SS1OUERS' lMRRAHTB AUD COXPLAINTS, 1910 to date., '
. Copies of warrants and complaints sent to c1erk’s office to be filed.
.· . - .; . 1 · .
lndex. (Occasionally, ofiicial.) 9; x 14 bundles and box, 16 ft., in
cardboard boxes. Dirty. Rs. 259-250. (1696)
19. NATURARIZATIOE RECCJOS, 1920 tc date. Records of persons filing'
petitions for citizenship. (Frequently, official,) Variously sized vols.
(6), l ft., on shelf under counter. Rs, 259-250. (L702)
(Fiscal Accounts) _
20. CASH SOCKS, Hay 1920 to date. Record of all moneys handled in `
this court, subject to examination by auditors of the Department of Justice
every two years. Entered numerically and chronologically. Filed accord;
ing to case number and date of entry. (Daily, official,) 15 x 16 vols.,
2 ft., on shelf under counter. Rs. 259-250. (1694)
21. DISBURSEQENT VOUCHWKS, Oct. 1, 1955 to date. Copies of disburse-’
ment vouchers made out by the U. 8. marshal showing expenses of his office,
such as witness fees, salaries and office expenditures; originals were'
sent te Uashingtcn, tll. Card index. (Daily, official.) 10 x 14 envelopes,
2 ft., in drawer of filing case. Rs. 259-250. (1707)
22. QUARTEPLY EIOLUIENTS RUPORTS, Sept. 1952 to date. Copies of
clerk‘s reports on earnings in bankruptcy and civil cases, etc.; origin-
als were sent to Udshlngtcn. .»·` Carl index. (Frequently, official.) 10 X
14 envelopes, 2 ft., in drawer of Uilir; case, Rs. 259-250. (1698)
25, 2EG1&ELY BOOK, 1928 to date. Record of moneys paid into court
and noncys avaitin@‘court'ordor for distribution. `lndcicd. (Daily, offi-
_ cial.) 12 x 17 vol., 2 ft., on slelf under counter. Ls. 239-250. (1681)

 Probation and Parole Officer, Lexington 7
— date. Giving account of moneys collected and disbursed under the refer-
. 2 ,. . ]_
ee's authority. index. (Frequently, official.) 9g-x 14 pockets, 2 ft.,
in filing case. Rs. 259-250. (1684)
Showing monthly balance of cash on hand; sent regularly to the Dept. of
the Treasury. This report corresponds to the cash book. Additional rc-
· norts are frequently made unon request. Card index. (Frequently, offi-
7 . . `I ». " . . . ry ,— *‘
cial.) 9]-1 15 folders, 2 ft., in filing case. Rs. 259-550. (1085)
2C. ORDER PED`WARRANTS OR REQOVAL, July 1955 to date. For removal i
of prisoners to other districts. Card index. (Frequently, official.)
. 10 x ll folders, 2 ft., in drawer of filing case. Rs. 259-250. (1695)
27. APPOINTHEKTS, 1911 to date. Records of ajpointments of court
officials in this district. Card index. (Occasionally, official.)
12 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of filing case. Rs. 259-250. (1700)
_ 28. CORRESPONEETCE, Kay l, 1950 to date. Letters relating to civil,
, bankruptcy. criminal, and naturalization cases and to other official
business. Card index. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 folders, 12 ft.,
in G drawers of filing case. Rs. 259-250. (1705)
Probatier_and Parole Officer
. Federal Bldg., V. Limestone and Parr Sts.
This office was established in 1950. lt was located in the First
Iational bank Building until l9C5, when it was moved to its present
quarters. Monthly activity reports are sent to Uashlrgton.
, 29. GOLRELFOQEE CE, l95O to date. Inactive and cvrrent correspond-
ance pertminlvj to the business of this of ice, '.”‘ including carbon copies
_ of expense voucb rs and rejorts to Kaslingtong also lulletins ani in-
structions rtcolvef from hasbinjtor. Care ind ~·`· x. (Emily. official.)
9 I 1l{ folders, Y ft., in metal filing ccs;. R. 52C. (1524)
50. PALOLI OQSIS, &OTlTI, lC5O to date. Records and reports con~
A cerning active paroloes, inclulin; case histories from nrisons. Card
ind X. (Daily, official.} 9 x 12 folders, 5 ft., in metal filing ease.
_ 1;.   (ism)

 United States Commissioner, Lexington 3
51. FAROLE CASES, INACTIVE, 1950 to date. Reports on inactive
parolees, including case histories from prisons. Card index. (Fre-
quently, official.) 9 x ll folders, 10 ft., in metal cabinet.
V R. sev. (iszz)
52. PROBATION CASES, IHACTIVE, 1950 to date. Reports, correspond-
once, and case histories. Card index. (0ccasional1y, official.) 9 x
11% folders, 48 ft., in filing case. R. 507. (1820)
‘ 55. PROBATICN CASES, ACTIVE, 1950 to date. Reports, correspondence
regarding prohationers, and case history of each. Card index. (Frequent-
ly, official.) 9 x 12% folders, 10 ft., in metal filing case. R. 529.
(iszs) _
54. INDEXES T0 FROBATION AND RAROLB CASES, 1950 to date. Two vols.
for parole cases; ten vols. for probation cases and complete index to
inactive probationers. See addenda. (Daily, official.) Cards and vols.
R. sas. (ism.)
Referee in Bankruptcy
Security Trust Bldg., N.·Mill and Short Sts.,
. This office, established in 189S, has jurisdiction over Bourbon,
Clark Fayette, Franklin, Scott Shelb and Woodford counties. Case
3 . 3 .9
records are sent to the district clerk as soon as cases are closed.