l Dcputy Clcrk of District Court, Paducah 75 l V
, 1912 - 1914. Concorning voluntary bankruptcy casos. (Uovcr.) 14 x
f 20 vols. (5), 1 ft., on oncloscd woodon shclvcs. R. 5. (78d)
_ C1ork's gonoral summary of roports of roforoos and analysis of ox— (
1 ponsos of administration as shown by sumnmry. (Novor.) Variously
~ sizod looso papors, 1 ft., on cnclosod woodon shclf. Dirty. R. 5. _
; (rss) O
Q 559. REFEREE'S REPORTS TO CLERK, Fob. — Juno 1919; Jan. 8, 1924 - I
Sopt. 8, 1952. Roport on assots, liabilitics, analysis of fccs, ,
oxponsos of administration, and other data relating to proporty of (
bankrupt. (Somi-annually, official, public.) G x 15 and 12 x 24 loosc ¤
» papors and bundlos, 5 ft., on cnclosod woodcn sholvos. Dirty. Rs. 5 - 5
s. (rss, vss) »
I 560. BANKRUPTCY ORDER BOOKS, July 1955 to datc. Containing data j
[ concorning court ordors in bankruptcy cascs. Indoxod. (Wookly, offi- 1
i cial.) 12 x 12 loosc-loaf books (2), 1 ft., on onclosod woodon sholvos. a
Rs. 5 - é. (520) i
- ` 551. ANNUAL BANKRUPTCY STATISTICAL REPORTS, 195d - 1955. C1crk's (
. summary roport on bankruptcy casos for tho fiscal your. (Annually, Q
‘ _ official.) ld x 20 bunilos, l ft., on woodon sholf. Dirty. R, 8. (
— 1 (rss) 1
— (Criminal)
` ·— · * x » 7 1.’\ 1 V • •  
552. HARHAS CORPUS, SATISFIEO, l5o9. Court ordors issuod in g
habcas corpus proccodings. (Uovor.) 8 x ld foldod papors, 1 ft., in @
( pastcboard box and on onclosol woodon sholf. Dirty. Rs. 5 — 4. (515) 4
· j 555. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, Apr. 15, 1907 to dato. Showing titlo of 1
· caso indictmont, prococdings, disposition, and attornoy's and f1crk's g
fcos in oach casc. Entcrod numorically.( lndoxod. (Oldor, rocords, {
novcr; roccnt rocords, wcokly, official.) 15 x 22 vols. (G), 5 ft., Q
on oncloscd woodon snolf. Rs. 5 — 5. (5BQ, 792) (
I 564. CRIMINAL ORDER BOOK, Jan. 5, 1912 - Nov. 22, 1927. Copios I
` of ordors in criminal casos. Indoxoi. (Scldom, official.) 15 x 22 f
_ vol. and looso—1caf book, 1 ft., on sholvos in vault. N. 5. (771) j
, ( 555. CRIMINAL CASES, Apr. 15, 1912 to dats. Indictmonts, court Q
ordors, transcripts of cascs, and final disposition. Filod numori— j
( cally. Indozod by dockots. (Oldor rocords, uovor; currout rocords, 3
S daily, official, public.) C x 14 foldod papors, 116 ft., in 155 1
.4 pastoboard boxes and on onclosod woodon shclvus. Dirty. Rs. 5 - 4. {
( (sas, 510~R) (
. fi