Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station xi
grown in importance. Within the last year he has inspected over I  `
H titty nurseries. S 
i', V 
it- Under the supervision of Mr. Harper. a nuinber of field experi- ` ,t 
.f ments have been made. including varietal tests of burley tobacco, . 2l
g- tests ot fertilizers on tobacco and experiments ot raising tobacco |i* 
U under canvas. tests ot tertilizers on hemp. tests of varieties of it 
.S wheat and tests-—studying the protein contents ot different vvheats,  
if varietal tests ot' corn, experiments with fertilizers on corn. experi-  
_- · ments with sugar beets and various torage crops. The experi-  
,7 ments with the variety tests ot corn have shown that the yield can l  g
|{ be greatly increased by selecting pedigreed varieties. the Boone  l
County White and the Kansas lmproved Variety showing the best it 
_ results. lt is hoped that by a careful study ot the protein content ‘ 
V that we can soon get. a variety ol' wheat which will be superior tor t  
é milling purposes.  
S Prot'. May. although having had charge ot this division only  
3 _ about one year and a halt. has the division well organized, and a  
: number ol` interesting experiments have been made. including beef i 
t feeding experiments with thirty-two steers. the results ot which p 
3 have been published in Bulletin No. IOS. Prot`. May has under way  
I some experiments in tceding dillerent torage plants`to pigs and t 
I dairy cows. and also experiments in feeding silage versus hay. l
. Some experiments have been made in Feeding minerals in small . 
, quantities. as lime and magnesia, to cows lor the purpose ol` study-  
, ing its el`l'ect on millt and birtter production.  
` During the year some till-1 analyses ol` tertilizers were made. —l3 g
` manutacturers were authorized to sell tertilizers in the $tatie and t
' tags tor :35-I brands were issued. There were li.7il_i:§-l· tags printed,  
proot-read. counted and put up in packages l'rom day to day and  
» sent to various firms during the year. \\`e received during the year  
I $tilT“.i>t'2.5ll as Fertilizer l'ees.i  
I t