2 ``-.i     _ V i`
.. _ l ·
T _j‘".Qjj;   30 Bu!/etz'¢z N0. 105. I
i   ,...   12. Copperas (iron sulphate) in the proportion of about 680
   T   ,, pounds per acre did not prevent the growth of broom-rape.
  2;       13. Bluestone (copper sulphate) in the proportion of one ton V
  ‘lf.i;a;;f§r_={,"§»· to the acre checks the growth of most of the broom-rape,
  and later has a beneficial effect on the hemp, but is too costly
{Eli  E for new Work.
  _ 14. Unslaked lime in the proportion of 2.72 tons per acre
  'i"_. J     deterred the growth of broom-rape. · ·
      25. Common salt in the proportion of two tons to the acre
 ‘i—°¤j;§§I,;Q§€   is very destructive to both hemp and broom-rape, and cannot
.   ~ be used on the growing hemp on this account. If applied, it
{   should be spread on the ground as soon as the hemp has been
  removed, so that it will become dissipated as soon as possible. ·
  One and a half tons should be suiiicient. When salt in the
, 1°°V· 4jj_;;éL °’‘a,   proportion of one ton to the acre was used the growth of
  " broom-rape was not entirely prevented. .
  16. Most or all broom-rape seed can be removed from among ~
  hemp seeds by careful cleaning with machinery, and as a pre-
  _ caution against the `further spread of the parasite hemp seeds .
  gathered in Blue-grass Kentucky should always be given this
  17. Hemp seeds should not be beaten out on infested land.
  NOTE.—After this bulletin was ready for the printer the
  Station received a copy of Dr. Ludwig Koch’s Entwicklungs-
  geschichte der Orobanchen, in which are recorded many inter-
  I esting facts concerning the broom-rapes that are not very gen—
  erally accessible to workers along economic lines. I have
  endeavored to give some of these in foot-notes. Some others
  of special value may be given here.
  Dr. Koch records the following plants as liable to attack by
  the branched broom·rape (O. ramosa).
  1. Ammi vzknaga. 8. Gem¢zz`1¢mp2¢sz`ZZ2¢m (?).
    2. A rchewzgelzka 0§‘icz`¢m/z`s. 9. He/z`a1z!bz¢s amzuus.
  3. C¢mmzbz`s saliva. 10. Lacluca percnyzzk.
    COCh[€(ZVZ`(l £Z7"7}Z07’¢Z¢`l.lZ. II. l.(l??ZZ.7¢7}Z 7}ZLZ6`7l[6ZliZ¢7}Z.
  k 5. Caleus blzmzez`. 12. Leucas mar!z'¢zzkensz's.
  _ . l  6. Cayzium macu/alum. 13. Lycvperszkum esculenfum.
    7. Ga/evpsis Zadmmm  ). I;. Ma!n'can`a pan%cm`0z`a'es »