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§i;;,;·Q¢;;E` Iii    ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ·
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 i Kentuck A ncultural Ex enment Station .
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{  FOR THE YEAR |903
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  _`E' For the ur ose of earrvin on the work the Station is divided
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  into the following divisions:
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  Tjlis Division of Chemistr .
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  Division of Entomology and Botany.
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  Division of Agriculture.
  Division of Animal Husbandry.
 jg Division of Fertilizer Control Work.
  Division of Food Control Work.
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  · Besides the Station work ro ner the Station has char e of the
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  `—i.     enforcement of three State laws, namel :
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 Fi - The Fertilizer Law.
 iQ  The Pure Food Law.
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  V. The Nursery Inspection Law.
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  ,· During the year the general work of the Chemical Division,
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 s under the immediate eharge of Dr. Peter, and assisted by Mr.
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—    Averitt, has comprised the analyses of 620 samples classified as
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    follows :
    Wheat, for protein ............................... 107
  ‘ Sorghum cane juice .............................. 93
  { Sugar beets .................... ‘ ................. 40
._... .    gift 5 .