Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station ix 1
Cattle foods .................................... 4 i  
Butter, inichurn tests of cows ...................... 2 l
Sprayed cabbage and apples ....................... 10  {
Tobacco, tobacco stems and stalks ................... 15  
Mineral waters .................................. 53 gi 
Potable waters .................................. 9et y  
Soils ............. - ..... . ....................... 20 fw 
Limestone and marls ............................. 29 i‘ 
Clays and shales ................................. 53 4
Rocks, ores and minerals ......................... 18 p,
Coal and coke ................ . .................. 51 `  
Iron, steel and alloys ............................ 14 i i
Samples from other Stations . . ; ................... 5  ·l
Miscellaneous ................. . ................ 12 _ ,' 
—-.  Al
Total .................................... 620  
The analyses ol' wheat were made in connection with a series  
of experiments being carried out by Mr. Harper, the Agriculturist,  
at the Station Farm. upon the improvement ot the quality of wheat  
by the selection of seed, the object being to select those which con-  
tain the most protein. The analyses of the numerous samples se-  
lectcd from wheat ol eighteen varieties grown on the farm last year  
show that grains richest in protein can be distinguished with cer- i 
tainty by the appearance of the cross-section.  g
Besides the analyses enumerated above, a large nuinbcr of sam- l
ples of rocks, minerals, ores and other materials have been quali— . 
tatively examined for citizens of the State.  
ln addition tillsl samples of fertilizers were analyzed under the
direction ol Mr. Curtis, and in the Food Division Mr. LaBach has  
analyzell S I2 samples, including many nnoiiicial samples examined  
for comparison and in checking methods and results. This makes  
a grand total of ‘2,()l$:5 samples analyzed in the Station during  
the year.  