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T `WOhAN'S CLUB OF'FLENING COUHTY (Kentucky Federation of Uomen’s Clubs), c/0
_g Mrs. S. J. Rese,·517 Main Cross Street, Flemingsburg. Founded 1955.
g President, hrs. 5. J. Rose.· Telephone 52. Secretary, irs. J. S. Brown,
%Q Pumphrcy Ltreet, Flemingsburg. Telephone 215. Terms expire 1945,
gi Membership: 88. Open to socially representative women residing in Fleming
E; County, '
E, Committees: Welfare, hrs. Clarence Clary; Health, Mrs. Ray Orsburn;
E Legislative, hrs. Rosa Wallingford; Safety, hiss Sess Ross, all of Flemings~
Q burg.
g Purpose: The attainment of a higher plan; of life through broader culture,
Q free discussion and mutual helpfulness.
j formal Civie‘Activities; Assisted in welfare of the community by donating
{ to Rod Cross, Hospital, Health Department, Tuberculosis and Crippled
3 Children's fund. Cancer Fund.
Q Defense Activities: Engaged in, Red Cross Lssistanee. Interested in, Sewing
_; and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, First Aid, Preparation and Serving
fj of Food, Child Care, .Entertainment, Recreation, Collecting Books, Public `
{ Local Publications: Year Book.
I Society), c/o Mrs. L. A. McDonald, Flemingsburg. Founded 1875. President,
Y Hrs. L. A. McDonald, Telephone 16. Secretary, Hrs. V. V. Rhodes, Flemingburg,
Q, Telephone 187. Terms expire June, 1945.
Q Membership: 45. Qualifications, open to women meubers of the Christian
L Church. `
i Committees: None reported.
Q Purpose: To promote home and foreign missionary development.
( Normal Civic Activities: Sponsors of Christmas baskets for indigent persons.
T Defense Activities; Interested in, bewinp rnd Preparation of Surpieal
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f Dressings, ged Cross Assistance.
F Local Publications: Lone.