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t FLENIFC COUITY 4-H CLUB COUNCIL (State and National i—H Clubs Council},
l c/o James I. Stephens and Eula C. Collis, Fleninjsburg. Founded lf2Q.
t Advisors, James I. itephens, County Agricultural Agent, and Eula C. Collis,
c Home Demonstration Agent, Telephone 2lC. Terms indefinite.
Y lknbership: 700. Qualifications, open to rural boys and ;irls from lO to
W 20 years of ape. ~
Q County Leaders; 40 in various sections of Fleming County.
I Purpose: The study of agriculture and hone economics by rural boys and girls.
Stressin; tne production and preservation of food for health and Victory.
l; Normal Civic Ictivities: School beautification, promotion of all farm
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[ activities. `
Defense Activities: Interested in, Civilian Aircraft Warning ber ice, Lewing
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and rreparation of Surgical Dressings, birst Aid, Production, jreparation,
Preservation and Serving of Food, Collection cf icrap Detals, Entertainment,
g Recreation. Bond sales. All other farm and home~making activities.
l T, : -' A Y “ * 1 ] I —
{ Local iublications: sed Club news is reported tnroup; the two county
i newspapers.
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I ML£nINCSDJRC GdnDED LCdtCL PnRE:T~TEAC;La LbEObIATIC.(ctate and rational
Congresses of Parents and Teachers), c/o Irs. Samuel Tlanck, Flcninpsburg.
Founded lO25. President, Irs. Qanuel Ilanck, Telephone 578. iccrctery,
Hrs. Jack Grannis, Fleminpsburg. Terms expire Hay, l945.
Icmbcrship; 158. Qualiiications, open to reputable persons interested in
p school children's welfare.
Committees; Finance and Budget, Mrs. Eugene Davis, Flcrinpsburg.
Furposo; Troxotion of mutual goodwill between hone and school; child and
community welfare.
Eormal Civic Activities: Executing school lunch program, and planninp a
I community C&TGOD•
Defense Activities: Enpagcd in, Scwins and Preparation of burpical Dressings,
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, Red Cross Lssistancc. lntcrcstcc in, Preparation A20 Sclvin_ oi boot,
Operation of Cantcons, Fmaily Social Service in Industrial Areas.
I N, . L. .
; Local lublications: None.
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