;'inutes of the regular monthly m-iieeting of the Txecutive
 Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
 tucky for February 7, 1929.

     The -xecutive Committee of the Board of Trustees of th.,
University of Kent     .-uy ,et in the P'residents Off ice at the
University of Kntuclky on Thursday, February 7, 1029, at
11: 30 a. m.  The fol'loving memirbers were present: Judge R.
C. Stoll, Ar. Robert %rdon, Mr. H.. LI. Froman, tr. James P.-r.
;-eeting with thle Cominmittee were President I1cVey, 11r. Louis
Hilleemeyer, Wellin;ton Patrick, Secretary of the Board,
.1r. L. K. Frankel, iAr. J. J. Curtis and 7Ar, ..;. J. Crutcher.

     1. A-Prroval of the 1rinute-0.  The minutes of the previous
meeting of thd 2xecutive Committee were read and on m0otion,
cluly seconded, a2proved as published.

     2. Appointments.   The following aTpoointmients were on mo-
tion of President McVey aniproved:

    Mro Joseph K. Hall, temporary assistant in the library
for four months, February, March, April and Irlay, at a salary
of l100 a month.

     Mr. Harvey Cunov as assistant bacteriologist in the De-
oartment of Public Service Laboratories at a salary of pl4O
a month, effective February 1, 1929.

    Mr. Wesley R. Brooks, field agent in creamrr grading, at a
salary of "180O a year, effective February 21, 19294

    Mr. TV R. Ro-y, assistant chemist in the Experiment Station,
to be. increased from :"1.500 to 'tlB0O a year, effective "larch
1, 19294

    Mr. Paul ID. Gard, assistant in the Bureau of School Serv-in~ce,
for the year 1929-1930 at a salary of l1000 a year.

    iMr. B. T. Inmaln as assistant in the IDenrttment of Agri-
cultural. 2:ducetion at a salary of I60 a month.

    I.r. Jarimes D. Hutchinson as instructor in rmat lermatics for
the second semiester at a salary of 3750 a Y

    I.Miss IMargaret M!cLaughlin to be acting head of the  Depart-
:e^ient of Journalism for the second semester.