Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel
LEXINGTON. KY., NOV. 12. 1920


Phi Kappa Tau Installs
Chapter At University


No. 7

Students to Answer Cost
of Education Questionnaire

Department of Economics
Another Fraternity Enters TAU BETA PI PLEDGES Sirens, Whistles and Bells SENIOR STUDENT TO
Kentucky Initiation
Will Tabulate UnderSIX NEW MEMBERS
Announce Eleventh
November 5 and 6.
Delta Sigma Pi to Cooperate With
Kappa chapW of Phi Kappa Tau J. W. Crenshaw Chosen Honor
of the Junior
fraternity was formally Installed at
the University of Kentucky Friday and



Saturday, NoVember 5 and 6. The Initiation exercises began Friday and
were completed Saturday night with
ci banquet at the Phoenix hotel.
guests of honor were: Dr. E. E. Brandon, vice president of Miami University; R. K. Bbwers; M. M. Amerlne;
national officers, John Y. Brown, Delta Chapter, ;Cepe College and members of Theta chapter of Transylvania
The Phi Kappa Tau fraternity
was founded March 17, 1906 at Miami
University, Oxford, Ohio, the university known as the mother of fraternities. Phi Kappa Tau fraternity has
chapters at Ohio State University at
Columbus; Ohio University at Athens,
Ohio; Mount Union College, Alliance,
Ohio; Miami University, at Oxford,
Ohio; Illinois University, at Campaign, 111.; Coe College at Cedar
Rapids, Iowa; Centre College, Danville, Ky.; Transylvania College, Lexington, Ky.; Muhlenberg College at
Allentown, Penn. At a recent convention held at Indianapolis, Indiana,
charters were granted to locals petitioning from the University of Ken--


Continued on Page 5.



Honorary Agricultural Fraternity Chooses Men Making Best Grades.
Scovell chapter of Alpha Zeta, honfraternity held
pledging exercises In chapel today at
the fifth hour.
The qualifications for Alpha Zeta
are scholarship, leadership and character. The men chosen this time were
of the Junior and
from ithe
Senior classes, making the highest
grades. From this
having most ability as leaders were
Alpha Zeta was founded at Ohio
State University November 4, 1897,
and Scovell chapter founded November





8, 1912.

The members of (the active chapter
H. O. Sellards, Edward Johnson,
J. H. Atlerson, Oakley Brown, Hershel
J. Well and Clifton U. Jett.



Among the early arrivals for the
Home Coming celebrations was John
E. Brown '03, of Shelbyvllle, president
of the Alumni Association, and Mrs.
wn, who were planning to take
part In every phase of the entertainment,


Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering
fraternity, held its annual pledging
xerclses last Friday. This .fraternity
maintains high standards of scholarship Jn taking only the fourth of the
class that have measured up to the
throughout the three
years preceding. Last year R. E.
Dealtry, of Brazil, was chosen honor
man and will receive one hundred dollars in gold at graduation.
E. L. Baulch, R. E. Dealtry, F. D.
R. N. O'Hara,
Houston-Shaand Bishop Hines, com
pose the active chapter. J. W. Cren- ishaw pvas chosen honor man of the
Junior class this year, and the follow
ing men in the Senior class were
pledged: Emmett Shultz, Henderson;
Ell Zuckerman, Russia; Fred Luker,
Louisville; H. L. Thomson, Provi
dence; W. D. Thompson, Falmouth.


Account of Theta Sigma Phi
Installation Appears in
Official Magazine
By Marguerite McLaughlin

Sweet with the romance of our Old
Kentucky Home was the Initiation of
Phi Sigma, the University of Kentucky
journalistic club Into the national
order of Theta Sigma Phi. WJe received our honor guest and installation
officer, Harriet Dally, In the morning
and lunched at the cafeteria at noon
just to try to, make ourselves feel
like the day was an ordinary one and
keep down our feeling of superiority
over the rest of the mere mortals with
whom we hobnob daily from becoming
But honestly that was an
for our future
effort. Fortunately
standing we were able to fly the campus at an early hour. We motored to
Idlewlld, a beautiful rustic cottage on
the banks of the Kentucky river. The
day was perfect. It should have been of
course, for no other kind of day would
have suited or fit in the story. The
head of the Department of Journalism
had invited us to the annual journalism picnic and we accepted for ourselves and our guest.
We arrived at the river in the early
afternoon and swimming, rowing and
dancing at Cherry Lodge were our
main diversions until the picnic lunch,
after a round of yells, songs, and
"thank yous," we rowed across the
river to Idlewlld and were Initiated.
Continued, on Page 5.

"I believe in the United States of
America as a government of the peo
ple, by the people, for the people;
whose just powers are derived from
the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic, a sovereign nation
of many sovereign States; a perfect
union, one and inseparable, established
upon these principles of freedom,
equality, justice and humanity, for
which American patriots sacrificed
their lives and their fortunes. I
therefore believe It lis my duty to my
country to love it; to support Its constitution; to obey its laws; to. respect
its flag, and to defend it against all
Lexington Post No. 8, American
Legion requested every patriotic man,
woman and child to recite the American's creed given above at 11 a. m. on
November 11. Sirens, whistles and
bells announced the time of beginning.
The program given on the campus
of the University opened (with a review of the battalion. The review was
received by President McVey, Doctor
Sampey, Armistice Day speaker; Dean
Massie, Father Punch and all of the
men in the (University.
The remainder of the program follows:
"America" Band.
Prayer Dean Massie.
Reading of the names of University
men who lost .their lives in the World
"Old Kentucky Home" Band.
Introduction of Speaker Dr. McVey.
Address Doctor Sampey.
Father Punch
"Star Spangled Banner" Band.



Five men were pledged to Alpha
Delta Sigma at the meeting held in the
Journalism building, Wednesday at
the fifth hour.
Those to receive the honor were:
Fred Augsburg, Lexington, a member
of the 8 tan? of The Kernel and Ken- tuckian; Emmett Swisshelm a major
in the Department of Journalism and
a featuro writer of note; Dlllard Turf
of the Law Journal;
Gerald Griffin, sport editor of The
Kernel and H. B. Lloyd, business
manager of The Kernel.
Immediately following the ceremony
the men were entertained at luncheon
by the members of the active chapter.

From the Files of
51 Years Ago.
November 10. Frank Le Itond
Vey born, Washington, Ohio.


Progressive Business Men
of State.


Delta Sigma Pi the professional fra
ternity which will be installed in the
school of commerce of the University
soon, will give each year to a senior
majoring in economics, a gold key.
The one receiving the key will be
chosen with regard to his scholarship,
leadership and promise of future usefulness and need not to be a mem
ber of the fraternity. The members
of the faculty of the University school
of commerce will decide each year
who will receive the key.
This fraternity gives this key each
year In every college in which It has
chapter, This helps to stimulate
interest in the schools of commerce.
The chapter of Delta Sigma PI at
toKentucky is expected to
ward forwarding cooperation between
the students in the school of commerce
of this University and the progressive
business men of Lexington and the






A questionnaire, the purpose of
which is to gather facts which will
enable the Department of Economics
and Sociology to undertake a study
of the cost of living among the students of the University of Kentucky,
has been prepared by the department
and will be given to all students to fill
out next week.
This investigation of living expenses will be conducted by the class in
Statistical Method, which will also
compile the facts. It Is hoped that by
this means an accurate estimate of the
individual cost of an education In the
University of Kentucky may be obtained. The information is to be taken
by college, class and sex, with the aim
of finding out total and apportionate
No questionnaire is to be signed and
all individual information is ito be
strictly confidential. When each student receives his questionnaire, he is
asked to fill it out carefully and ac-- .
curately in order that accurate statistics may be compiled for catalogue
purposes and general information.
President MoVey has written a letter urging the 'students to fill out the
questionnaire accurately and

Twelve Men Are Charter
Members of "Triangle"
. Dean Gives Toast
Triangle Fraternity.
The Kentucky Engineers fraternity which was organized here last year
with itwelve charter members and one
honorary member, has been granted
membership as a chapter of the National Triangle fraternity.
After being recognized by the Council and
Senate of the University as a local
fraternity, it began to prepare a petition to the National Triangle fraternity. This was completed and accepted
In May, the votes of the active chapters and National Council being unanimously in favor of the petition.
The Installation of the Kentucky
Chapter was held Saturday night,
October 30, in .the ball room of the
Lafayette hotel, by two members from
each of the four active chapters, Purdue, Wisconsin, Illinois and Ohio
State. Speeches were made by F. N.
Schustedt of the University of Wisconsin, who is president of the National Organization; Walders, also of
Wisconsin; Bussy of Illinois; Finch
of Purdue, and D. V. Terrell of Kentucky
Dean F. Paul Anderson delivered a toast and extended his best
wishes to the new fraternity.
The Triangle Review, the official
organ of the National Fraternity,
speaks of the Kentucky chapter in the
Continued on Page 8.




Prexy Unable to Be Here;
Writes Greeting to
Committees on arrangements
the Home Coming celebration met
Monday evening at the Phoenix hotel
to make final plans for the entertainment of the alumni who are expected
to return ito Lexington to see the
The first event of the program will
be a dance Friday evening from 8 to
12 o'clock in the ball room of the
Lafayette hotel, to be followed on Saturday by; an old fashioned football
rally in the chapel at 11 o'clock, the
reunion luncheon at the Lafayette
hotel from 12 to 2 o'clock and finally
tho Homo Coming game.
Doctor CUcVey has sent the following letter of greetings to the alumni
of the University.
Dear Friends:
I am taking this opportunity of
welcoming you on the Home Coming Day to the University, and at
tho same time to tell you how
glad wo are that you are to, be
here with us.



Continued on Page



